Phosphorus is a mineral element that, together with calcium and vitamin D, is responsible for he althy and strong bones. Moreover, it is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. What other functions does phosphorus play in the body? What products are rich in this element? What are the consumption standards for phosphorus?
Phosphorusis a mineral element necessary for the proper functioning of the body. First of all, it is responsible for he althy and strong bones and teeth, but it also performs many other important functions in the body.
Phosphorus - role in the body
Phosphorus in the highest amounts (about 85%) is found in bones and teeth, therefore (together with calcium) it takes part in their mineralization, and thus is responsible for keeping them he althy and strong. The rest of this component is found in soft tissues and cell membranes, the structure of which also requires its presence.
In addition, phosphorus can be found in nucleic acids (DNA, RNA) that make up the genetic code, and therefore it is an important carrier of genetic information. This element also participates in the conduction of nerve stimuli, is involved in energy transformations and helps to maintain the acid-base balance in the body.
Phosphorus - deficiency symptoms and symptoms
Phosphorus is commonly found in food, therefore it is generally not deficient in the body. The deficiency of this element can occur in people who are malnourished, with malabsorption disorders, alcoholics, parenteral nutrition and long-term treatment of hyperacidity with aluminum hydroxide, which creates compounds with phosphorus that are not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.
This leads to weakening of muscles and bones, and even to osteomalacia, i.e. bone softening (also known as adult rickets). In addition, the body becomes less resistant to diseases.
CHECK>>Blood chemistry: phosphorus (P) - norms
The symptoms of phosphorus deficiency are weakness, muscle pain, bone pain, vomiting, breathing disorders and nervous system disorders, e.g. paralysis, paresthesia, disturbance of consciousness, confusion, nausea, convulsions. It is worth knowing that the absorption of phosphorus is much lower in grain products or legumes. Toincrease the absorption of phosphorus from these products, apply their appropriate treatment, e.g. soak the seeds of legumes in water before cooking or ferment the dough in the production of bread. Source: Food and Nutrition Institute (Nutrition standards for the Polish population - amendment) Increased demand for this element occurs primarily in children and adolescents (due to the period of intensive growth). An excess of phosphorus in the body can occur not only as a result of its excessive consumption (from food or in the form of supplements), but also as a result of kidney failure or the release of phosphorus from bones and cells. There are no data on chronic poisoning with forms of phosphorus found in food. The data from the Food and Nutrition Institute shows only that with high phosphorus consumption, soft tissue calcification and an increase in bone porosity may occur, although some scientists argue that excess phosphate in the diet can cause hyperactivity, autism and even schizophrenia in children. In addition, excess phosphorus may reduce the absorption of other minerals, such as zinc, magnesium, iron, copper and calcium. Remember that phosphorus improves calcium absorption, as long as the amount of phosphorus in your diet is close to the amount of calcium. If there is too much phosphorus, it causes leaching of calcium from the bones. It is worth knowing that vitamin D supports the absorption of phosphorus and calcium and in maintaining the balance between these two elements. The symptoms of excess phosphorus in the body are diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. A particularly rich source of phosphorus are rennet cheeses, buckwheat, canned fish and smoked fish eaten with bones. There is also no shortage of it in offal, meat, dark bread and eggs. It's good to know thatphosphorus in the form of phosphates (symbol E451 or E452) is used in food processing, e.g. processed cheese, some cold cuts, pastry, coca-cola drinks, bread, sausages, cheese, milk desserts, sweet breakfast cereals, yoghurts fruit, etc. Phosphates play the role of, inter alia, stabilizers and acidity regulators, as well as emulsifiers and antioxidants. Source: Kunachowicz H., Nadolna I., Przygoda B., Iwanow K .: Tables of composition and nutritional value of food. PZWL Medical Publishing, Warsaw 2005Phosphorus deficiency symptoms
See the gallery of 7 photosImportant
Phosphorus - dosage. Recommended daily phosphorus intake
Phosphorus - who has an increased demand?
Phosphorus - the effects and symptoms of excess
Phosphorus - products containing phosphorus
rennet cheeses and processed cheeses phosphorus content mg / 100 g of product
cheese, parmesan 810
cheese, tilsit fat 550
fat Edam cheese 523
cheese, fat gouda 516
cheese, Tilsit full fat 510
cheese, full-fat salami 501
cheese, hunting full fat 494
cheese, full-fat cheddar 487
cheese, ementaler full-fat 416
cheese, full-fat brie 380
"Feta" type cheese 360
cheese, rokpol full-fat 322
cheese, full-fat camembert 310
processed cheese, Edam 578
meat phosphorus content mg / 100 g of product fish phosphorus content mg / 100 g of product dairy products and eggs phosphorus content mg / 100 g of product
pork liver 362 sardines in oil 430 skimmed milk powder 1012
beef liver 358 herring, s alted 341 whole milk, powdered 765
chicken breast meat 240 pollock, fresh 280 lean curd cheese 240
turkey breast meat, skinless 238 sardine, fresh 270 sheep's milk 158
mutton, leg 213 salmon, fresh 266 natural yogurt, 2% fat 122
beef, sirloin 212 cod, smoked 262 whole chicken eggs 204
cereal products phosphorus content mg / 100 g of product nuts phosphorus content mg / 100 g of product seeds and grains phosphorus content mg / 100 g of product
wheat bran 1276 pistachio nuts 500 pumpkin, seeds 1170
buckwheat 459 almonds 454 blue poppy seed 1022
oatmeal 433 peanuts 385 sunflower seeds 784
barley flakes 332 hazelnuts 333 cocoa 16%, powder 666
whole grain rye bread 245 walnuts 332 sesame 342
vegetables phosphorus content mg / 100 g of product fruit phosphorus content mg / 100 g of product
soybeans, dry seeds 743 raisins, dried 129
white beans, dry seeds 437 apricots, dried 127
peas, dry seeds 388 figs, dried 122
red lentils, dry seeds 301 black currants 58
garlic 153 raspberries 33
horseradish 120 kiwi 32