Baking soda has many properties, which is why it has been widely used in medicine, cooking, cosmetics and more. It is best known as a baking powder replacement, and also as a home whitening method. How else can baking soda be used? Try out recipes that can be used in medicine, cooking and cosmetics.
Baking sodais a trade name for a chemical compound - sodium bicarbonate.Propertiesbaking soda discovered by the inhabitants of colonial America. The local bakers noticed that baking soda had fermenting properties and that it aids in baking the dough, thanks to which it quickly foundusein the kitchen. Besides, baking soda:
- is a slightly caustic substance, which contributes to its cleaning effect
- neutralizes acids
- absorbs odors
Treatment with baking soda. 10 healing properties of baking soda
Baking soda occurs naturally in mineral deposits, freshwater sediments and groundwater, as well as in the body, where it maintains an appropriate degree of acidity (pH) in the bloodstream. Baking soda is also found in our saliva, where it neutralizes the acids that weaken the teeth, and in the stomach, where it prevents the formation of ulcers. It also supports the respiratory process by carrying carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs, from where it can be excreted. Baking soda also has other he alth benefits.
1) cleanses the body of toxins
Modern phytotherapy recommends the use of baking soda to cleanse the body of toxins and normalize the pH in the body. Baking soda therapy (in the form of a liquid, solution) should be used regularly, however, and not longer than for a period of three weeks. It should also be remembered that in the case of high acidity of the body, soda and sugar should be taken simultaneously, i.e. a mixture in the form of glucose. fatty foods.
2) refreshes your breath and more
Baking soda helps get rid of morning bad breath, the smell of onion or garlic and other unpleasant odors fromparagraph To find out, you should pour about a teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water and rinse your mouth with this mixture. You can also add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to the mouthwash for an even more fresh feeling. This will be especially appreciated by people wearing orthodontic appliances. Baking soda can help get rid of bad smell not only from the mouth, but also from… plaster. To do this, put some baking soda inside the plaster cast and then blow the powder inside with a blow dryer.
We recommend: Baking soda and lemon juice mixture - he alth benefits
Worth knowingBaking soda and asthma
Research by Dutch scientists shows that injections of baking soda solution given to children with asthma relieve bronchial wall spasm and restore the effectiveness of asthma medications, and more. The administration of soda significantly reduced blood acidification and coma symptoms.
The study involved children admitted to a children's hospital in Rotterdam due to life-threatening asthma attacks.
Doctors emphasize that baking soda can be used as a supplementary method of therapy in those patients with asthma who need mechanical breathing support due to severe asthma attacks.
3) help in the fight against cystic fibrosis
People with cystic fibrosis have a more acidic airways than he althy people. It makes it difficult for them to fight bacteria .² According to research by scientists from the University of Iowa (USA). They found that the mutation in the CFTR protein leads to an acid reaction in the airways, making it difficult to fight infection. It is possible to combat it with baking soda, which has been proven in animal studies. Scientists gave the animals a regular solution of baking soda through the respiratory tract, which restored the proper reaction in the lungs and also caused the bacteria to be killed almost as effectively as in he althy animals. Due to the fact that the research is at a very early stage, scientists advise patients not to take soda inhalations on their own, as their effects on the body have not been fully investigated.
4) relieve a sore throat and runny nose
In natural medicine, baking soda has long been used to soothe a sore throat and runny nose. For this purpose, it can be used in several ways:
- inhalations - pour about 1 liter of boiling water into a bowl and add a tablespoon of baking soda. Cover your head with a towel and bend over the bowl. Remember to inhale air through your nose and breathe out through your mouth. Such a forminhalation has an anti-swelling effect and facilitates breathing in case of runny nose and cough. In the case of colds, it is worth using it at least once a day. The inhalation should last up to 10 minutes
- nasal drops (adult use only) - mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of water. Put one or two drops of the solution into each hole and you will quickly feel relieved by the rhinitis
- Gargle - Mix the baking soda, brown sugar and s alt in equal proportions and dissolve them in a glass of warm water. Rinse your throat with this mixture at least once a day
5) baking soda for heartburn and indigestion?
Baking soda is known as an antacid. Some believe that baking soda dissolved in water, combined with lemon juice or vinegar, is a proven way to combat heartburn. Unfortunately, this solution does not cure heartburn, but only temporarily "puts it to sleep". In case of heartburn, it is better to see a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate medications.
ImportantHave heartburn and want to take baking soda? Before that, be sure to read it
DO NOT take baking soda or other antacids by mouth when your stomach is full as you risk damaging it. Baking soda orally without a doctor's approval should not be taken by people on a sodium-restricted diet. Patients taking heart medications should not consume baking soda (and other antacids). Also, you shouldn't consume baking soda for more than two weeks.
6) baking soda for urinary tract infections
Adding baking soda to the bathtub while showering may provide relief from skin burning associated with urinary tract infections.
7) soothes insect bites
Baking soda will help soothe insect bites. Make a paste of baking soda (add enough water to the baking soda to make it a pasty consistency) and apply it to the stings of bees and other insects for immediate relief.
- Healing properties of vinegar. Recipes for potions with apple and wine vinegar
- Mango butter - care properties, use in cosmetics
- He althy cleaning agents: washing powders, liquids for washing floors, dishes, windows
8) Baking soda for burns
In natural medicine, baking soda is also used to soothe sunburn. To deal with the unpleasant effects of sunbathing, mix 1/4a cup of baking soda with 1/2 cup of cornstarch in a bathtub of lukewarm water and soak in this mixture for as long as you can stand. You can also apply a cloth dipped in ice water and baking soda to your skin. Thanks to this, you can reduce the risk of bubbles appearing.
9) Baking soda for diaper dermatitis
You can fight diaper dermatitis by washing your baby's bottom with baking soda dissolved in warm water (DO NOT use dry powder soda under any circumstances!). Baking soda soothes irritations and neutralizes the acid in the urine.
10) Baking soda for mouth ulcers
An effective treatment for aphthas (slight white lesions in the mouth) or cracked skin at the corners of the mouth is warm water with baking soda. Wash the affected areas with the solution 4 or 5 times a day with sterile gauze.
ImportantLemon with baking soda is NOT a cancer cure!
Some people say that a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda is a cancer cure. Proponents of this method of treating cancer argue that lemon has strong anti-cancer properties and can cure cancer, and if you add baking soda to it, it will work even better because the soda will normalize the body's pH. However, there is no scientific evidence that such a combination can cure cancer.
Baking soda - use in the kitchen
Some people associate baking soda primarily with baking. Baking soda makes the dough rise better, so it can be used as a substitute for baking powder (which is a mixture of baking soda with the addition of loose acid that activates the baking soda when it gets wet and / or heated). How to use baking soda to help make a cake? Quickly mix the batter and put it in the preheated oven right away so that no gases escape from the dough before baking.
This will be useful to youRecipe for Homemade Baking Powder
Baking powder out? Do it yourself at home. Just mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/2 cup of curdled milk. Another way - mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/2 teaspoon of vinegar or lemon juice, and 1/2 cup of sweetened milk.
Baking soda helps not only to increase bread and other baked goods. It also found another use in the kitchen.
- can make chocolate dough darker - add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to other loose ingredients. You can also keep the icing moist and prevent it from cracking by adding a pinch of baking soda to it beforespread over the dough
- helps to get rid of the unpleasant smell and aftertaste of fish - soak raw fish in a liter of water with two tablespoons of baking soda dissolved in it for at least half an hour. Rinse and dry the meat before cooking
- avoids weighing the boiled milk. To do this, add a pinch of baking soda to it
- makes pork chops more crunchy. To do this, add some baking soda to the fat on which the pork chop will be fried
- helps to get rid of the intense cauliflower smell - add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to the water while cooking the cauliflower. Thanks to this, you will get rid of not only the characteristic smell. The vegetable will also keep its snow-white color
- too much vinegar in red borscht or other dishes? A pinch of baking soda will help remove excess acidity
- helps to get rid of the onion or garlic smell from your hands - sprinkle baking soda on one hand, adding a little water to make a paste, then wash both hands with the paste. Then rinse your hands
How to check the freshness of baking soda?
Pour in some vinegar or lemon juice - just a few drops - to 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. If the mixture does not start to bubble strongly, the soda is too old. Gurgling proves the freshness of baking soda.
Baking soda - use in cosmetics
- homemade scrub - mix baking soda paste with face cleansing gel. You can also scrub by mixing baking soda and olive oil in equal proportions, creating a slightly thicker paste. Gently rub it on your skin, then rinse thoroughly
- natural antiperspirant - baking soda can be used instead of deodorant by rubbing it on the body. It does not contain any other chemicals, so it won't irritate the skin, even right after shaving. For a finer powder, mix baking soda with talcum powder
- you can use baking soda paste to smooth rough skin on your elbows
- whitening toothpaste - Baking soda has been used as a toothbrush for decades. Some argue that baking soda also helps restore whiteness to teeth. However, as experts argue, soda does not have oxidizing properties, and therefore has no whitening properties. Has abrasive properties - rubs the enamel
Baking soda - where does it come from?
Baking soda is made from a mining mineral called throne (snow soda), which is made up of half trisodium bicarbonate and half ofsodium carbonate. It is mined from great depths, and on the surface it is crushed, washed and heated to form sodium carbonate. After dissolving it in water and treating the liquid with carbon dioxide, crystals of trisodium bicarbonate precipitate, which then undergo a washing and drying process before being packed and prepared for sale.
- Note! Acid! Poisoning the body is one of the greatest challenges. Drink living water. Available on the Internet: [accessed on July 21, 2016]
- Cystic fibrosis acidifies the lungs, Available on the Internet:,390751,mukowiscydoza-zakwasza-pluca.html [accessed on July 21, 2016]
- Lansky V., Baking soda. 500 practical applications, Publisher: K.E.Liber, Warsaw 2008
- Baking soda soothes severe asthma attacks,

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