Standard alcohol detoxification looks like this: a doctor or nurse comes to your home. He's giving a drip, injections, or tablets. He leaves a business card, collects at least PLN 150 and says goodbye with a cordial "until next time".
Phone detox - how does it work?
You can call the telephone number provided in the press at any time. A visit is possible within 30 minutes even at 4 am. Warsaw is as always the most expensive.Alcohol detoxificationcosts 150-200 zlotys during the day, but prices rise sharply after midnight and reach even 400 zlotys. In Łódź, Poznań and Kraków, you have to pay about PLN 130-180 for a similar service. - The doctor will come at any time, we have an anesthesiologist, internist and even a surgeon. The choice is yours - says the person answering the calls in a pleasant voice. He explains that their company has been in the market for three years and they have never had any complaints. They only have, as he emphasizes, satisfied patients. However, he does not want to introduce himself. - For what? - he asks.
Detox - quick hangover removal
Detoxification is a quick way to get rid ofalcohol intoxication . Instead of bothering with it for a few - several hours, after just one and a half - two hours, we function without the patter of white gulls in our head, without stomach pains, with normal, daily perceptiveness and speed of reaction. The patient (the word here has a semi-joking dimension) is stuck a needle into a vein and given a drip. It usually contains glucose and saline, which replenish water and electrolyte deficiencies in the body caused by alcohol. Usually, the patient should also receive drugs that will alleviate the painful symptoms of abstinence - doctors then administer benzodiazepine derivatives.
ImportantHow to meet a good specialist?
If he talks to his family, thoroughly examines the sufferer, gives them drugs and directs them to a facility that deals with addiction psychotherapy, then we are in the right place. On the other hand, if at the threshold he asks where the patient is, takes out an IV, orders himself to pay and leaves, or when he offers to sew Esperal, we are dealing with an amateur interested only in taking money out of a sick person's pocket.
Warning - detoxification can be addictive
They should only be taken for a short time because they cancause the same addiction as alcohol. Those who are unfamiliar with it, and who detoxify for easy earnings, outsource it for weeks and then someone like that goes to a specialist not only with alcoholism, but also with drug addiction. - Sometimes I hear about conspiracies - says Dr. Bohdan T. Woronowicz from Akmed in Warsaw, a psychiatrist and addiction therapy specialist with 30 years of experience. - He comes in and makes a drip, even when it's not needed. There are those who arrange an IV for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow! Such a "specialist" makes no sense and unnecessarily gives them with the thought that each subsequent one will earn him 120 or 150 zlotys. Doctor Woronowicz emphasizes that the treatment of alcoholism is based on psychoanalysis: - But these are not hypnotic sessions, or God forbid , bioresonance.
Who benefits from detox?
Detoxification is mainly used by men - alcoholics. Women undergo such treatments only sporadically. - There used to be one in need for a few months, now it's a few women in a month - reports a lady from the Krakow medical agency. - Most calls are in the morning. It's ahangoverdelegation - says one of the detoxifying doctors. - People don't know how to say: "Thank you, I don't drink any more", they don't know when to stop. And the next day, from the morning, they have to think soberly. For them, detoxification is a quick resuscitation. Alcoholism is a disease of directors, CEOs and plumbers, but we do not see the latter at work - adds Krzysztof Pawłowski, a doctor. When the drinker begins to sober up, suffers and calls for help from anywhere, as long as it appears immediately. It does not matter whether someone works legally, is registered in the office, or earns extra money after hours, does not issue a bill and disappears after collecting money.
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