If you or someone close to you has an accident or suffers from the diseases listed below, you can find all the information and advice you need at these patient care association addresses.

AssociationHelp for the injured in road accidents and collisions
Warsaw ul. E.Ciołka 13 room 4 01-445 Warszawa
tel. 0 22 877-38-10, 0 22 877-38-11.
Local offices addresses on the website. http://www. alterego.org.pl/

Autistic People Assistance Association
80-365 Gdańsk, ul. Dąbrowszczaków 28,
e-mail: [email protected], http://www.spoa.org.pl/

Polish AssociationHelping Peoplewith Alzheimer's Disease
00-682 Warsaw ul.Hoża 54/1 tel / fax (0-22) 622-11-22,
e-mail: [email protected]

Association for Patient Aid withTurner Syndrome
ul. Korzeniowskiego 5/5; 02-049 Warszawa
tel / fax (0-22) 822-07-08
e-mail: [email protected]

GIST Patient Assistance Association
(gastrointestinal stromal tumor - mesenchymal tumors / sarcomas / gastrointestinal stromal)
01 652 Warsaw, ul. Potocka 14 telephone, (22) 832 21 03 DOORPHONE no. 8,
mobile 505 158 624,
e-mail: [email protected], http://www.gist.pl/

Association for Help for Children Sick with Biliary and Liver Diseases "LIVER"
30-611 KRAKÓW ul. Stojałowskiego 39/21
tel / fax (0048-12) 654-52-99 http://www.liver.pl/

Polish Association for Aid to People with Rett Syndrome
02-495 Warszawa, ul. 1-go Maja 3/10;
tel. (022) 667-43-05, e-mail [email protected]

Ogólnopolskie Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Chorym z HCV "Prometeusze"
correspondence address: President of the Board of Prometeuszy Jarosław Chojnacki
ul. Długa 7A / 4 58-309 Wałbrzych,
e-mail: [email protected], http://www.prometeusze.pl/

Polish Society for Aid to Myeloma Patients
ul. Kołobrzeska 50 p. 9 10-434 Olsztyn
office tel./fax +48 89 534 25 90 http://www.szpiczak.org.pl/
