Homeopathic treatment of allergies was known in antiquity. Even today, homeopathic medicines are successfully replacing traditional pharmaceuticals. Find out what homeopathic allergy treatment is all about and choose the best homeopathic remedies for you.
Homeopathic treatment of allergiesworks well for a large group of patients.Homeopathyis a form of alternative medicine based on 3 principles:
- like treats like. If your symptoms are similar to those of mercury poisoning, then mercury will be a homeopathic medicine.
- always use the minimum dose of medication.
- always use only onehomeopathic remedy(no matter how many allergy symptoms there are)
Homeopathic Allergy Treatment - Red Onion
Allium cepa(red onion) causes tears and a build up of a watery discharge in the nose. In this way, onions heal hay fever and other upper respiratory ailments. Allium cepa inhibits watery eyes and nasal discharge, soothes the feeling of biting and tickling in the throat and burning eyes. It also relieves laryngitis and ear pain. It inhibits frequent and violent sneezing.
Homeopathic Allergy Treatment - Firefly
Euphrasia , or firefly, is used to treat a runny nose accompanied by profuse tearing. Firefly is a proven homeopathic medicine, used in the case of profuse morning catarrh and the production of stinging tears. It is also used to treat conjunctivitis and photophobia.
Doctor Beata Antosik: homeopathic remedies are not a panacea for all diseases
Source: x-news.pl/Dzień Dobry TVN
ImportantThe use of homeopathy is inconsistent with Evidence Based Medicine (EBM). When choosing homeopathy, you cannot abandon conventional therapies for which there is reliable evidence for their safety and efficacy. Homeopathy should not be used, especially in the treatment of chronic, serious or potentially serious diseases.
Pharmacologist prof. David Colquhoun on homeopathy: There is nothing in these pills
Source: x-news.pl/Dzień Dobry TVN