Heliotherapy, i.e. treatment with the sun, works well in the case of many diseases. Psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and acne are diseases whose symptoms are perfectly alleviated by solar radiation. The sun also has a good effect on our nervous system - it reduces depression.
Heliotherapy( sun treatment ) has been used in the treatment of skin diseases for over100 years .
It turns out that safe tanning brings many advantages. We are thirsty for sun. And no wonder, because the average annual number of sunny hours (the so-called insolation) in Poland is approx. 1600. This means that during the day the sun appears on average for less than4.5 hours . For comparison: in some regions of Spain or Greece, the sun shines on average more than 8 hours a day, and in Egypt - even more than 10. Maybe this is the secret of the optimistic inhabitants of these countries?
We all experience the beneficial power of the sun - as soon as it comes out from behind the clouds, we feel a surge of energy, we are happier and happier. We relax faster and deal with stress better. But the perfect mood is not the only advantage of tanning. It has a positive effect on the entire body, and can also alleviate many ailments. That is why it is worth using spring and summer days for safe sunbathing - in this simple way you will take care of both your body and spirit.
Nobel worth of heliotherapy
The discovery of the benefits of heliotherapy is due to the Danish physician Niels Ryberg Finsen, who studied the use of light in medicine, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1903. He proposedsun treatment of skin diseases(including tuberculous lupus). He also discovered that rickets (a childhood disease caused by vitamin D deficiency) can be treated by sunbathing.
Currently, phototherapy (phototherapy) is used in the treatment of many ailments, and for irradiation mainly artificial sources of light radiation are used.
With sun therapy (heliotherapy) we can and usealone- on a clear day, just go for a walk or simply expose your face to the sun. It's best to do it every day forseveral minutes .
Heliotherapy - how safe from itto use?
For a positive effect on the body, tanning must be taken inreasonable doses . Otherwise, it may be harmful. Long exposure to the sun not only dries out the skin and significantly accelerates the formation of wrinkles, but can also aggravate the symptoms of certain diseases and become addictive (tanorexia).
The greatest danger, however, is melanoma - one of the most dangerous malignant neoplasms, difficult to treat and metastasizing quickly. And although the skin has defense mechanisms against excessive sun exposure (e.g. it produces melanin, i.e. a brown pigment), they may turn out to be insufficient. Ultraviolet also causesdamage to the DNA of skin cells , in addition, UVA radiation reduces the resistance in the skin, and these phenomena favor neoplastic changes.
So how to safely use the benefits of heliotherapy? It is best to go outside in the morning, until11 , and in the afternoon, after16 , because then the radiation is the least intense. Use creams withUVA and UVBfilters, which will additionally protect the skin. Goodsunglasses(buy them at an optician, not at a bazaar) are also essential - they will protect your eyes from too strong light that can damage your eyesight.
Advantages of heliotherapy
- Strengthens bones- under the influence of the sun, the skin produces vitamin D, which is necessary for the proper absorption of calcium and phosphorus from food. It is important for children because it protects them against rickets, and also for people of mature age, which protects them against osteoporosis. This vitamin is also necessary for the maintenance of immunity, the smooth functioning of the nervous system and skin regeneration. It can also protect women from breast cancer and men from prostate cancer.
- Relieves skin diseases- psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, mild acne are diseases whose changes on the skin, after safe sunbathing or therapy with specially selected UV rays, disappear, although usually it is it's a temporary effect. Remember that some skin conditions may get worse if you overexposure to the sun. In addition, solar radiation helps in the healing of wounds, purulent eruptions and dermatitis, as well as in the fight against pathogenic bacteria and fungi present on the skin.
- Accelerates the metabolism- the metabolism increases under the influence of the sun, which means that the body not only burns calories more easily, but also cleans itself of toxins more efficiently.
- Increases fertility- scientists confirm that couples who unsuccessfully try for a baby often achieve results in the summer, whensun is plentiful. It probably contributes to better cleansing the body of harmful metabolic products, as well as the production of more vitamin D. In the summer, libido also increases.
- Has a positive effect on the cardiovascular systema - just like exercise, the sun reduces the resting heart rate, improving its efficiency. It also normalizes blood pressure.
- Soothes joint pain- in this case, the therapeutic effect gives a slight heating of the body, because the heat reduces pain in muscles and joints.
- Regulates the biological rhythm- sunlight affects the proper functioning of the pineal gland - a gland in the brain from which melatonin is released (called the sleep hormone), which is responsible for regulating the circadian rhythm (sleep and wake). The pineal gland's secretory activity follows the daily rhythm of changes in lighting - if there is an abundance of light, it stops producing melatonin during the day (which is why we are full of energy all day long), and it begins to release it only when it gets dark. It is for this reason that we rarely have trouble sleeping during the sunny summer.
- Helps heal depression- under the influence of the sun, the body produces serotonin - a hormone that improves mood, regulates appetite and sleep. For this reason, phototherapy is used, for example, in the treatment of diseases such as seasonal depression, and with great effectiveness.
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Heliotherapy - contraindications
- You are taking medications- they can increase your sensitivity to UV radiation (it is easier then to discoloration and burn the skin). This is how they work, among others some antibiotics, sedatives, medications for high blood pressure, diabetes, birth control pills, and herbs (e.g. St. John's wort).
- You have light skin- it contains little protective melanin, which is why people with fair skin are most at risk of burns (increasing the risk of developing cancer!).
- You got herpes- relapses are favored by excessive overheating, because it lowers the body's immunity, and the herpes virus is waiting for that moment.
- You have birthmarks- they are very prone to neoplastic changes, and exposure to the sun increases this risk.
- You are pregnant- hormonal changes during this time increase the sensitivity of the skin and increase the production of melanocytes (melanin-producing cells), which in turn causesdiscoloration.
- You have varicose veins- sunbathing causes expansion of blood vessels andit makes blood circulation lazy, which helps keep it in the veins.
UV radiation is used in the treatment of selected dermatological diseases (such as psoriasis) and certain allergic diseases (atopic dermatitis). Such diseases also respond favorably to solar radiation. It has been known for years that in the summer, psoriasis lesions soften, which is associated with increased exposure to the sun. The same is true for the symptoms of atopic dermatitis. A good healing effect has a combination of ultraviolet action with sea baths. This does not mean, however, that you should enjoy the sun with impunity. As much as possible, sunbathing is advisable, but taking into account the usual rules of safe sunbathing, so as not to cause skin burns.
The article was published in the monthly "Zdrowie"