Does vitamin C cure cancer? Can Intravenous Vitamin C Infusions Cure Tumors? Proponents of vitamin C therapy argue that it is an effective cancer drug, and when administered intravenously, it can destroy any type of cancer. However, some scientists warn that vitamin C therapy may, in some cases, be harmful instead of helping. Find out if vitamin C treatment for cancer is effective.
Does Vitamin C Cure Cancer ? CouldIntravenous Vitamin CInfusions Cure Tumors? This question has come back regularly since the 1970s, when the anti-cancer properties of vitamin C began to be investigated. Recently, vitamin C in the treatment of cancer got loud in 2014, when scientists from Boston (USA) published the results of their research in the journal Science Translational Medicine. research on cancer therapy with this vitamin.
They described them as impressive - so much so that they called on the US government to immediately fund further tests and studies on a large group of patients. Their aspirations are cooled not only by oncologists, but also by other researchers who have tested the anti-cancer properties of vitamin C. The latter have established that in patients with certain types of cancer, treatment with vitamin C may be harmful instead of helping.
Does vitamin C cure cancer?
So far, there have been several experimental trials to see if vitamin C cures cancer. None of them confirm thatvitamin Ctherapy works and does not warrant its treatment as a cancer treatment. Most of the trials were performed in mice or in vitro. Vitamin C tested in a laboratory cannot be expected to have the same effect in humans.
In turn, studies that were carried out with the participation of people, are based on too few people and one cannot draw too far-reaching conclusions on their basis that if they worked on these few people, they will work for everyone. Such research has little scientific value.
An example of such research are those of Boston scientists, carried out on cancer cells in the laboratory, on sick mice, and on only 22 patients with one type of cancer - ovarian cancer in an advanced stage.
They show that large doses of vitamin Ccombined with chemotherapy, they not only stop the progression of cancer in the body, but very often lead to the accelerated death of cancer cells. In their opinion, the best method of supporting oncological treatment for patients isintravenous infusions of vitamin C(specifically the oxidized form of vitamin C, i.e. dehydroascorbic acid), because thanks to them it worked quickly and reached the places where it is present. the most necessary. However, even in the immediate vicinity of cancerous cells, cells do not die. Their condition does not deteriorate either. Oral administration of vitamin C does not produce similar effects in therapy.
None of the numerous experimental studies supports the treatment of vitamin C as an anti-cancer drug.
The researchers in Boston are not the first to show thatvitamin Cgivenintravenouslycan help cancer patients. According to specialists from the National Cancer Institute, numerous laboratory studies have shown that high doses of vitamin C administered intravenously can slow the growth and spread of cells of various types of cancer.
According to an expertprof. dr hab. Jacek Jassem, Head of the Department and Clinic of Oncology and Radiotherapy, GUMThe concept of using vitamin C in the treatment of neoplastic diseases appeared in the 1970s. A number of experimental studies and a few small studies in humans have been carried out to test this theory. None of them provide grounds for treating this substance as an anti-cancer drug. The US Medicines and Food Agency qualifies vitamin C as a dietary supplement, but sees no role for it in the treatment of cancer or other diseases. In Poland, vitamin C is promoted by people who have nothing to do with medicine. This is preying on human naivety and is purely commercial. The opinion of oncologists on this matter is unambiguous. Therefore, I would warn patients against believing in their assurances about the effectiveness of this form of treatment, and especially against giving up oncological treatment. I think that the fashion for vitamin C will pass in some time - this was the case with all "miraculous" methods, the so-called alternative medicine - with Tołpa's preparation, kerosene, herbs from Peru and China, etc. It's a pity that each of them left behind a lot of unnecessary human misfortunes.
Vitamin C can harm patients with certain cancers
There is one more reason why cancer patients should not use vitamin C therapy. Some researchers have found that when administered intravenously to patients with sometypes of cancer, it may reduce the effectiveness of chemotherapy and, consequently, lead to the further development of neoplastic disease.
Vitamin C administered intravenously in some cancer patients may reduce the effectiveness of chemotherapy and, consequently, lead to further tumor development.
Such conclusions were reached by scientists from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston (USA), who showed in vivo studies that vitamin C inhibits the anti-cancer effect of an oncological drug called bortezomib². Mice implanted with human lymphoma and multiple myeloma cells treated with the combination of vitamin C and bortezomib had more tumor growths than mice treated with bortezomib alone. This effect was observed even when administered orally, vitamin C (40 mg / kg / day) to animals. This suggests that cancer patients who use bortezomib should avoid vitamin C supplementation.
Adverse effects of vitamin C therapy were also noticed by scientists from Duke University Medical Center in Durham (USA) in patients with melanoma in stage IV (ie one that already metastasizes) ³. Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis (USA) in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML).
Abandoning the inpatient oncological treatment and opting for alternative methods of cancer treatment may have dire consequences.
Polish patients also learn about the negative effects of vitamin C therapy in oncological disease. A person with the pseudonym "hejkumgejkum", who used vitamin C in accordance with the guidelines contained in Jerzy Zięba's book, told about his case on the website
I applied a book treatment. 2 months of sodium ascorbate infusions from Germany. 80 grams 3 times a week. In addition, Lugol's solution 50 mg a day. Diet. Today I did the results. It's worse than it was. Cancer has greatly accelerated. There are 3 new tumors and the old ones have grown. Let it be a warning to others. Everything looks nice when you read it (not only in Mr. Jerzy's book but also in other sources) - in practice, however, it does not work.
The principles of the anti-cancer diet - see VIDEO
ImportantIntravenous vitamin C infusions in Poland - don't be fooled!
There are many swindlers who argue that vitamin C is a cure for cancer. In their opinion, it is not widely used in oncological therapy due to a conspiracy of pharmaceutical companies (they cannot - legally - patent products naturally occurring innature, including vitamins). There are even numerous pseudo-clinics that feed on human misfortune and offer intravenous infusions of vitamin C. The price for one drip often reaches even PLN 500.
Jerzy Zięba: "Vitamin C is not a cure for cancer"
Source:ń Dobry TVN