We all have bad mouthfeel from time to time. Usually passes quickly. A long-lasting unpleasant taste in the mouth can be a harbinger of various ailments, for example: tonsillitis, uremia, gallstones and gastric reflux.

UnpleasantA taste in the mouthaccompanies some diseases. It is sometimes associated with bad breath. It is worth knowing what sour or s alty-sour aftertaste in the mouth means and what the symptom is a metallic aftertaste.

We recommend: The aftertaste in the mouth - metallic, sweet, strange - what does it mean?

A bad taste in the mouth may indicate inflammation of the tonsils

The taste of blue cheese may indicate inflammation of the tonsils. But it's also a fairly common symptom of sinusitis. The aftertaste of mold appears when the bacteria break down the proteins present in the mucus that moisturize the airways. Chronic tonsillitis is accompanied by a slight sore throat. With sinusitis, you don't have to get a headache, and the symptom of malfunctioning sinusitis is a thick, yellow, clogging runny nose.

Our tip: Rinse mouth with dental fluid, chew gum or mint leaves, suck on mint candies, chew on coffee beans. However, there is no need to visit an ENT specialist. If necessary, a CT scan of the sinuses is performed, and it is necessary to take medications, possibly even antibiotics.

Stomach and duodenal ulcers give a sour taste in the mouth

Permanent sour aftertaste may mean stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer. They are accompanied by heartburn, belching and burning sensation in the esophagus. The same manifests itself in excessive production of gastric acid - hyperacidity.

Our advice: Go on an easily digestible diet for a few days. If it helps, it's a sign that you are suffering from hyperacidity. You need a doctor's advice on nutrition and alkalizing agents. If not, it could be stomach ulcers, which are often caused byHelicobacter pylori . You can detect the bacteria with a home test (you can buy it at a pharmacy). Until you explain what's wrong with you, do not take any medications, such as painkillers, hastily.

S alty-sour aftertaste may be a symptom of uremia

One of the symptoms of uremia (kidney failure) is s alty and sour disgust. It is accompanied by agitation, nausea, arrhythmias. The most common cause of uremia are parenchyma-destroying diseaseskidney disease, less frequently impeding the outflow of urine, or vascular changes deteriorating blood supply to the kidneys.

Our advice: Do not delay your visit to the doctor, specialist treatment is needed to protect against progressive kidney damage.

A bitter taste in the mouth may be a symptom of gallstone disease

The taste of bitterness is unpleasant for people with gall bladder stones. The same sensations accompany poisoning with benzopyrene, i.e. substances produced during unskillful grilling. A harmless bitter taste in the mouth will also appear when our diet contains too much sugar, white rice, fat, coffee or black tea. It is caused by the accumulation in the blood of the so-called acidic (not bitter) metabolic residues.

Our advice: If you are sure a bad diet is causing the bitter aftertaste, change it. See a doctor when the problem persists. You will likely need to do various tests, including Abdominal ultrasound.

The bitter-sour taste in the mouth is the result of gastric reflux

The bitter-sour taste in the mouth is the result of gastric juices flowing back into the esophagus, i.e. reflux. It is related to the malfunction of the esophageal sphincter. Along with disgust, there is pain in the so-called fovea and shortness of breath, which is sometimes mistaken for coronary pain.

Our advice: See your doctor as soon as possible to find out what's wrong with you. You may need surgery. It is usually performed laparoscopically. If an operation cannot be performed, for example because the patient cannot be anesthetized, medicines will be given to reduce the amount of acid produced in your stomach. They should be taken permanently.

The taste of metal accompanies chrome poisoning

The aftertaste of metal can mean chromium poisoning or … pregnancy. It is also felt by people with high levels of potassium in their blood, but this occurs together with tingling in the arms and legs. If it is accompanied by dry mouth and white coating on the tongue, it is possible to suspect candidal stomatitis. A metallic taste is also present in the case of digestive system ailments caused by malabsorption and the use of drugs that dissolve gallstones.

Our advice: Go to the doctor - he will order a series of tests, possibly an ultrasound or X-ray of the abdominal cavity using contrast.


Take care of fresh breath

A bad taste in the mouth does not have to be accompanied by bad breath. But just in case, take care of proper oral hygiene. Carefully brush your teeth at least twice a day and remove tongue deposits. Rinse your mouth with dental fluid or infusion in the morning and eveningherbs, e.g. mint, sage. Visit your dentist regularly to professionally clean your teeth from plaque and calculus (some are enough once a year, others should do it more often).

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