Rinsing the mouth with oil - coconut, rapeseed, sunflower and others - is a natural medicine way to detoxify the body, but not only. Oil sucking is also a method of preventing certain diseases, such as, incl. ischemic heart disease, arthritis or ulcers. The condition of the oral cavity affects the entire body. Check out how to rinse your mouth with oil to improve your he alth.
Oil mouth rinsing (sucking oil)is derived from Ayurvedic medicine and has been used for many generations to improve he alth. The condition of the oral cavity affects the condition of the whole organism. It has been shown that many serious diseases begin with adverse changes in the mouth. For example, people who struggle with periodontal disease or gum disease are at risk of developing ischemic heart disease, heart attack or stroke. Periodontal disease is also associated with loss of bone density and increased insulin resistance. In addition, it has been proven that diseases of the teeth and oral cavity are associated with arthritis, they affect the development of infections of the lungs and bronchi, the digestive system (including ulcers) and the nervous system. Also, joint and back pain, kidney and liver ailments can be related to oral germs. They are also dangerous for pregnant women - the risk of premature birth is many times higher in pregnant women with poor dental he alth than in other women expecting a baby.
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In alternative medicine, theoil rinse is the solution to these problems .Effectsof this method is the release of heavy metals and other harmful compounds from the body, and thus - a better condition of the body. People who have used this method say that it helps with many he alth problems, such as sinusitis, hemorrhoids, constipation, eczema, chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, migraine and back pain. It should be noted, however, that rinsing your mouth with oil will not work as a medicine. Thanks to this method, you can remove germs from the oral cavity - when rinsing the mouth, the oil extracts bacteria and other microorganisms from between the teeth and gum tissue, which then remain through itabsorbed. As a consequence, the immune system is relieved, which improves overall he alth. This process may only alleviate your he alth problems, but not all of them. On the other hand, some effect of rinsing the mouth with oil is whiter teeth, he althier gums, fresher breath. 1. Take 2-3 teaspoons (1 teaspoon=5 ml) of the selected vegetable oil into your mouth. Three teaspoons (i.e. 1 tablespoon) is too much for many people, so usually 2 teaspoons are enough. Remember that there must still be room in the mouth for the saliva to discharge. 2. Close your mouth and rinse your teeth, gums and all corners of your mouth with the oil. As saliva builds up in your mouth, you may find that there is not enough space. Then spit out the oil and take another teaspoon in your mouth, or spit out only part of it and keep rinsing.How longshould beoil rinsing ? The entire procedure should take 15-20 minutes. During this time, you can do other activities, e.g. read the newspaper, take a shower. 3. If you start choking while rinsing your mouth with oil, spit the oil out. Then drink the water and start over. Add a few drops of cinnamon or mint oil to the oil - it will taste better. Oil mouth rinsing is also intended for pregnant and lactating women and children, but those from the age of 5. In the case of the youngest, the entire procedure takes from 3 to 5 minutes 4. After about 20 minutes, spit out the oil. After rinsing your mouth, the oil will turn white as thousands of tiny air bubbles mix the oil with your saliva. This only applies to those oils that are very light in color or are colorless. If you rinse your mouth with dark yellow oil (e.g. corn) or dark green oil (e.g. olive oil), you will not get a white liquid but a yellowish or greenish one, no matter how long you rinse your mouth with the oil. 5. Rinse your mouth with water. 6. If mucus builds up on the back of the throat while gargling, clear the throat after spitting the oil. 7. The procedure should be performed prophylactically at least once a day, preferablyin the morning - before breakfast. However, if you are struggling with oral infections or he alth problems, it is recommended to repeat the treatment 2-3 times a day. 8. Sucking in oil is not a substitute for brushing your teeth, so don't forget to brush your teeth every day. Don't rinse your throat with oil! Remember that this method only rinses the teeth, gums and the corners of the mouth with the oil. When doing this, be careful not to let the oil get into the throat as this may lead to ingestion, which is not beneficial. The oil contains bacteria and toxins that certainly should not be in the stomach. But don't worry - swallowing a little oil shouldn't do much harm. The gag reflex that can occur after swallowing the oil is a more problematic. It forces you to spit out all the oil and even vomit. To increase the benefits of an oil mouth rinse, follow the principles of a comprehensive treatment program: Oil mouth rinsing - which oil to choose? You can rinse your mouth with coconut, rapeseed, sunflower, linseed or sesame oil. However, the former is most often recommended. Some people suggest that you should choose only cold-pressed or organic oils for rinsing, and opt out of refined oils. However, the former do not have better properties - when it comes to this therapy - than refined oils, so you can use both for suction. Source: x-news.pl/Dzień Dobry TVN Bibliography: Fife B.,Oil mouth rinsing. Detoxification and healing of the body through the mouth , transl. Bochenek K, ed. Vital, Białystok 2014Oil rinsing - how to properly do it?
How to increase the benefits of an oil mouth rinse?
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