Beta-carotene, or provitamin A, is a compound that not only accelerates tanning. Beta-carotene ensures the proper functioning of the eyesight, strengthens immunity, and also supports the treatment of acne and delays the appearance of wrinkles. Check what action beta-carotene has and in which products it can be found.
Beta-caroteneis a compound belonging to the groupcarotenoids(orange, red and yellow plant pigments), which plays a very important role in the body. Beta-carotene isprovitaminvitaminsA , the substance from which the human body (with the help of liver enzymes and unsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for the absorption of beta-carotene) produces vitamin A.
Beta-carotene and tanning
Beta-carotene is most famous for supporting tanning. Part of this vegetable dye is stored in the skin, so you can enjoy sun-kissed skin for longer. Moreover, beta-carotene is an additional "sunscreen" which reduces the sensitivity to UV radiation and thus the risk of skin burns (but it does not mean that it can replace a sunscreen cream!). In addition, provitamin A protects against the formation of stains and discoloration of the skin, which are often the result of tanning. Therefore, it is recommended to drink freshly squeezed carrot juice (which is one of the richest sources of beta-carotene) 2-3 times a week, at least 14 days before sunbathing.
Beta-carotene and lung cancer and other cancers
Beta-carotene - like all carotenoids - is an antioxidant, which means that it inhibits harmful oxidative processes, and thus - can prevent the development of cancer. It has been proven that the consumption of carotenoids can reduce the incidence of cancers such as cancer of the mouth, larynx, esophagus and bladder. Some scientists have argued that beta-carotene can also protect against lung cancer, so they suggested that smokers take it in increased doses. However, it was later found that increased consumption of beta-carotene by smokers may increase (but only minimally), not reduce the risk of developing lung cancer. This is the result of a study published in "The New EnglandJournal of Medicine ". Therefore, beta-carotene supplementation is not recommended for smokers. This is why the packaging of provitamin A preparations contains a warning:" People who smoke should consult a doctor before using beta-carotene preparations. "
ImportantBe careful with the amount of beta-carotene you consume. With prolonged use of higher doses, the skin may turn slightly yellow (so-called carotenoderma or harmless carrot jaundice). Fortunately, it is a reversible process - it is enough to discontinue preparations containing provitamin A.
Beta-carotene can prevent heart disease
Beta-carotene lowers the level of bad cholesterol. Thus, it prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the walls of the arteries, and thus - prevents atherosclerosis, and further heart disease, such as a heart attack or stroke. This has been scientifically proven. According to W alter Willett, a professor at the Department of Epidemiology and Nutrition at Harvard University, one carrot a day (which is a storehouse of beta-carotene) lowers bad cholesterol levels to such an extent that it reduces the risk of a heart attack by 30 percent. and a stroke by 70%.
Beta-carotene supports the functioning of the eyesight
Beta-carotene ensures the proper functioning of the eyesight, especially at dusk. Vitamin A, into which beta-carotene is converted, is a component of the visual pigment found in the retina of the eye, which allows you to see in twilight.
In addition, beta-carotene reduces the risk of macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in old age. It is also proven that it can inhibit the development of xerophthalmia (dry eye syndrome) and prevent damage to the lens and the formation of cataracts.
Beta-carotene - where is it found? Sources of beta-carotene in food
Beta-carotene is found not only in carrots. It can also be found in other orange as well as yellow and red vegetables and fruits, such as: pumpkin, peaches, apricots, tomatoes, peppers, oranges, and even in green vegetables, incl. in broccoli, green beans, spinach, lettuce, in which the color of carotene is dominated by a green dye - chlorophyll.
vegetables | beta-carotene content mg / 100 g of product | fruit | beta-carotene content mg / 100 g of product |
carrot | 9938 | dried apricots | 7842 |
kale | 5350 | apricots | 1523 |
parsley, leaves | 4510 | melon | 1100 |
spinach | 4243 | pitted plums, dried | 925 |
chard | 4020 | peach | 595 |
sorrel | 3848 | plums | 295 |
chives | 3400 | cherries | 240 |
pumpkin | 2974 | watermelon | 230 |
garden fennel | 2100 | gooseberry | 160 |
chicory | 1586 | orange | 114 |
lettuce | 1153 | nectarine | 103 |
broccoli | 920 | mandarins | 97 |
rennet and matured cheeses | beta-carotene content mg / 100 g of product |
Cheese, rokpol full fat | 391 |
Cheese, full-fat cheddar | 286 |
Cheese, Tilsit full fat | 262 |
Cheese, full-fat ementaler | 223 |
Cheese, full fat brie | 122 |
Cheese, full-fat salami | 215 |
Cheese, gouda fat | 207 |
Fat Edam cheese | 201 |
Fat Tilsit cheese | 195 |
Cheese, hunting full-fat | 161 |
Cheese, Parmesan | 107 |
Cheese, full-fat camembert | 99 |
"Feta" type cheese | 60 |
meat | beta-carotene content mg / 100 g of product | dairy products and eggs | beta-carotene content mg / 100 g of product |
beef liver | 950 | cream, 30% fat | 187 |
liver sausage | 394 | natural cheese from the "Fromage" type | 174 |
calf liver | 160 | whole milk, powdered | 149 |
chicken liver | 21 | UHT milk, 3.2% fat | 26 |
pork liver | 11 | natural yogurt, 2% fat | 13 |
pork kidneys | 8 | chicken egg yolk | 29 |
nuts | beta-carotene content mg / 100 g of product | seeds and grains | beta-carotene content mg / 100 g of product | fats | beta-carotene content mg / 100 g of product |
pistachio nuts | 140 | pumpkin, seeds | 228 | extra butter | 380 |
walnuts | 48 | sunflower seeds | 30 | dairy fat spread (formerly cream butter) | 336 |
hazelnuts | 30 | cocoa 16%, powder | 12 | mixed vegetable and animal fat, 60% fat | 278 |

Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreImportantBeta-carotene in pregnancy
Beta-carotene is a precursor of vitamin A, the excess of which during pregnancy may contribute to the development of fetal defects. As a result, many mothers-to-be ask themselves if they can take beta-carotene without worrying about their baby's he alth.
The body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A in the amount it needs at the moment, without leading to dangerous excesses of this compound. Thereforebeta-carotene overdosedoes not lead to an overdose of vitamin A. Consuming foods rich in beta-carotene during pregnancy is not dangerous for the child's development. What's more, it is highly recommended, because the demand for this ingredient increases at that time.
However, before taking vitamin preparations containing beta-carotene (like all other medications and dietary supplements), consult your doctor.
According to an expertBarbara Grzechocińska, MD, PhD, obstetrician gynecologist, assistant professor at the 1st Department and Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Medical University of WarsawBeta carotene in pregnancy
Hello, I'm 4-5 weeks pregnant. I know that you should be careful with vitamin A in pregnancy, because it can cause fetal defects. For a month now, she has been drinking 2 glasses of freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juice (carrots, kale, apples, celery) on an empty stomach every day. I thought that beta carotene, i.e. provitamin A, was safe, that by eating colorful vegetables containing carotenoids, we would not get poisoned because the body produces vitamin A from beta-carotene in the amount that is needed at the moment, and the rest is excreted. However, I came across opinions that the consumption of carrots should be limited in the first trimester, as it may endanger the development of the fetus. I am very worried if I did not hurt the embryo. Please answer and dispel minedoubts.
Dr. Barbara Grzechocińska, MD, PhD, gynecologist, obstetrician: To my knowledge, you are right. Beta carotene is converted in the liver into vitamin A in the amount that the body needs. There is no possibility of an overdose of vitamin A when eating vegetables. During pregnancy, the demand for beta carotene, among other things, has many beneficial effects, including it strengthens the immune system and is an antioxidant.
Beta-carotene - use in cosmetics
Beta-carotene has rejuvenating properties as it stimulates the production of collagen fibers, the loss of which causes wrinkles. In addition, it rebuilds these damaged fibers. In addition, it protects againstphotoaging of the skin,that is premature skin aging (as well as defects and damage) caused by the negative influence of solar radiation.
Beta-carotene also supports the care of acne-prone skin, as it normalizes the work of sebaceous glands, and thus - reduces the risk of pimples.
Provitamin A can also be used to care for the scalp and hair (seborrhea, alopecia areata).