Ginseng is a herb whose he alth properties have been used in traditional Far Eastern medicine for over 4,000 years. Ginseng is known there as a panacea for almost all ailments. It is certainly specific for potency, memory and a strong heart, as proven by modern researchers. However, not everyone can find out about it. There is a long list of contraindications to the use of ginseng.
He alth benefits of ginseng
Ginsengowes its he alth properties to the content of many uniqueactive substances(there are about 200 of them) that cannot be found in any other plant. The most important active substance in ginseng root is the so-calledginsenosides . They work by increasing the ability of hemoglobin to attach oxygen, and thus better supply the organs with oxygen. As a consequence, the amount of energy and the body's ability to exercise, both physically and mentally, increases.
Ginsenosides also stimulate the immune system - they increase resistance to infections and accelerate the recovery period. In addition, ginseng roots contain, among others :
- sugars,
- vitamins,
- minerals,
- trace elements,
which also have a positive effect on the human body.We recommend: Ginseng infusion - what helps?
Types of ginseng
There are severaltypesginseng:
- Chinese- otherwise known as ginseng, also known as ginseng or omelette (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer), it is found in the mountain forests of East Asia;
- Korean(Korean Panax ginseng), otherwise known as red ginseng, which is also found in the mountain forests of East Asia;
- American(Panax quinquefolius) growing in the eastern and central parts of the USA and Canada;
- Siberian(Eleutherococcus senticosus);
- Japanese(Panax japonicum) found in Japan, India and southern China.
Ginseng for a strong heart and diabetes
Ginseng stimulates the work of the heart, lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, increases the HDL fraction of cholesterol (i.e. the "good" cholesterol),worksanticoagulantandreduces blood sugarin the blood, which - according to some authors - is an argument for using ginseng preparations as an adjunct in the treatment of diabetes . By affecting the adrenal gland, preparations made of this material may be important as a factor regulating insulin production.
Ginseng for potency
Ginseng increases the libido of both men and women, and also helps with erectile dysfunction. Ginsenosides contained in ginseng increase the release of nitric oxide in the body, which helps to relax blood vessels, causing an increased flow of blood to the penis. According to scientists from the Asian Medical Center in Seoul, the root of this plant improved erection in approx. 60 percent. men with ED who took part in their experiment. However, such action is shown only byKorean red ginseng- the researchers note.
Ginseng for fatigue
Ginseng is recommended in periods of reduced immunity, people exhausted by excessive work, illnesses, convalescents after surgery and wasting diseases, and the elderly. Regularly usedenergizes , increases intellectual and physical abilities and resistance to stress. It delays the aging process of the body, alleviates the symptoms of menopause and andropause, which allows you to stay active until late years. In addition, it improves the functioning of the immune system.
Ginseng for athletes
Research shows that ginseng extract facilitates the consumption of oxygen in the body's cells, which lowers the blood level oflactic acid . Lactic acid is responsible for the appearance of muscle pains. It appears in the blood during intense exercise, when the available oxygen is too small to meet the needs of the cells. In athletes who regularly consumed ginseng, lactic acid levels were twice as low.
Ginseng by heart
Ginsenosides contained in ginsengimprove memoryandlearning abilityandconcentrationboth in people with memory impairment, as well as in people without such problems. Therefore, it is recommended in the case of reduced mental performance and loss of concentration.
ImportantGinseng - dosage. Side effects of ginseng
Ginseng has a beneficial effect when taken in the right dose and for a specific period of time. However, overuse of ginseng preparations can lead to the so-calledginseng syndromeo. It appears:
- sleepy,
- with painsheads,
- feeling sick,
- hypertension,
- diarrhea,
- skin lesions.
The daily dose (taken in the morning) of the dried root should be0.5-2.0 g . The treatment should not exceed2 months.According to Chinese medicine, young and he althy people can use the treatment twice a year -in spring and autumn .
However, in some people, even taking ginseng preparations in therapeutic doses may sometimes cause diarrhea, vomiting, insomnia, rarely estrogenic effects in postmenopausal women and breast tenderness. After the occurrence of these symptoms, seek medical advice, reduce the dosage or discontinue the preparation containing ginseng.
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreGinseng - contraindications
- People with high blood pressure or heart disease who would like to take preparations containing ginseng should consultdoctorbeforehand, as this herb can raise blood pressure.
- Ginseng has an anticoagulant effect, therefore it should not be used by people suffering from hemophilia and other blood clotting disorders.
- You should not take ginseng supplements in the evening, as they can cause insomnia.
- Ginseng lowers sugar levels, so it is not recommended for people prone to hypoglycemia.
- It should not be administered to children, pregnant women and nursing mothers, because the safety of using ginseng preparations in pregnant women, as well as the penetration of active compounds of ginseng into the milk of a nursing mother and their impact on the child's body do not have been established so far.
- Ginseng must not be taken together withwarfarin(a drug used to prevent and treat deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism).
- Ginseng should not be used in case of a feverish illness or symptoms of inflammation.
- Ginseng should not be taken together with other herbs that stimulate the body, especially the spine.
- When taking ginseng, you should restrictdrinking coffee .