Tomato juice is a proven method, among others. for slimming and relieving hangover symptoms. It strengthens the immune system and lowers cholesterol, as well as regulates digestion and supports the work of the eyes. Tomato juice has many he alth and nutritional benefits while being low in calories. Therefore, it is worth using it regularly.
Tomato juiceis a juice whose properties and nutritional values have been discovered relatively recently. Tomato juice was first prepared in 1917 in Indiana (USA). His pioneer is Louis Perrin, who ran out of orange juice and made tomato juice instead.
It gained popularity thanks to Chicago businessmen who used tomato juice in Bloody Mary or Michelad cocktails. It was not until the mid-1920s that it began to appear on the US market.
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Tomato juice is made by grinding the flesh of fresh, ripe tomatoes. Then the pips and skins are separated and pasteurized. Occasionally, the juice may contain s alt, citric acid, and a sweetener. In the United States, tomato juice is obtained from tomato passata.
Tomato juice - for weight loss and more
- Thanks to the low amount of calories and high content of vitamins and minerals, tomato juice is perfect for the diet of people who are slimming
- Lycopene in tomato juice is responsible for its anti-inflammatory properties, protects against nipple, prostate, colon and lung cancer and prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis
- is a source of lutein and beta carotene, thanks to which the juice protects the eye - protects against macular degeneration and cataracts
- thanks to the presence of vitamin C and vitamin A, it has a beneficial effect on the immune system
The properties of tomato juice are mainly due to the presence of a large amount of lycopene (9037 µg / 100 g) and beta carotene (270 µg / 100g) as well as vitamins and minerals, mainly vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamins B6 and potassium.
- thanks to the contentvitamin B6 and potassium lowers blood cholesterol, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease, lowers blood pressure
- thanks to the vitamin B2 content, it has a soothing effect in migraine headaches
- has a positive effect on the digestive system, supports digestion, regulates the work of the intestines
Tomato juice containsmore lycopene than fresh tomatoesbecause heat treatment increases its concentration and antioxidant properties.
- thanks to the content of vitamin K and calcium, it has a positive effect on the skeletal system, strengthens the bone tissue and accelerates its regeneration
- vitamin C contained in tomato juice has a positive effect on the skin, as it participates in the formation of collagen that conditions skin firmness
- vitamin A improves the condition of the hair: it makes it shiny and strong, it also delays the appearance of wrinkles
Tomato juice - nutritional values, calories (per 100 g)
Caloric value - 17.0 kcal Protein - 0.85 g Fat - 0.29 g
- saturated fatty acids - 0.019 g - monounsaturated fatty acids - 0.005 g - polyunsaturated fatty acids - 0.027 g
Cholesterol - 0.0 mg Carbohydrates - 3.53 g Fiber - 0.4 g
Minerals(% of RDA for an adult)
Phosphorus - 19.0 mg (3%) Potassium - 217.0 mg (6%) Sodium - 10.0 mg (0.67%) Calcium - 10.0 mg (1%) Iron - 0 , 39 mg (4%) Magnesium - 11.0 mg (3%) Zinc - 0.11 mg (1%) Copper - 0.04 mg (4%) Selenium - 0.5 µg (0.9%)
Vitamin B1 - 0.1 mg (8%) Vitamin B2 - 0.078 mg (6%) Niacin - 0.673 mg (4%) Vitamin B6 - 0.07 mg (5%) Vitamin B12 - 0.0 µg (0%) Folates - 20 µg (5%) Vitamin C - 70.1 mg (78%) Vitamin A - 23.0 µg (3%) Vitamin E - 0.32 mg (3%) Vitamin K - 2 .3 µg (4%)
USDA Nutritional Value,% Recommended Daily Allowance: Nutrition Standards, IŻŻ Amendment, 2022
Why is it worth drinking tomato juice?
Tomato juice - use in the kitchen
Tomato juice is most often consumed as a drink, but it is also used in the kitchen as an addition to soups and sauces.
It can also be a base for preparing cocktails: Bloody Mary and Bloody Caesar. In Canada and Mexico, tomato juice is combined with beer to make a concoction called Calgary Red-Eye and Cerveza Preparada, respectively.
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreTomato juice - how to buy a good quality one?
When choosing tomato juice, it is worth paying attention to the method of production and the composition of the juice. The best choice is the juice obtained fromfresh tomatoes , but most of the juices available on the market are made from concentrated tomato juice, so read the labels. Another aspect that should be noted is the addition of s alt and its amount. It's best to choose the one without the addition of s alt.
Tomato juice - contraindications
Tomato juice is not recommended for people who are allergic to tomatoes. They may experience difficulty breathing, swelling of the tongue or throat.
We recommend: Food allergy: causes, symptoms, treatment
Tomato juice should not be consumed by people with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and heartburn. Its consumption may aggravate the symptoms of the disease.
Homemade tomato juice - recipe
Buying good quality tomato juice is relatively difficult, so you should prepare it yourself at home, which is very easy and does not require many ingredients. The main ingredient in tomato juice is tomatoes, but you can add a little pepper, chili or basil to enhance the flavor.
Tomato juice can be prepared in several ways: using a juicer or a blender. It is possible to make juice without the use of devices, all you need is a pot and a strainer.
First wash the tomatoes, remove the core, cut into quarters, put them in the pot andsimmerfor about 30 minutes until the tomatoes are tender.
Then press the vegetables through a sieve to separate the pieces of flesh from the juice. You can add spices to the juice obtained in this way, and bring it to a boil.
Tomato juice can be refrigerated in closed bottles or preserved or frozen.
About the authorMarzena Masna, dietitian SOS Diet, dietary catering, WarsawA graduate of dietetics at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. She gained professional experience in dietary clinics, the Nursery Complex of the Capital City of Warsaw and Warsaw hospitals for adults and children. She constantly deepens her knowledge by participating in conferences on proper nutrition, as well as diet-prevention and diet therapy of diseases. Currently, a dietitian at SOS Diet, dietary catering, where he deals with nutritional advice for clients, creating recipes, preparing the menu and supervising the quality of meals.