How To Eat Garlic To Cure Flu And Colds? Preferably every day. Regular consumption of garlic strengthens the immune system, and thus accelerates the process of removing pathogenic microorganisms from the body. However, how many cloves of garlic can you eat a day to heal yourself? What kind of garlic is best for the flu and colds? Find out how to cure the flu with garlic.
To cure flu and colds ,garlicyou shouldeatregularly. Then the sulfur compounds present in garlic will systematically fight microorganisms and mobilize white blood cells to defend the body against other viruses and bacteria. However, do not overdo it with its amount, because then side effects may appear. Consuming garlic in large amounts can cause gas or gas. Moreover, it may cause irritation of the liver and gastrointestinal mucosa.
But ATTENTION! After being heat-treated, garlic loses its bactericidal properties (it only retains its antifungal properties), so avoid cooking it. It is not recommended to fry garlic, as it also loses most of its healing properties.
We recommend: Black garlic - properties, application. Natural antibiotic and superfood
How To Eat Garlic To Cure Flu And Colds?
2-3 cloves of raw garlic a day are enough to help the body fight the infection. To get the most from the he alth benefits of garlic, which has similar properties to penicillin, crush it 10 minutes before eating it. During crushing, cell membranes open, which release allinase - an enzyme under the influence of which compounds with antibiotic activity are formed. Of these, allicin and thiosulfinate are the most active. It is these substances that weaken viruses responsible for colds, i.e. rhinoviruses and coronaviruses, as well as influenza viruses. When crushing garlic, another active ingredient is released - ajoene, which helps lymphocytes fight the viruses that cause the infection.
What kind of garlic is effective against the flu and colds?
It is best to reach for garlic, which is found in the wild in Poland, i.e. bear, green, snake, Siberian garlic. It is suspected thatGarlic imported, e.g. from China, may be less effective.
To neutralize the unpleasant smell of garlic, you can chew it with green parsley, fresh mint, celery, thyme or eat with a glass of red wine.
Who shouldn't eat garlic?
Breastfeeding women who did not eat garlic during pregnancy and their babies in utero have not got used to its aroma, they should avoid it, because the smell may penetrate into the milk and discourage the baby from suckling the breast. Garlic is also not recommended for people with acute and chronic gastroenteritis.
Diabetes, especially people prone to hypoglycaemia (too low sugar levels) should exercise particular caution. People who use insulin by injection should consult a diabetologist before using garlic.
Pregnant women should consume a limited amount of it.
Garlic syrup for colds - RECIPE
Modern phytotherapy recommends usinggarlic syrupnot only for adults, but also for children. This natural antibiotic is said to be more effective than the onion syrup commonly used in colds.
How to make garlic syrup? Crush a few cloves of garlic and mix them with the juice of two lemons. Add half a glass of boiled, cool water to the resulting mass. Then strain through a strainer. The ready-made garlic syrup should be given to the child to drink one teaspoon three times a day.