Diuretic herbs stimulate urine secretion, cleanse the body of toxins, reduce swelling, and help in the treatment of urinary tract diseases. Which herbs have a proven diuretic effect? Who, when and how can diuretic herbs be used? Are you sure they are safe for children and pregnant women? What are the contraindications and side effects?
Diuretic herbs increase urine secretion, which has a beneficial effect in relieving many ailments. Diuretic herbs are commonly believed to cleanse the kidneys and urinary tract - true, but diuretic herbs are also invaluable in the prevention and treatment of many other ailments.
Most diuretic herbs also have other properties - they have antibacterial and antispasmodic properties, support immunity, and remove toxins together with urine without washing away electrolytes from the body. They are recommended not only by people involved in herbal medicine, but even by doctors, often writing them down as a supplement to basic therapy.
It is worth remembering, however, that despite their valuable properties in the case of serious diseases, diuretic herbs may turn out to be too weak and, when used as the only therapy, may lead to an exacerbation of the disease.
Diuretic herbs: what they help
Diuretic herbs are most often used in the case of:
- kidney disease (supportive),
- helpful in cystitis, kidney stones, inflammation of the urinary tract.
- treatment of edema of various origins,
- while losing weight - some of them accelerate metabolism, others cleanse the body of toxins,
- water retention in the body as a result of hormonal disorders,
- for hypertension.
Diuretic herbs: are they safe?
The properties of diuretic herbs have been known for centuries. It is known that many of them are much safer than prescription synthetic diuretics because they are much milder than them. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that diuretic herbs - like all other herbs - should be used skillfully, especially if medications are taken with them.
They can interact with them, disrupt their operation and, as a result, delay recovery orcause unpleasant side effects. Overdosing on diuretic herbs can be dangerous to your he alth as it can dehydrate your body and decrease blood volume. Therefore, when using them, follow the recommendations on the label or on the packaging, or follow the information from your doctor.
Diuretic herbs: the best diuretic herbs
The list of diuretic herbs has several dozen items, but not all of them are equally effective and safe. The best diuretic herbs are:
- Leaves of warty birch. They are rich, among others into flavonoids, vitamin C, organic acids, saponins, triterpene compounds. They are used in the form of infusions and decoctions, which have a diuretic effect, disinfect the urinary tract, as an aid in kidney failure, urolithiasis and reduced excretion of uric acid. To obtain an infusion of birch leaves, pour a tablespoon of the leaves with a glass of water and infuse for a quarter of an hour, covered. Birch sap is also used as a diuretic, which also helps flush sand out of the kidneys.
- Nettle leaves and roots .Nettle has many valuable properties, the diuretic effect is one of them. Nettle leaves contain many vitamins and minerals, flavonoids, organic acids, and the roots - incl. lipid compounds, lecithin, silica. Nettle leaves can be brewed as a tea or added to a salad.
- Horsetail herb .Usually associated with strengthening the hair and improving the condition of the skin, hardly anyone knows that horsetail has a diuretic effect. Rich in flavonoids, minerals, saponins, organic acids, vitamin C, tannins. You can drink it as an infusion or decoction.
- Golden herb. It contains flavonoids, saponins, diterpene compounds, polysaccharides, and mineral s alts. It not only has a diuretic, but also an antiseptic effect, it also improves immunity. Goldenrod is used to treat diseases of the urinary system - inflammation of the renal pelvis, ureters and urinary retention. You can drink it as an infusion, decoction or prepare a goldenrod tincture.
- Juniper fruit .Contains volatile oils, flavonoids, tannins, resins, organic acids, minerals. Juniper fruit extract is used, among others, in in inflammation of the urinary tract. You can drink it as an infusion or prepare a tincture that counteracts urinary tract infections.
- Dandelion (i.e. the popular dandelion). Both the dandelion root and its leaves have a diuretic effect - rich in flavonoids, minerals, vitamin C, and sesquiterpene compounds. The diuretic effect has bothdandelion flower infusion, as well as dandelion root decoction, and even dandelion root wine. Dandelion leaves can also be added to salads.
- Black lilac. Its flowers are rich in a number of substances with a healing effect, including large amounts of flavonoids, phenolic acids, organic acids, and minerals. In turn, elderberries contain glycosides, sugars, vitamin C, B vitamins, and mineral s alts. Both the elderberry flowers and the fruit have a diuretic effect. You can make a decoction or infusion of both, and the fruit also produces elderberry juice, which, apart from its diuretic properties, also acts as an effective remedy for colds and strengthens the body.
- Parsley. Its roots and fruits contain essential oils, flavonoids, phytosterols and mineral s alts. Both the roots and fruit, as well as their preserves, have a diuretic effect, disinfect the urinary tract and prevent the formation of stones in the kidneys.
- Lovage. The lovage root contains essential oil, organic acids, resins, and mineral s alts. It is a popular ingredient in mixtures for bladder diseases and chronic inflammations of the urinary tract. It can also be drunk as an infusion or decoction.
Diuretic herbs available in pharmacies, herbal shops or he alth food stores are sold in the form of sachets, capsules or even ready-made juices or decoctions.
Knowing what they look like and where they grow, you can also collect them yourself, and even grow them on the windowsill or in your home garden.
In this case, however, it should be remembered that certain species of herbs must be harvested in a specific way and at a certain time - otherwise they may lose their valuable properties.
Diuretic herbs for pregnant women and children
Can pregnant women use diuretic herbs? And can children also drink them? Contrary to appearances, these questions are not unfounded: urinary tract infections and edema are common problems of pregnant women, while children often suffer from cystitis and urinary tract inflammation. However, not all diuretic herbs are suitable for pregnant women and children. Currently, the safest are birch leaves and nettle (the latter is also considered safe for breastfeeding women), but it is worth taking into account the fact that the recommendations in this regard change from time to time, which results, among others, from with new discoveries in the field of herbal medicine. That is why it is worth asking the doctor in charge of the pregnancy or - in the case of children - the pediatrician.
Vegetables and fruits with a diuretic effectDiuretic properties have not only herbs, but alsovegetables and fruits, which - like herbs - stimulate the production of urine, support the kidneys, clean the urinary system, and at the same time do not flush out electrolytes from the body.
In this case, it should also be remembered that they can only be used as an adjunct in the treatment of urinary tract ailments - but they cannot replace proper therapy.
The most valuable diuretic fruits include watermelons rich in water, as well as gooseberries, blueberries, pears, strawberries, wild strawberries and cranberries.
In turn, vegetables with a diuretic effect are primarily eggplant, horseradish (often recommended for kidney stones), celery, tomatoes, dill, cucumbers, carrots, lettuce, onions, asparagus.