Drink a glass of red wine with dinner if you want to have a he althy heart, a clear mind, and keep your youth as long as possible. If a prescription was required to buy red wine, the doctor might have written it with a clear conscience! Where do the he alth benefits of red wine come from?

Until recently, we were cautious about theproperties of theof this drink, appreciating its taste and cheering qualities rather than its healing qualities. And while it was said thatred winehad a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and the heart, we were not entirely sure if this was true.

A breakthrough in the approach to the impact of wine on he alth took place only at the beginning of the 90s of the last century. Scientists wondered why the French from the Bordeaux region die fromheart diseasethe rarest in the world. Research has shown that the French owe their he alth to a love of red wine, which they drink regularly but in small amounts.

What's in red wine?

Red wine has ten times more antioxidants than white wine. These compounds fight free radicals responsible for cell aging. Valuable polyphenols are found mainly in the seeds, skin and stalks of grapes. And red wines are made from whole grapes, skin, stones and stems. White wines are made from the juice itself, and the peel and pips are removed from the fruit at the start of the process. The polyphenol content depends on the grape variety, the growing region and the techniques used to make the wine. In this respect, French wines from Burgundy (see box) are unrivaled.

Wine is also rich in potassium, magnesium and calcium. Some species (e.g. Medoc) provide well-absorbed iron, organic acids (malic, tartaric and acetylsalicylic), amino acids and soluble fiber.

Red wine beneficial for the heart and stomach

Flavonoids contained in red wine protect against atherosclerosis and blood clots. They prevent the oxidation of bad LDL cholesterol, also ensuring that platelets do not stick together, and prevent the formation of blood clots and stroke. Powerful antioxidants (resveratrol and quercetin) protect DNA and destroy free radicals responsible for coronary artery disease. Resveratrol is also found in the squeezed red juicegrapes, but there is three times less than wine. Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) contained in wine thins the blood. However, let's not treat wine as a way to avoid atherosclerosis. It is not a substitute for a he althy diet! Remember to eat a lot of raw vegetables, seafood and sea fish, less meat and its preserves, and replace animal fats with vegetable ones. Polyphenols lower blood pressure, preventing heart attacks.

Red wine is also our ally in the treatment of hypertension due to the high content of potassium, which regulates blood pressure. Wine, like any alcohol, dilates the vessels: it increases the diameter of the coronary arteries, nourishing the heart better and reducing the risk of organ ischemia. Alcohol works by counteracting vasoconstriction, preventing heart palpitations that often occur from stress.

Thanks to the tannin content, wine is conducive to the proper functioning of the digestive system. When drunk with meals, it increases salivation and the production of digestive enzymes, and improves the blood supply to the system. As a result, the nutrients reach the blood faster. Some substances in wine (e.g. cinnamic acid) promote the secretion of bile, which speeds up the digestion of fats. Gentle irritation of the stomach wall with small doses of alcohol increases resistance to digestive acids. Wine also reduces the risk of developing gallstones.

For the wine to protect you from diseases:

  • drink them regularly, but not more than 1-2 lights a day. Drinking more at one time, e.g. once a week, not only will it not help, it will damage the pancreas and liver, it also impairs the absorption of vitamin D, and thus the absorption of calcium, which leads to osteoporosis.
  • give up wine if you notice that you cannot function normally without it or you drink more and more of it,
  • Do not drink wine if you are pregnant or nursing, have diabetes, liver and pancreas, have migraines or have asthma. Wine should also be avoided by allergy sufferers, because it can cause allergies.

Red wine fights infections, prolongs youth

Flavonoids, by destroying free radicals, strengthen the body's immune system and prevent infections. The polyphenolic compounds contained in wine, which are released during fermentation, have a bactericidal effect. Hence the custom of serving wine with dinner, especially for hard-to-digest dishes.

There is also more and more talk about the antiviral effect of red wine. Studies have shown that nonsmokers and wine drinkers are much less likely to get the flu than non-smoker abstainers. The antioxidants contained in wine counteractaging skin. By dealing with free radicals, they help to prolong its youthful appearance: moisturize, nourish, strengthen and smooth it. According to the latest research, red wine can protect against hearing damage.

Antioxidants fight free radicals that damage the cells in the middle ear that make us hear. Polyphenols delay changes progressing with age, and can also inhibit hearing loss caused by excessive noise.


In ancient Greece, wine was considered a panacea. Both white, pink and red were used, seasoning them appropriately. Wine with milk, beetroot and boiled cucumbers was given for diarrhea; with juniper and turnip - for strengthening; with myrtle - in female diseases. Hippocrates did not recommend it to children, pregnant women, and in the case of migraines, dizziness and epilepsy.

Which to choose

It would be best if the wine label says how many antioxidants it is. Before this happens, let's use the table of polyphenols in wines of the world's leading producers (they are determined according to the concentration of resveratrol):

Burgundy 4.39 mg / l
Bordeaux 3.89 mg / l
Beaujolais 2.88 mg / l
Canada: Avg. 3.16 mg / l

United States:
Oregon 4.3 mg / l
California 1.47 mg / l

Australia:Wed 1.47 mg / l

Italy : Wed 1.76 mg / l

Spain and Portugal:Wed 1.64 mg / l

(Source: Frank Jones, "Protect Your Heart")

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