Natural remedies for gallbladder pain will not replace conventional treatment, but in some cases they can be an effective support for such therapy. Which natural home remedies for gallbladder pain are effective, who can use them and in what situations, and who should give them up?

Pain in the gallbladder (gallbladder) can be unbearable and then requires urgent medical attention - in case of severe pain, lie down, put a warm hot water bottle on your stomach, and if the pain persists, call an ambulance.
Natural, home remedies for gallbladder paincan be used when the pain occurs sporadically, e.g. after eating too fatty foods, it is not particularly troublesome and is rather a symptom of indigestion - and the doctor has ruled out the risk of gallstones (their existence may be suspected when a sudden epigastric pain radiating to the chest occurs due to the so-called biliary colic), acute cholecystitis or other causes that may lead to serious he alth problems. This is important because when stones form in the gallbladder, herbs can be harmful if used unattended.
The use of herbs for the gallbladder should also be consulted with a doctor if you are taking regular medications, e.g. anticoagulants, as some herbs can interact with them, causing bleeding.
Low-fat diet
It allows you to reduce the risk of deposits in the gallbladder, and therefore minimize the risk of pain in this area. The daily menu should be based on low-fat, high-carbohydrate foods.
Therefore, you should give up fatty meat and fish, egg yolks, fatty, fried dishes, cakes with cream, fast-food dishes, spicy spices, etc. Whole grain products (bread, pasta), groats , vegetables.
You should eat 5-6 smaller meals a day, at regular times. Foods should be steamed, baked, boiled or stewed.
Herbs for the gallbladder
Some herbs can also help with mild indigestion-induced pain in the gallbladder - but remember that they will not be effectivewhen stones are already formed in the follicle (in this case, the doctor's intervention is necessary).
Among the herbs that can support the work of the gallbladder, the Javan turmeric rhizome is usually mentioned first. The substances contained in it, curcuminoids (including curcumin) stimulate the secretion of bile, they also have a positive effect on the contractility of the gallbladder, which in turn prevents the formation of gallstones.
In the case of intermittent gallbladder pain, it is also worth using herbs that support bile production, such as peppermint, St. John's wort, artichoke, celandine, and shanties. These herbs, in addition to the fact that they have a choleretic and choleretic effect, also have a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the digestive system.
Smoke herb is also an effective herb in the case of gallbladder ailments. It has the so-called amphocholeretic properties, which means that in the case of bile deficiency, it increases its production, and in the case of its excess - inhibits it.
It also has cholecystokinetic properties, i.e. it stimulates the process of emptying the gallbladder and facilitates the flow of bile into the duodenum. Its use is recommended by the Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC) and ESCOP (European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy) when it is necessary to increase the flow of bile and relieve the feeling of fullness, bloating and even pain in the bladder area. caused by indigestion.
Father Klimuszko's mixture for gallstone disease
Supporters of natural methods of treatment eagerly use the recipes of father Andrzej Czesław Klimuszko - among those he created, there is also a recipe for a mixture of herbs for gallstone disease. Ingredients:
50 g each
- Helichrysum inflorescence
- bird knotweed herb
- bean leaf
- St. John's wort
- mint
- yarrow
- celandine
- dandelion
- buckthorn bark
- perzu
- scratcher
Herbs need to be mixed and then brewed just before consumption (a tablespoon of herbs per glass of boiling water) and drunk three times a day for a glass before a meal for nine days. An element of this treatment is also olive oil mixed with lemon juice - a tablespoon of such a mixture must be drunk daily before going to bed for the entire duration of the herbal treatment.
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