The healing properties of burdock have been used in natural medicine for years. It is used in medicine and in cosmetology, especially in the burdock root, which supports digestion, treats diabetes, and soothes rheumatic pains. On the other hand, burdock oil (from burdock root) is an antidote to hair loss. Check what else the burdock has to do.
The healing properties of burdockhave been used in natural medicine for years.The use ofin medicine, as well as in cosmetics, is mainly found in the burdock root. It is harvested in late autumn or very early spring, and after washing and drying, the coarser pieces are cut and dried in a drying room heated to 50 degrees Celsius. Modern phytotherapy also recommends preserves from the leaves of this plant. In the past, folk medicine also used purple burdock flowers covered with hooked scales. Currently, they are best known for sticking to clothing, which is why they are commonly called Velcro. On the other hand, the entire plant was once called by the inhabitants of the village "grandfather". In turn, in China, a burdock is called a niubang, and in Japan - a gobo.
Burdock for digestion
Burdock increases the production of gastric juice, as well as bile in the liver and digestive enzymes in the pancreas, and improves their flow to the duodenum. As a result, the burdock facilitates digestion and assimilation of food. Fresh burdock root decoctions and juice are used internally in mild catarrh of the digestive tract, liver and bile ducts.
Diabetic burdock
In herbal medicine, burdock was used as a blood sugar lowering agent in diabetics. The burdock owes its anti-diabetic properties to two compounds. The first is inulin - a substance that transforms into fructose in the body that is well tolerated by diabetics. Inulin helps to normalize blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetes and to reduce insulin resistance. Other studies show that arctic acid is responsible for the antidiabetic effect, which probably increases the secretion of insulin by the pancreas, which is a process disturbed in diabetes.
This will be useful to youBurdock root decoction -recipe
Put 2-3 tablespoons of crushed root into a small pot, add 2 cups of warm water and heat to boiling. Cook slowly, covered, 3 minutes. Set aside for 15 minutes and strain. Drink 1 / 3-1 / 2 cups 2-3 times a day after eating in mild catarrhs of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and bile ducts and in metabolic diseases. The same decoction can be used externally for compresses and washes in seborrhea and other skin diseases.
The recipe comes from:Ożarowski A., Jaroniewski W., Medicinal plants and their practical application, Publishing Institute of Trade Unions, Warsaw 1987
Burdock has a diuretic effect, removes toxins from the body
Burdock root juice has a diuretic effect, improves the removal of harmful substances and unnecessary metabolic products from the body. Additionally, it has a diaphoretic effect. Therefore, modern phytotherapy uses it as an aid in the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract and in some metabolic disorders, especially during puberty. People who want to cleanse the body of toxins should also include burdock juice in their diet.
Burdock for rheumatic pains
Polish doctor and botanist Syreniusz recommended burdock as a remedy for fractures and sprains, because "applying the root to the root, relieves pain". Modern researchers have found that burdock contains lignans that reduce inflammation and therefore pain. Therefore, decoctions and juice from fresh burdock root are recommended in pain, especially rheumatic ailments.
This will be useful to youFresh Burdock Root Juice - Recipe
Wash the roots thoroughly under hot water. Then mash the burdock root and squeeze the juice through the cloth.
Fresh burdock root juice should be taken orally, 30-60 drops in a glass of water, 2-4 times a day, after eating, in inflammation of the digestive tract, urinary and biliary tract, mild liver diseases, metabolism and some skin diseases.
Burdock for skin diseases
Burdock applied to the skin in the form of compresses or baths based on it strongly inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria and pathogenic fungi and is used to treat mild skin disorders, especially against seborrhoea. It also supports the treatment of eczema, acne, itchy skin, and boils. It will also help with hair loss caused by seborrhea or dandruff.
Burdock root oil - use in cosmetics
If your hair is dull, brittle, falls out and becomes thinner, reach foroilburdock . This is a proven way to get lush hair. Burdock root oil also regenerates hair after hairdressing treatments. It can also be used for scalp conditions such as dandruff.
Burdock oil can also be applied to the skin. It will nourish it, prevent wrinkles and soothe acne lesions.
This will be useful to youBurdock root oil - how to apply?
Should be used 3 times a week. Massage a small amount into the scalp and hair and leave it for about 20 minutes. After this time, wash it off with a gentle shampoo and warm water. Remember that burdock root oil darkens your hair!
1. Ożarowski A., Jaroniewski W.,Medicinal plants and their practical application , Publishing Institute of Trade Unions, Warsaw 19872. Widelski J., Kukuła-Koch W., Głowniak K., Burdock - rediscovered , "Panacea - herbal medicines" 2015, nr 1