Constant grunting most often indicates various diseases of the larynx, therefore the exact causes of such a condition should be first asked by an ENT specialist. However, there are times when frequent grunting may indicate diseases that are not related to respiratory conditions, such as hypothyroidism or nervous disorders, and even parasites. Find out what causes the constant grunting and how you can cure yourself of this troublesome ailment.
Continuous gruntingis a short, inarticulate sound from the larynx. The tiring need to constantly clear the throat of secretions may indicate not only respiratory diseases, but also hypothyroidism, nervous disorders and parasites. Sometimes we feel the need to clear our throat after eating or after intense exercise.
Constant grunting - reasons
Diseases of the larynx
Ailments and symptoms accompanying laryngeal diseases are: dry throat, tickling, feeling blocked in the larynx, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, silence, pain in the larynx, pain when swallowing, a tendency to grunt, coughing attacks, haemoptysis.
- pharyngitis -viral or bacterial infection often leads to persistent mucus that must be cleared;
- chronic laryngitis- repeated acute laryngitis, excessive use of voice, e.g. by teachers, smoking, excessive drinking of alcohol, as well as being in polluted or overheated air cause dryness coughing, grunting, scratching or burning. Occasional loss of voice;
Treatment:it is necessary to see a doctor, but first of all you should limit speaking. It is essential to master the art of diaphragm-costal breathing, which allows you to manage the exhaled air without straining your vocal cords. In addition, all factors that may irritate the larynx must be eliminated. Calcium-iodine iontophoresis brings good results.
- laryngeal cancer (carcinoma of the glottis)- neoplastic lesions infiltrate the glottis containing the vocal ligaments and the vocal muscle, thus creating distortions of the voice. Initially, the grunting is accompanied by increasing or recurring hoarseness, then shortness of breath, unilateral, chronic ear pain, cough,swallowing and, consequently, weight loss, unpleasant smell from the mouth and soreness of the larynx even with a light touch. You should visit an ENT and oncologist as soon as possible. Early diagnosis gives a 90% chance of survival for 5 years from the diagnosis of the disease. Therefore, especially smokers, cannot ignore this symptom. It has been proven that smoking promotes cancer of the respiratory tract, including the larynx (smokers get sick 40 times more often than non-smokers). Therefore, especially smokers cannot ignore this symptom.
Treatment:it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible.
Paranasal sinusitis
Constant grunting is sometimes caused by a thick mucus that flows from the nostrils down the back wall into the throat cavity. This happens in some cases of a runny nose or inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.
Treatment:If antibiotics don't help, consider Proetz surgery or sinus drainage (sinus puncture). As a last resort, endoscopy of the paranasal sinuses is performed.
Mycosis of the upper respiratory tract
Symptoms caused by fungi:
- morning cough with expectoration of sticky, gray or gray-brown jelly-like discharge with an unpleasant odor,
- foreign body sensation in throat,
- constantly swallowing saliva,
- grunting,
- morning swelling of the nose.
Treatment:Important! Sometimes these symptoms are treated as allergies and bacterial infections, so careful testing should be done to rule out ringworm.
grunting as a symptom of allergy to pollen, food, drugs and chemicals
Constant grunting can be a protective reflex to remove particles of pollen from allergenic plants or particles of food allergens stuck to the surface of the throat. The cause of frequent grunting may also be an impending asthma attack. Allergic laryngeal edema is life-threatening as suffocation can result.
Certain medications or chemicals that cause swelling in the throat wall may also cause frequent grunting. This swelling, which is felt as an obstacle to swallowing saliva, may not disappear until you use the appropriate medications or remove the allergen.
Treatment:It is best to perform a patch test in the form of ready-made kits containing an appropriate carrier of suspected food and environmental substances. However, sometimes only the determination of E antibodies for selected pan-allergens allows to accurately diagnose the cause of grunting and other allergic symptoms, which gives a chance for effective treatment.
If the constant clearing of secretions is accompanied by a sore throat, drowsiness, dry skin and hair, fatigue, and a thickening of the voice, this may indicate hypothyroidism.
Treatment:it is necessary to see an internist or endocrinologist who will check the level of thyroid hormone TSH. Depending on the test results, the doctor will suggest an appropriate therapy.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (gastroesophageal reflux disease)
Inflammation of the esophagus mucosa is caused by the chronic "ejection" of gastric contents into the esophagus. As the acid from the stomach flows back into the esophagus, it causes not only heartburn, but also swelling of the delicate edges of the vocal folds and the back of the larynx.
As a result of irritation, there is a change in the sound of the voice perceived as hoarseness and constant grunting. At the same time, there is a burning sensation in the esophagus and chest, sore throat.
Treatment:A quick visit to the doctor is necessary to prescribe medications that reduce the acidity of gastric juices.
grunting after eating and drinking
The cause of grunting after a meal may be the abovementioned reflux or food allergy.
Effect of smoking and drinking alcohol
People who are heavy smokers experience grunting, hoarseness, a feeling of "lump" in the throat, scratching, difficulty speaking and a dry cough.
Treatment:Stop smoking and alcohol immediately, avoid eating very hot and cold food and do not breathe cold air. It is good to do home compresses: moist and warm. It is advisable to go to the seaside and walk along its shores. Breathing air with iodine will be soothing to the hoarseness.
Nervous grunting
This can be accompanied by other nervous tics, e.g. blinking and constant sniffling, , which are to relieve internal tension. Tics nerves most often appear in childhood or adolescence.
They usually go away on their own, but in some people they persist and stay for the rest of their lives. Untreated tics can get worse, so you should see a psychologist as soon as possible.
Parasites (gastrointestinal helminthiasis)
The cause of frequent grunting may be the human roundworm, which enters the lungs with the blood - it needs oxygen for further development. It then moves towards the trachea, where it irritates the host's larynx, causing it to be swallowed. From the respiratory system, where the roundworm larvae develop intensively, the adult form must be returned to the digestive system.
Ascaris human also causes numerous allergic reactions, facial swelling and hyperactivity, especially in children, as well as a sharp weight loss.
Treatment:Ascaris is extremely difficult to heal. It is a rare disease in Poland, but up to 20,000 people die of it in Asia and Africa. people per year. First of all, pharmacological agents are used to kill both the larvae and the adult forms of the nematode. Chemical disinfection of clothes and everyday objects is also used.
Coughs after exercise (e.g. after running)
If you need to clear your throat after every exertion because your throat is tickling, you may be suffering from exercise-induced asthma, which is bronchospasm. In this case, grunting is accompanied by:
- shortness of breath,
- cough,
- wheezing,
- chest pain,
- nausea and vomiting,
- pain and scratching in the throat,
- decreased exercise capacity.
Treatment:You should go to an ENT specialist, who may refer you to an Effort Bronchial Provocation Test (TPOW) (this is done using a treadmill or cycloergometer). The most commonly used bronchodilators: inhaled short- and long-acting 2-agonists and cromones, require administration 10-15 minutes before exercise.
Papilloma is caused by a virus that attacks the vocal cords (it can also affect the windpipe), causing breathlessness in addition to hoarseness and grunting. Sometimes they become malignant and contribute to laryngeal cancer, so people with it should be under the constant care of an ENT specialist.
Treatment:It is necessary to see a doctor, choose the appropriate treatment, appropriate to the age and type of virus. In adults, papillomas are surgically removed.
grunting and coughing in baby
Young children often grunt and cough if they have a swollen or enlarged tonsil and mucus runs down their nose down their throat. In this case, you should go to the ENT specialist who will make a diagnosis. You should also see a nose and throat specialist if your child is grunting and breathing through their mouth (especially at night). Then the doctor should open the nose.
If the ENT specialist excludes respiratory system diseases, check if the child is struggling with gastritis. Just ask your child if he feels a burning sensation in his throat and if he feels a sour taste when it reflects.