Liver pain is defined as the pain on the right side under the ribs. Liver pain may appear after alcohol, eating a large, fatty meal. Liver pain can also have other causes and be a sign of serious illness. Learn about treating liver pain and what are the home remedies for liver pain.
Liver painis referred to aspain on the right under the ribs . However, the liver itself is not painful because it has no sensory innervation. The cause of liver pain may be a stretched and irritated serum by the liver. Pain on the right side under the ribs also occurs with a significant enlargement of the liver. Liver pain can also come from the biliary tract.
The liver is a very important and extremely hard-working organ. It produces bile necessary for digestion, heparin that regulates blood clotting and immune proteins. It is a huge warehouse: it collects, inter alia, glycogen, which is a "backup fuel", stores vitamins A, D, B12 and significant amounts of iron. The liver processes fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. This is also where detoxification takes place, i.e. the neutralization of harmful products that enter the body, for example with food or drugs, or are metabolic waste. Therefore, it cannot be exposed to even greater effort with impunity.
Liver pain after alcohol and a heavy meal
Prolonged feasting requires the digestion of a large amount of fat, and this requires an increased secretion of bile, which forces her to work intensively. Alcohol, on the other hand, causes a great effort to detoxify the body. That's why the liver takes its toll after a heavy, fatty meal or a few drinks. Although it does not hurt itself, because it is not innervated, overloaded with work, it swells with excess blood and begins to push its envelope - the innervated liver capsule. That's when you feel pain under the lower right rib. It is accompanied by flatulence, nausea, diarrhea or constipation and an unpleasant feeling of fullness.
Liver pain - causes. Diseases of the biliary tract
As mentioned, the pain in the liver may come from the bile ducts and may be a sign of:
- inflammation of the bile ducts (ducts) - inflammation of the ducts outside the liver that collect bile within the liverand draining bile from the liver into the duodenum. Apart from the pain on the right side of the abdomen, there are also jaundice, itching of the skin, enlarged liver, weight loss,
- biliary colic - biliary colic attack is very painful. Abdominal pain most often occurs several hours after eating fatty or fried foods. It is accompanied by nausea, flatulence and vomiting. Often radiates to the back or right shoulder blade
Liver pain - accompanying alarm symptoms
Symptoms of particular concern are those accompanying digestive disorders: general weakness, fatigue, low-grade fever, loss of appetite, red spots on the body, yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes. They may indicate, for example, viral hepatitis or even developing cirrhosis.
However, acute epigastric pain (usually shortly after a fat, hard-to-digest meal), nausea and chills are most likely an attack of biliary colic. In this case, a doctor's help is needed.

Liver pain - causes. Liver enlargement
An enlarged liver can be a sign of many diseases. Most often it is hepatitis - viral (e.g. hepatitis C), bacterial or alcoholic. Other possible causes include :
- cirrhosis of the liver - often there are no symptoms at the beginning. With significant impairment of the liver function, you may feel constantly tired, lose your appetite and lose weight, feel sick and have stomach pain. Over time, ascites and enlargement of the spleen occur
- liver cysts - appear, inter alia, in severe pain in the right upper abdomen and nausea
- hepatic vein thrombosis (Budd-Chiari syndrome) - is a disease whose essence is the blockage of the outflow of blood from the hepatic veins to the junction of the inferior vena cava with the right atrium. There are, inter alia, ascites, enlargement of the liver (hepatomegaly) and spleen (also called splenomegaly)
- paracetamol poisoning - taking it in high doses is toxic and can lead to acute liver failure
Get to know the structure of the liver and see what a sick liver looks like
Liver pain - home remedies for liver pain
Let the liver rest: get away from the table, sit comfortably on the couch, loosen the tightening clothes at the waist (be sure to unfasten the belt). Put a warm hot water bottle on the sore spot. Under the influence of temperature, the bile ducts expand, and this will facilitate digestion and relieve pain. Infuse the herbs, and in some cases try a massage. When these methods do not bring relief, reach for natural remedies.
Reach for herbal remediesspices-thanks to them your kitchen will gain in taste and aroma, it will also be easier to digest. The liver will benefit the most from herbs and spices that relax the bile ducts, regulate the flow of bile into the duodenum, increase the secretion of gastric juice, accelerate digestion: thyme, marjoram, cumin, mint, oregano, juniper. Avoid pepper, curry, savory, hot peppers, vinegar, and mustard that irritate the digestive tract. Limit animal fats - they are rich in cholesterol, the excess of which interferes with the liver and bile secretion. Replace them with vegetable fats. Add more vegetables and fruits to your diet- , however, take it slowly: before your liver calms down, eat them cooked. Avoid foods that are conducive to flatulence (e.g. cabbage, beans). Be careful with garlic as it can irritate the liver. Eat more often, but less, and chew each bite thoroughly - then the liver can keep up with the bile necessary for digesting the food and it will catch the harmful substances.
You must do it- Go to the doctor when relapses occur frequently and simple home remedies do not work anymore
- Lose weight - you will avoid problems with the liver. However, do not use strict diets, because the bile then becomes excessively concentrated in the follicle and stones are formed.
Liver pain - what to eat to regenerate the liver?
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