Phlegmon is a dangerous inflammation of the skin, because it easily spreads to other tissues and organs, leading to their inflammation, and thus - failure. Untreated phlegmon can even result in blood poisoning, i.e. sepsis. There are also known cases of limb amputation due to purulent inflammation of the skin. What are the causes and symptoms of phlegmon? What is its treatment?
Phlegmonis a purulent inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue. The hallmark of inflammation is that it spreads to other tissues and organs, causing them to become inflamed and failing, which is life-threatening.
Phlegmon most often develops in the arms and legs, but it can also affect the breast, scrotum, or bladder. Inflammation can even develop in the parapharyngeal space and in the abdominal cavity.
Ropowica: causes and risk factors
The most common causes of inflammation are streptococci and staphylococci, which naturally occur on the skin. However, after penetrating through damaged epidermis, e.g. as a result of cuts or burns, as well as improper treatment of other skin diseases (e.g. erysipelas), they can lead to numerous diseases, not only of the skin, but also, as a result of expansion, of the entire body.
The risk of developing phlegmon increases in diabetics and patients with leukemia, because in their case inflammation may be transferred from another site of the body.
Ropowica: types
Depending on the area in which phlegmon occurs, the following is distinguished:
- braces (purulent inflammation of the palmar part of the hand);
- Ludwig's angina (phlegmon of the floor of the mouth);
- parrot (the disease affects the spaces around the nails);
- phlegmon of the paraphoretic space;
- boils (purulent inflammation of the hair follicle);
- furunculosis;
- carbuncle;
Phlegmon: symptoms
- redness and warming of the skin at the site of infection; there is no clear distinction between sick and he althy tissues
- minor oil tanks within the shift
- pain
- hardened or pasty swelling that extends deeper into the tissues
- disturbances in the functioning of the body part affected by phlegmon
Symptomsthe accompanying symptoms are fever, chills, malaise and enlarged lymph nodes.
ImportantRopowica can be life threatening
Untreated inflammation worsens, which may result in amputation of the limbs where it most often develops. But the worst part is that the inflammation spreads to organs, causing, among other things, inflammation of the kidneys, pneumonia, or inflammation of the heart. Blood poisoning such as sepsis can also occur. These are life-threatening conditions, therefore treatment of phlegmon should be started as soon as possible.
Ropowica: diagnosis
Diagnosis is made on the basis of symptoms and an analysis of purulent discharge, which allows you to answer the question of which microorganism is the cause of the disease.
Ropowica: treatment
At the initial stage of the disease development, antibiotics, painkillers, cooling compresses made of 30% isopropyl alcohol are used, and the affected part of the body is immobilized. In more severe cases, surgical treatment is necessary, which consists in incision of the skin (under anesthesia), cleansing the tissue of pus and removing its dead layers.