Chickenpox and shingles are caused by the same virus. When we get chickenpox, are we also protected against shingles?
ShinglesandchickenpoxcausesVaricella zoster virus . In childhood, infection with this virus causes chickenpox, popularly known as air pox. In adults, there are two possibilities - they will either develop smallpox (less common) or shingles (more common). Varicella virus among adults attacks mainly those who have reduced immunity, in times of weakening of the organism and people who frequently come into contact with children.
Does having smallpox in childhood protect against shingles?
VirusVaricella zosterafter getting smallpox, it remains in our body. It sits in the ganglia and may remain dormant for many years. And although all epidemiological studies say that the disease of smallpox gives many years of immunity to a renewed attack of the virus, there are cases of recurrence. A virus that is dormant in the ganglia can reactivate. Most often it happens at times of weakness, fatigue, exhaustion, chronic stress or diseases that weaken immunity. Re-illness is usually milder, however. However, a renewed attack of the virus affects only about 5 percent of people.
Could a child get shingles?
Yes, such a situation is possible when a pregnant woman develops chickenpox. The baby of such a mother has shingles before reaching adulthood.

Smallpox and shingles - is there a good prevention
The most effective prevention of chickenpox and shingles, which are caused by an extremely contagious virus, is vaccination. It is best to get vaccinated during childhood. The child should take the first dose when they are 9 months of age, and then two more doses after 13 years of age. This gives long-standing immunity toVaricella zoster virus . The vaccine is a more effective protection against herpes zoster in adulthood than chickenpox disease, because the attenuated vaccine virus embedded in the coils is much less activated than the one that is placed there after chickenpox.
Shingles - how to recognize it? [TOWIDEO]
Chickenpox and shingles - is it possible to get vaccinated at ageadult?
You can and it is recommended, although the risk of getting chickenpox or shingles in many adults is not high. However, smallpox in adults is more severe than in children, and shingles can affect the area around the eyes or ears, causing serious complications. That is why it is worth getting vaccinated.
Is it possible to protect against shingles when in contact with a child with smallpox?
Yes, an unvaccinated person can be vaccinated againstVaricella zoster virusup to 72 hours after exposure to a child with smallpox (or an adult with shingles). The vaccine, but in the form of a passive immunoglobulin, can also be given to people who have not been vaccinated against smallpox before and are too weak to receive an active vaccine.
Smallpox and Shingles
Shingles and chickenpox are caused by the same virus. However, the two diseases are different from each other.