Chicken pox is a contagious viral disease. Treatment of chickenpox is symptomatic, i.e. we simply alleviate the patient's ailments: fever and rash.
Treatment of chickenpoxprimarily relieves symptoms: fever and rash. Care should be taken to avoid superinfection of skin lesions. How is chickenpox treated?
Treatment of chickenpox: fighting a fever
A child or adult with chickenpox should stay in bed as long as they have a fever. In children, we control the fever with paracetamol or ibuprofen (it is available in special syrups for children). Adults can be given aspirin or other drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid.
Treatment of chickenpox - management of rash
The chickenpox rash is tiring. Initially, they are itchy red spots that turn into fluid-filled blisters. You have to avoid scratching at all costs, because scratched bubbles leave scars. In order to relieve itching, for example, zinc ointment or an antihistamine ointment, recommended by your doctor, are used. To treat smallpox and rash, you can use potassium permanganate baths, baths with half a cup of baking soda, or just cool baths to soothe itching. You can also apply compresses made of a towel dampened with cold water.
Chickenpox treatment - patient care
The temperature in the room where the patient is staying should be as low as it can bear. In winter, we turn on the radiators, in summer, we turn on the air-conditioning or install windmills. Heat stimulates the blood flow in the skin and increases the itching. You should change your underwear and bed linen frequently, preferably made of soft cotton to soothe ailments. When treating smallpox for an oral rash, you must give semi-liquid food and rinse your mouth with s alt water. Eating ice cream also helps to relieve itching and pain in the mouth. To reduce involuntary scratching at night, wear cotton gloves.