Overweight and obesity contribute to many serious diseases, including foot defects and deformities. What diseases of the feet does excessive body weight cause and how does it affect the entire musculoskeletal system?
-Overweightiobesityis one of the causes of diseases, defects and deformitiesfeet . The researchers observed that although more than 80% of children are born with he althy feet, only 20% of adults enjoy their he alth, says Joanna Stodolna-Tukendorf, MD, PhD.
The human foot and ankle are a strong, mechanical structure consisting of 26 bones, 33 joint joints, and over 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This relatively small area of the body plays 5 important functions, including: supporting, shock-absorbing and locomotive. In order to avoid overload, the proportions between the size of the feet and the weight of the body must be kept. Only then does the whole work properly. With overweight and obesity, there is no such chance.
Defects and ailments of the feet caused by being overweight
Excessive load on the foot on its small surface may cause muscle and ligament failure, and thus lead to such diseases as:
- Transverse flat feetTransverse flat feet results from the divergence of the metatarsal bones as a result of the weakening of the ligament structure. In a properly built foot, support is provided by the 1st and 5th metatarsal heads. In a lowered or inverted arch, the weight is on the 2nd and 3rd bones. There are unpleasant symptoms, such as pain under the soles, burning, corns and calluses.Read also:Transverse flat feet - how to prevent? Methods of treating flat feet.
- Flat footA flat, flexible or fixed foot is a condition characterized by the lowering of the longitudinal arches of the foot and, in some cases, valgus position of the heel. In people in the advanced stage of the defect, fixed, structural flat feet are observed, i.e. the longitudinal arch does not reproduce even when the foot is lightened. Patients complain of fatigue and pain in the foot muscles even after short physical exertion.
- Plantar fasciitisThe plantar fascia is a mechanical connection between the heel and toes and, as one of the shock-absorbing mechanisms, it receives most of the stresses acting on the foot. InflammationPlantar fascia is common in overweight, middle-aged women. Most often in those women whose ligaments were loosened during pregnancy, which changed the structure and work of the feet. Hormonal changes around the menopause also cause the ligaments to relax.
- Hallux valgus, the so-called hallux (hallux)It is a disease in which the position of the big toe is changed by tilting its axis towards the other finger. Initially, although the deformity is hardly visible, it is accompanied by pain. However, with time, inflammation, redness, burning, deformation appear, and the pain, surprisingly, decreases.Read also:Halluksy - causes, symptoms, treatment Modern hallux surgery
- Foot defects directly affect the higher parts of the musculoskeletal system and can cause pain in the ankle, knee, hip and finally the spine. They can even cause recurrent headaches and migraines - explains Dr. Stodolna-Tukendorf and adds - Excess body weight puts additional stress on the feet, which is not indifferent to the entire motor organ, which has to cope with extra pounds.
How overweight and obesity affect the locomotor system?
- The body posture changes.Overloads in the osteoarticular system promote disturbances in the statics of the body and the formation of a faulty posture.
- The natural curves of the spine are deepened : lumbar and cervical lordosis, thoracic kyphosis and the shift of the center of gravity forward. This is the direct cause of forefoot overload and can lead to transverse flatfoot.
- The center of gravity of the body shifts , which leads to: functional contractures of the foot, calf and Achilles tendon muscles, changes in the tone of the dorsal extensor muscle in the lumbar and cervical parts and suboccipital muscles ( which is caused by the deepening of the curvature of the spine). As a result, the shift of the center of gravity can cause pain in the lumbar and cervical spine and occipital headaches, including cervical migraine.
- The gait pattern changes.The increased transverse dimension of the thigh changes the correct pattern, resulting in a swaying gait on a wide base.
- The entire motor organ is disturbed from head to toe . Changes in the musculoskeletal system of the feet, resulting in disturbances in the mechanics of standing and gait, intensification of degenerative changes in the joints, which affects the symptoms of other partslower limbs and spine. On the other hand, along with the development of ailments within the spine, on the basis of feedback, ailments and anatomical changes within the feet worsen.
- Overweight and obesity, on the one hand, contribute to diseases and defects of the feet, and on the other hand, they cause excessive strain and changes in body posture. This attracts a chain of reactions that negatively affect the entire motor organ, causing further pain and he alth problems - summarizes the physiotherapist Dr. Joanna Stodolna-Tukendorf.
ImportantDo you have 2nd or 3rd degree obesity? Are you looking for information on bariatric surgery , i.e. the surgical treatment of obesity? Visit the website:OBESITYpodSKALPEL
Poradnikzdrowie.pl supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity. This article does not contain discriminatory and stigmatizing content of people suffering from obesity.
About the author
Co-founder and content director of the FootMedica chain of the He althy Foot Clinic (www.footmedica.pl). Co-owner of the Pro Pedis company, dealing with training in the field of diagnostics, manual foot therapy and thermoforming insoles, as well as equipment for orthopedic podology clinics. He lives and works in Busko-Zdrój, where he provides orthopodological care in the family Rehabilitation Center Natura. He specializes in the diagnosis and therapy of people with constitutional hypermobility (congenital joint laxity), manual therapy of musculoskeletal disorders and orthopedic podology. Participant of scientific congresses and symposia in the field of physiotherapy, cosmetology, podology and manual therapy in Poland and abroad. Translator of courses and scientific publications on manual therapy, orthopedics, physiotherapy. Author of papers and publications on hypermobility, stabilization disorders and disorders within the foot and their impact on the locomotor system.