You can get infected with dangerous diseases not only through sexual contact. Sometimes a kiss is enough to get infected - with mononucleosis or herpes. What precautions should you take in order not to catch kissing-borne diseases?
Kissing diseaseis mononucleosis, but not only can you get infected by kissing, even innocently, another person - herpes also likes to spread.
Mononucleosis infection, symptoms, treatment
Mononucleosis is caused by the quite common Epstein-Barr virus. And "hot kisses" come from the fact that the disease most often affects young people (you know, they like to kiss), and is transmitted through direct contact with saliva or nasal discharge from a person infected with the virus. You can also get infected with it, although less often, by using personal belongings of the patient (cutlery, glasses).
The symptoms of the disease (usually appear one to two months after infection) are: headache, chills, high fever, enlarged lymph nodes, mainly in the neck. The spleen is quite often enlarged, and symptoms characteristic of hepatitis (yellowing of the skin) may also appear.
All of them, including the uncommon weakness, lack of appetite, and muscle and joint pains, are so uncharacteristic that the disease is sometimes confused, even by experienced doctors, with many other conditions, e.g. angina, sinusitis, and … tuberculosis or leukemia.
Remember! Epstein-Barr virus is detected in saliva in approximately 30 percent of apparently he althy people (may be a source of infection)
Fortunately, as is the case with viruses, not everyone who is infected has a full range of ailments and not everyone has the same disease. Most often, symptoms last up to 2 weeks, but it takes 2-3 months to fully recover. Mononucleosis, although very contagious, is actually not a serious disease. However, some people, especially those with lowered immunity, may develop serious complications, such as hepatitis or meningitis, or even rupture of the spleen, and in most cases the disease resolves on its own. Treatment is symptomatic, e.g. with antipyretics or medicationsfrom a sore throat. Antibiotics are absolutely not recommended (they do not work against viruses), which in the case of this disease may even cause a severe allergic reaction.
Herpes: infection
A kiss with a bubble? This is unlikely to be risked by anyone. Herpes on the lips are visible from a distance, which makes it seem less treacherous than the hot kiss disease. But that's not entirely true. The herpes virus (type 1 herpes virus) is as highly contagious as the Epstein-Barr virus. And, like that, it can remain latent in the body for many years. And stress, fever, sunbathing for too long, overheating or cooling down, and weakness of the body can activate it. In many cases, even the usual indigestion or menstruation in women is enough.
You have to remember that you can get infected with herpes when the blisters are not yet visible, but the first symptoms of the disease appear (stinging, tingling, itching).
And here a lot depends on the honesty of the partner. Because if he tells you that he can't kiss now, that's OK. After all, herpes is no embarrassing disease. Besides, apparently there are no such people today, because nothing human is alien to us. On the other hand, if your partner does not mention the itching, blisters may soon appear in both people.
Remember! Avoid not only kissing someone with herpes, but also avoiding any contact with their skin. The herpes virus can spread through oral-genital contact, causing genital herpes. Herpes on the lips can be caused by type II herpesvirus, responsible for genital herpes.
Symptoms of genital herpes usually appear 2-7 days after contact with a sick partner. The first is itching and irritation of the genitals, then there are very painful blisters which burst after a few days to form painful sores. Although these may resolve on their own after a few weeks, the virus remains in the body and may cause relapses.
Minor cold?
Through a kiss, whether ordinary or more unusual, you can also get infected with many other diseases, not necessarily sexually transmitted, such as angina. However, some scientists believe that there are viruses that are transmitted through saliva and immunizing them. Some of the so-called viruses belong to them. colds - it means that if your partner sneezes and snorts, you can give him a "tongue-kissing" kiss, he will recover immediately and you will gain immunity to this "cold" kisses heal. But this is probably not due to viruses, but to the antiviral and antibacterial substances found in saliva that fight them. A he althy partner, of course.
It's best not to risk it and refrain from kissing when one of your partners is in trouble.