Don't you wanna be grumpy like your mom? It may fail, because genes in 40 or even 60 percent. affect personality! Character traits and temperament are proven to be inherited. However, scientists are still wondering whether the activity of our genes is more determined by the genes themselves, or by the environment, observation and imitation of relatives.
What is programmed ingenes , however, does not have to arouse fear in us. It is because more often in terms of psyche and character, we inherit rather good qualities.Inheritancetraitspersonalitywas studied by observing identical twins who have 100 percent identical. a compatible set of genes, and fraternal genes, in which the similarity of genes is approx. 50%. (just like normal siblings). So if a feature is clearly more common in monozygotic twins than in fraternal twins, it means that it has a strong genetic background.
What we inherit: abilities and talent
Whether or not we inherit abilities from our ancestors depends on many genes. But just communicating them is not enough for talent. In order for them to develop - predispositions must be discovered and trained. Even if someone inherits, for example, the ability to paint, without work, without exercising his hand, he will not become a great artist. It also happens that the inherited talent can shine in a completely different field. For example, children of eminent mathematicians often show musical talent. This is not surprising as both talents come from the same pairs of genes. It also turns out that a descendant of geniuses in some field will have extraordinary abilities, but will never be as good as his parents.
Dyslexia and stuttering tendencies can be hereditary
Dyslexia and dysorthography can be inherited, although this is very rare. However, you should not exaggerate the problem (or do nothing), but rather get down to systematic work and develop the ability to write correctly. Stuttering is also not of genetic origin. However, hypersensitivity and a tendency to exaggerate emotions is a legacy of the ancestors. And emotions - especially negative emotions - can cause stuttering when not expressed.
ImportantInheritance or imitation?
Girls and young women learnby imitating their mothers. If mom is an elegant and well-groomed woman, the chances are that the daughter will follow in her footsteps. It is up to the mother to decide whether the daughter will accept her appearance and will be aware of her strengths. Imitation is also connected with taking care of beauty, e.g. washing makeup every day and the ability to cover up skin imperfections. Mom can also gain a lot from watching her daughter. Thanks to her fashion tips, hairstyles can be constantly attractive and well-groomed.
Temperament depends on genes
The ability to achieve orgasm is largely hereditary in women. The results of the research that proved this thesis were recently published in the journal Biology Letters. Scientists argued that sexual satisfaction is much more influenced by our genes than by culture or the environment. Researchers analyzed the erotic life of 4,000 people. women. It turned out that those who had trouble in the bedroom knew that their mothers had similar problems too. A significant group of those dissatisfied with intercourse were ladies whose mothers avoided close contact with them, did not hug them, stroke their heads or gave them a greeting kiss.
Food preferences relate to genes
Eating style inheritance has something to do with genes that tell cells what nutrients they need. But observation plays a bigger role. Daughters learn the rules of nutrition from mothers. They are so deeply entrenched that the girl makes the same dietary mistakes as her mother.
Intelligence and personality are hereditary
Almost 20 thousand people take part in the formation and work of the brain. genes. With intelligent parents, we have a chance to be the same. Geneticists prove that the extent (rate) of inheritance is 70 percent. intelligence, and in approx. 50 percent. personality traits - both good and bad. The same is true of everlasting complaining, catastrophic visions. Mothers' daughters who did not praise their children or said: "do not do it, because you will not be able to do it anyway", do not use their intelligence to the full, because they are not encouraged to do so. So an intelligent mother should encourage her child to work on herself.
Beauty gene inheritance
On the basis of many years of observation, Scottish scientists have proved that handsome men transmit beauty mainly to daughters, and not to sons, as previously thought. Daughters take over their beauty from their father and mother. The sons inherit from the father the general character of the body structure, face, muscles and some facial features. Boys cannot count on the fact that their beauty genes will be taken over by their mothers. Beautiful couples often have very beautiful daughters, but sons are not so easy. Still notyou know why this is so.
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