Enteroviruses are a group of over 70 viruses that in our climate most often cause seasonal illnesses - usually in children. Most enterovirus infections are mild and the symptoms are limited to, for example, a sore throat, but in some cases complications may occur, of which the most dangerous is meningitis. Check what diseases are caused by enteroviruses, what their symptoms are and what is the treatment.
Enterovirusesis a group of viruses that include Coxsackie A, Coxsackie B viruses, ECHO viruses, viruses that cause Heine and Medina disease, viruses responsible for hepatitis A ( so-called food jaundice, hepatitis A) and newly discovered enteroviruses marked with consecutive numbers, e.g. enterovirus 68, 69 etc.
Enteroviruses - what diseases do they cause?
Besides hepatitis A and Heine-Medin disease, enteroviruses cause many other diseases.
Coxsackie A viruses are responsible for the emergence of cardiovascular (e.g. myocarditis) and respiratory diseases (e.g. devil's flu, acute pharyngitis - the so-called herpangina, pleurisy). In addition, Coxackie A viruses cause hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD).
Viruses most often attack children, and is usually infected in summer and autumn.
Coxsackie B viruses, on the other hand, cause diseases of the nervous system (they are the most common cause of viral meningitis, but rarely cause encephalitis). In addition, Coxsackie viruses may be responsible for orchitis and acute pancreatitis. In addition, infection with the Coxsackie virus is considered a possible contributing factor to the development of type 1 diabetes.
ECHO viruses, on the other hand, cause infections of the respiratory and digestive systems (summer diarrhea in children and infants) and rashes.
Enteroviruses - how can you get infected?
The source of infection can be both a sick person and a carrier of enteroviruses (a person who does not have any symptoms, despite the presence of the virus in the body).
Infection may occur through droplets or food, as well as through contact with objects with viruses. Germs can invadeof the body also as a result of drinking water contaminated with the virus or bathing in contaminated water bodies.
Enteroviruses - symptoms
- respiratory diseases: in the case of devil's flu, there is fever and muscle aches in the chest, abdomen or in the muscles of the limbs. In turn, acute pharyngitis, the so-called herpangina, manifests as small blisters or pinhead-sized papules that appear on the palatine arches, the soft palate and the uvula. In addition, there is a sore throat. Summer flu, on the other hand, is a flu-like infection that occurs in summer and gives symptoms typical of colds and flu, such as cough, runny nose or headache;
- diseases of the digestive system - enteroviruses most often cause summer diarrhea in infants;
Enteroviruses enter the body mainly through the respiratory tract and digestive system. From there, they can pass into the blood and, through it, to the heart muscle, meninges and skin, among others.
- diseases of the cardiovascular system - shortness of breath, precordial pains, vomiting and arrhythmias with increased heart rate appear;
Most illnesses are asymptomatic or in the form of acute febrile illnesses.
- meningitis - manifested by high fever, headaches, eye pain, muscle pain, vomiting, neck stiffness and photophobia;
- hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a common disease caused by enteroviruses that presents with pharyngitis and vesicles or lumps on the hands and feet;
In addition, enterovirus infections can present symptoms of various vesicular, petechial, and urticarial rashes or similar to those associated with measles and rubella.
- epidemic muscle pain (also known as pleurodynia) - there are very strong stabbing pains in the abdominal and chest muscles lasting 2-3 days;
Enteroviruses - diagnosis
The diagnosis is made on the basis of an interview with the patient and symptoms. Testing for IgM antibodies can help detect infection. The presence of IgG antibodies is the proof of a past or final stage of primary infection.
Enteroviruses - treatment
Treatment depends on the underlying cause. Most often, the patient is given painkillers and antipyretics. In more severe cases (e.g. meningitis) hospitalization is required, but most diseases resolve spontaneously and usually without complications.
This will be useful to youEnteroviruses - how to prevent infection?
First of all, follow the basic rules of hygiene (especially washing hands after leaving the toilet and before eating). In addition, you should avoid swimming in small natural water bodies (ponds).
There are also vaccines against polio viruses and hepatitis A.