Apples are the most cultivated and most eaten fruit in the world for a reason. They aid digestion, reduce swelling, and apple cider vinegar is used to treat ulcers. Among the slimming treatments, the apple diet is popular.
Applesripen from early summer to late autumn - successively summer, autumn and winter varieties. When properly stored, they retain their taste and nutritional values for up to ten months. Therefore, they can be eaten all year round. Apples delight with the we alth of varieties (there are over 10,000 of them), differing in size, shape, color, taste, smell and application.
Hard, sweet and juicy, calleddessert apples , usually eaten raw. They overcook slowly, so you can add them to food where they should remain as hard pieces. Sour varieties are the best for baking, cooking and preserves, because they overcook quickly. They will replace wine vinegar in borscht or cabbage soup, they will enhance the taste of beetroot vegetables. There are alsouniversal table apples- we eat them raw, add them to the dishes, process them.
It is believed that the homeland of apple trees is China. From there, they spread throughout Asia and reached Europe. The inhabitants of the pre-Slavic Biskupin region ate apples, and Mikołaj Rej from Nagłowice wrote about the widespread cultivation of apple trees in Poland. Despite this, today we are dominated by "imported" varieties. Hardly anyone remembers the taste of the once popular costas, cokes, raspberries and gray renet.
Apples - what are their properties?
Nutritional values in apples
Nutritionists recommend eating two apples a day: in the morning for beauty, in the evening for he alth. The most valuable are the seed nests and the peel, where the most pectin is (they cleanse the body, regulate the intestinal flora, prevent constipation, reduce cholesterol absorption, protect against atherosclerosis and heart attack).
15 g of pectin a day (2-3 raw apples) is believed to help lower cholesterol. Of all the vitamins in an apple, thevitamin Cis the most important. It sweeps away free radicals from the body and is involved in metabolic processes, such as collagen biosynthesis, giving the skin a youthful appearance. In combination with vitamin P, it seals and tones the capillary wallsblood vessels, preventing "spider veins".
The richest in vitamin C are ripe fruit growing on the sunny side of the tree. The more sour the variety, the more vitamin C (accumulates under the peel, so it's best to eat, cook and bake unpeeled fruit). Vitamin losses can be reduced by using stainless knives and plastic graters and sprinkling the shredded fruit with lemon juice or pouring over the sauce.
Healing properties of apples
1. Despite the acidic taste of apples, they de-acidify the body, because they contain a lot of alkalinepotassium(regulates water balance) andiron(prevents anemia).
2. Raw apples strengthen the circulatory and nervous system, improve liver function, and have a diuretic effect, so they can reduce leg swelling.
3. According to folk medicine, systematic eating of grated sour apples reduces rheumatic joint pain.
4. Cooked apples (mousse) help in the treatment of diarrhea and peptic ulcer disease.
5. The peel tea has disinfecting properties and eliminates inflammation of the oral cavity. Homemadeapple cider vinegardrunk daily in the following proportions: 2 teaspoons of vinegar, 2 teaspoons of honey and 1/2 cup of boiled water inhibit the development of infections and improve digestion. However, it should not be used by people with peptic ulcer disease. To make vinegar, it is enough to pour the whole apples, cut into boiled water (a tablespoon of sugar per glass of water), and set aside in a warm place for 4 weeks. When they stop fermenting, strain the vinegar through cheesecloth.
6. Apples are filling and provide little calories: an average apple weighing 10 grams is 30-50 kcal, which is why they are irreplaceable in slimming treatments. However, you cannot eat them without restrictions, because they contain simple sugar - fructose.

Famous apple alcohol
Cider- a weak dry apple wine popular in France. The most cider is produced in Brittany and Normandy, but it is also produced in England, Germany and Spain. There are sweet and sparkling ciders.
Read>>Cider Recipe << strong<<
Calvados- cider distillate, famous French natural vodka. Calvados are also produced in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the United States, but they do not have the finesse and richness of aromas as the French ones. Calvados is in France subject to a special classification and control - appellation reglémentée, and in the case of calvados from the Auge region - appellation d'origine contrôlée (AOC).
Aperitif pommeau- produced inNormandy cider and calvados liquor.
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