In our time, a slim body has become a symbol of he alth and success. We perceive slim, athletic people - wrongly - as more energetic and resourceful than people suffering from overweight or obesity. Many factors contribute to the formation of excess body fat. The main ones are poor nutrition and little physical activity. Overweight and obesity develop when we eat more calories than we are able to "burn" them.
From colorful magazines, attractive women of different ages look at you from almost every side. Attractive - in the mass social sense - slim. There are few publishers brave enough to include women with rounder shapes. Unless in warehouses designed specifically for overweight and obese people. So you look at these colorful photos and compare the bodies of the models with yours. You look at your folds and you feel that you have lost the fight with them. You ask yourself why yourdietsfail. You feel as if you are not eating anything and are still gaining weight. Why? Partly because that's how nature programmed it.
For thousands of years, to eat something, man had to either hunt or farm something. His daily menu included more vegetables, fruits, grains and groats than meat. There were also long periods of hunger. It was experienced by those who had the ability to store energy, that is, convert it into fat. We have had enough food only since the 19th century. In just 150 years, however, we have not managed to adapt to the new conditions, and in fact we have become victims of the nutritional development of civilization. In most parts of the world, hunting is required to obtain food, but only at lower prices. High-quality food is expensive and therefore unavailable to many people. The cheaper one is everywhere, but consuming it can lead to he alth problems. The main one is obesity - a pandemic of the 21st century.
Is this how your weekday looks like? You get up, drink your morning coffee, take a shower and go to work. Everything in a hurry because you overslept. Somewhere on the way to the office, an unsettled hunger for coffee reminds you that you haven't had breakfast. You won't have your next chance to eat until afternoon or evening. So you buy in the nearest storesandwiches, buns and a bubble drink. After work, you come home tired and serve yourself a double or triple dinner to "catch up" with your meals for the day. At the end of the course you are so tired you go to sleep. You cannot fall asleep for a long time. And when you do, you have the impression that the dream was shallow, restless. Because the body deprived of constant, systematic (every few hours) supply of energy, i.e. food, during the day, overloaded at the time when it should rest - starts to "go crazy".
ProblemChips, fast food, all industrially produced sweets - these are products made of purified, prepared and chemically improved raw materials, and thus easy to digest in a short time.
Why do we reach for them? Either because of the convenience or - after a while - because of some kind of addiction. Instead of preparing a he althy meal, we prefer to eat simple carbohydrates, because after them our brain will react very quickly with the production of an increased portion of serotonin (a neurotransmitter responsible for feeling pleasure).
Empty calories
Why do we gain weight? Because we eat too much or incorrect nutrients, and we burn too little. We often feel hungry because easily digestible carbohydrates disappear immediately, depositing them as another layer of adipose tissue. And the body calls for the next batch of food. Until some time ago, sweets were called "empty calories". Now, it's not just sweets. Remember that this is any highly processed product, not necessarily sweet. supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity.
This article does not contain discriminatory and stigmatizing content for people suffering from obesity.