Cancer cells arise as a result of a mutation that interferes with their multiplication cycle. Injured cells divide out of control and the programmed death mechanism ceases to function. Thanks to this, they achieve some kind of immortality. What else is a cancer cell different from a he althy cell?
The cancer celldivides continuously and without restriction, which means that its cell cycle has been completely disrupted by mutation. He althy cells participate in the dynamic process of building the body. At the same time, the mechanisms of death and multiplication take place. Most of the cells that make up the body, however, are in a resting state. This means that they are excluded from the cell cycle leading to division. They can be incorporated back into it as a result of the action of an appropriate excitation signal. The entire process of rest, multiplication and death leads to the maintenance of homeostasis, i.e. the body's balance.
Programmed suicide cell death is called apoptosis. This process is extremely important for the proper functioning of the human body. Damaged and old cells are slipped on its way. It should be noted that for the he alth condition it is necessary to maintain the correct proportion between the division and apoptosis of cells in the body.
What happens in a cancer cell?
Cancer cells contain errors in genetic information regarding the cell cycle and programmed death. DNA damage results in the loss of data needed for the synthesis of information-carrying proteins in the cell. Incorrect production of these substances that control the cell cycle leads to a loss of cell cycle control.
Neoplastic cells are also not removed by apoptosis because its mechanism is also damaged. This is due to mutations in the information about the proteins that initiate this process. Consequently, these cells keep dividing endlessly. They also achieve, in a sense, immortality. By multiplying in an unlimited way, they produce the tissue mass that forms a cancerous tumor.
Cancer cells also have the ability to detach from the tumor area and travel to other parts of the body. Such changes are called metastases.
How are cancer cells formed?
In formationcancer cells are often involved with carcinogens. Damage to DNA can be caused, for example, by exposure to radiation or chemicals. Mutations also arise through errors in DNA replication. Such changes accumulate over time. Therefore, age is a risk factor for cancer.
Some viruses have the ability to cause mutations in an infection that lead to cancer. This is due to their ability to insert their DNA into human genetic material. This serves to multiply the viruses inside the host cell. However, the process may, apart from their multiplication, result in the formation of an oncogenic mutation.
An example would be the human papillomavirus, which is associated with cervical cancer. Currently, prophylaxis is carried out in its scope in the form of preventive vaccinations. The latest research shows that it is a highly effective form of protection against this cancer.
Cancer cells are made through a process called carcinogenesis. It can be divided into three stages:
- initiation
- promotion
- progression
Initiation stage
The first stage in the formation of a neoplastic cell is called initiation. It begins with the emergence of a single DNA mutation. Damage leads to a loss of control over the stability of the genetic material, which makes it susceptible to further mutations. Such a harmful change may occur spontaneously or as a result of an external carcinogenic factor.
Due to errors in DNA, the cell participates in defective, uncontrolled cycles of division. Damage to the genetic material occurs very often, but is usually removed by intracellular repair mechanisms. If the changes are very serious, the cell is programmed to self-destruct.
Mechanisms that prevent cancer cells from forming sometimes fail. An uncorrected mutation may arise from a spontaneous failure of repair proteins.
In cancer cells, subsequent DNA damage appears as a consequence of previous mutations. Mutant repair proteins and proteins that initiate apoptosis, deprive the cell of mechanisms that save against cancer.
Promotion stage
If the mutant cell is not removed by apoptosis, it enters the next stage of cancer formation. This stage is called promotion. During it, oncogenes are activated, i.e. the genetic information responsible for the synthesis of proteins that stimulate the multiplication of cancer cells. The genetic material becomes unstable andthe cell gradually loses its functions.
At the same time, as a result of impaired repair mechanisms, new neoplastic mutations arise. As a result of these changes, the cell acquires neoplastic phenotypic features. This means that it begins to look and function differently than he althy cells.
Tumors in this phase are not yet malignant. This means that they do not metastasize and soak. The lesion detected at this stage can be removed with a high probability of complete recovery. For this reason, early diagnosis of neoplasms is particularly important. The shorter the development time, the better the chances of a successful treatment.
Progression stage
The last stage of neoplastic change formation is progression. This is the stage where damaged cells acquire malignant features. A series of numerous mutations takes place, including at the chromosomal level. In their course, serious molecular changes occur in the cell. As a consequence of all lesions, neoplastic tumors acquire the ability to invade and form metastases.
Different types of cancer cells
Cancer cells are divided into different types depending on the tank they come from. Examples of types:
- cancer - formed from cells with epithelial origin
- leukemia - comes from the tissues responsible for the production of new blood cells
- lymphoma and myeloma - come from cells of the immune system
- sarcoma - comes from cells of connective tissue, including fat, muscles and bones
The appearance of cancer cells
Cancer cells characteristic features, visible under a microscope. Their testicles are usually large and irregular. In he althy cells, the nucleus is usually round or ellipsoidal in shape. In cancer cells, its outline is usually irregular. There are various grooves, folds or dents. These features can be used as a marker in the diagnosis and staging of cancer.
Biological features of cancer cells
Cancer cells have the following features:
- ability to multiply uncontrollably
- loss of sensitivity to signals that stimulate multiplication
- loss of ability to apoptosis. This leads to the proliferation of cells despite genetic errors
- loss of aging ability, leading to unlimited replication potential
- acquisition of the ability to invade adjacent tissues, in the case of invasive cancer cells
- acquisition of the ability to metastasize in distant places in the case of malignant tumor cells
Acquisition of theseAll the characteristics of a cancer cell result from the loss of its ability to repair genetic errors. Damage to repair processes leads to an increase in the rate of mutation. The cell's genomic instability enables the appearance of higher biological neoplastic features.
Evolution of cancer cells
A population of cancer cells that continues to divide endlessly has the capacity to evolve. This undesirable process leads to an increase in the malignancy of the tumor.
Most changes in cellular metabolism that allow cells to multiply uncontrolled result in their death. Cancer cells undergo a natural selection process. Single cells with favorable genetic changes that increase their survival ability will survive and multiply successfully. Such improved cells dominate the growing neoplasm over time, as cells with less favorable genetic changes are forced out of competition.
The evolution of cancer cells leads to the acquisition of drug resistance. In this way, it is also possible to obtain resistance to radiation used during radiotherapy. Therefore, subsequent cancer relapses are more dangerous and more difficult to treat.
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