Early menopause affects women under the age of 40. Often, the symptoms of menopause: changes in the menstrual cycle, hot flushes, mood swings, excessive dryness of the skin are attributed to fatigue. And you delay visiting the gynecologist. This is a mistake. what are the symptoms of early menopause? What to do when the menopause appears too early?
Early menopause- before the age of 45 is a reason to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible. What are thesymptoms of early menopause ? Irregular periods, hot flashes, and mood swings can mean that you are extremely exhausted, have a poor thyroid, or… you've entered menopause too early. Menopause, or the last period, usually occurs in women aged 45-55. Therefore, the first symptoms of the menopause should appear only between the age of 45 and 50. Sometimes, however, they appear earlier. So, if you are under 45 years of age and you still noticed symptoms of menopause, see your gynecologist.
Early menopause: symptoms
You should be alarmed:
- any changes in your menstrual cycle - bleeding that is more frequent than before, and too little or more heavy than usual
- excessive drying of the skin, e.g. a few months ago you used only matting creams, and now you use only moisturizing
- sudden hot flashes and sometimes accompanying heart palpitations, especially in stressful situations
- excessive sweating
- mood swings - you go from depression to aggression quite smoothly
- quick and unjustified (e.g. by changing the diet) weight gain - centimeters increase especially around the hips and thighs
- trouble falling asleep
Early menopause: medical confirmation
Premature menopause will confirm or rule out hormonal tests. If you find that your progesterone and estrogen levels are too low, treatment will need to be started.Sex hormonesregulating many important functions of the body. They affect not only fertility and the menstrual cycle, but also the work of the nervous system. They protect against osteoporosis and circulatory diseases.
Early menopause:reasons
Accelerated menopause can be genetically determined. But that doesn't mean that if your mom entered the menopause at the age of thirty or so, it has to be the same for you. The probability is around 30 percent.The symptoms of menopausecan be caused by certain medications, such as those used to treat polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, and uterine fibroids. It is then said about the so-called artificial menopause. The menopause can also provoke long-term weight loss and a life under constant stress. It is not without significance when you gave birth to your baby. If you become a mother late or choose not to have children, you are more likely to have premature menopause.
Early Menopause: Hormone Treatment
The gynecologist will decide about the best treatment method menopause . He can prescribe hormonal drugs for you. Sometimes birth control pills or a hormone-releasing IUD (eg Mirena) are sufficient. In more difficult cases, it may be necessary to administer hormone replacement therapy. In addition, it is worth following a diet rich in the so-called phytochemicals, i.e. estrogen-like plant hormones (they are contained in soybeans, flaxseeds, cereals and berries), and also exercise regularly. This naturally helps to stabilize the sexual cycle.