Many teens ask about symptoms that may appear before their first period. The first period in life usually occurs between the ages of 12 and 14 and is one of the stages of puberty. But when to expect it?
Whatsymptomsappearbefore the firstin lifemenstruation ? Menstrual bleeding is one of the stages of puberty, and its occurrence is mainly determined by genetic factors. Environmental factors, body composition, general he alth, body weight and diet are also important.
The first symptom of puberty is usually a rapid increase in body length, the so-called The pubertal spike (girls usually occur around 11-12 years of age, later than boys), followed by breast development. In the first stage, the nipples and areola will enlarge and move upwards, and then the breasts will enlarge. Armpit and pubic hair develops.
The average age of the first menstruation in our latitude is 12-14 years. The pace of maturation of each girl is different, only characteristic for her, and you should not make any comparisons with your friends. Nevertheless, the onset of the first menstruation before 9.5-10. age is considered premature. Both premature and missing menstruation up to the age of 14 requires a medical examination and tests to assess whether it is enough to wait or require treatment.
Symptoms before the first menstruation
- the first period usually starts two years after your breasts begin to develop and become tender to touch
- there is a pubertal spike about a year before the first menstruation
- You may notice white vaginal discharge a few months before your first period. It is a physiological symptom resulting from the action of sex hormones and the presence of normal bacterial flora in the vagina
- about a week before the first menstruation, you may experience weakness and general malaise, problems with concentration, nausea
- the appearance of the first period may be preceded by spotting or light bleeding for several days
It is worth knowing that it is on the pacepuberty, and hence the timing of your first period, can be influenced by many factors, including body weight and exercise. Girls who are very slim and those who exercise intensively, enter puberty later and girls with excess body weight earlier than girls with normal body weight.
The onset of the first menstruation is genetically determined, but the date of its onset is also influenced by the above-described constitutional and environmental factors, nutrition, body fat content, physical activity, diseases.
The first period - and when is the next one?
The first period can last from 3 to 7 days. And when is the next one coming? The first menstrual cycles are usually anovulatory, hence their irregularity (which means that after the first bleeding, the next one may appear, for example, after a few months). As a result of the maturation of the hormone-secreting system, ovulation occurs in the first two years after the onset of menstruation, and menstrual cycles become regular and should last between 24 and 38 days. However, this is not a rule and many girls have regular menstrual cycles right from the start.
Is it possible to get pregnant before the first period?
There is a possibility of pregnancy associated with the onset of ovulation even before the first period. However, the probability of such a situation is extremely small.
ImportantMedical consultation requires no signs of puberty in a 13-year-old girl, no menstruation after the age of 14, and the appearance of the first symptoms of puberty before the age of 8, and the appearance of the first menstruation before 9.5-10. years of age.