If you are breastfeeding, you should eat carefully so that your baby does not get colic or allergies. But your menu cannot be monotonous and meager. On the contrary, the diet of a breastfeeding mother should be varied and he althy.

What can you eat duringbreastfeeding ? Young mothers usually have a lot of doubts that we will try to dispel.

1. Do I need to eat more than usual while breastfeeding?

When feeding a baby, the body needs more energy than during pregnancy, about 200 kcal. But if you are overweight after pregnancy, do not increase the caloric value of your diet - this will allow you to return to your normal weight faster (feeding will lose weight!). You do not need to meticulously count calories or overeat - just eat your fill, your body will report your greater needs with increased appetite.

2. What should be the diet of a breastfeeding mother?

Do I have to eliminate any products in order not to sensitize my child ? The basic rule for the first weeks is:breastfeeding dietshould be as varied as possible, but easy to digest. This means eliminating fried, fatty and flatulent dishes in favor of cooked and lean ones. Reason? The baby's digestive tract is still immature and delicate, and you also need to recover from childbirth or cesarean. We also advise against highly processed products due to the high amount of unhe althy trans fats, sugar, dyes and preservatives (sweets, ready-made biscuits, powdered soups, fast food, margarine).

Besides, nutritionists do not recommend eliminating specific products just in case (unless you are allergic to milk or nuts, for example). The more varied the menu we have, the greater the chance that our body will receive all the nutrients it needs. After the first weeks have passed, you can gradually return to your normal diet by watching your little one. Only when you notice disturbing symptoms in him, e.g. colic or rash, discontinue the suspect product for 2-3 weeks. If there is no improvement within this time, restore the eliminated product and remove another from your diet for a while - until you discover the "culprit".

3. Do I need to drink more while breastfeeding?

Nutritionists recommend that everyone drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid a day (includingincluding soup, juicy fruit, fruit juices, compotes, etc.). Remember, however, that while you are breastfeeding, you need extra water to make milk - so this amount should increase even more.

But the point is not to force-drink a certain amount of fluids. If you are feeding, you are likely to be thirsty anyway, so try to keep it satisfied. With greater physical exertion or in hot weather, you will probably be drinking much more than the normal amount. It is also important what you say. Non-carbonated mineral water is always recommendable, as it, in addition to liquid, provides valuable micronutrients necessary in your diet. You can also drink weak tea, fennel-based milk teas, compotes, fruit juices, preferably freshly squeezed or so-called. one-day (and if made of cardboard, no added sugar).

On the other hand, give up coffee, strong tea, cola and energizing drinks - they contain stimulating substances that penetrate into the milk and can harm your baby. Alcohol is also forbidden. We also advise against sweetened, carbonated drinks - apart from "empty" calories, they have no nutritional value and hinder the absorption of calcium.

Breastfeeding: What You Must Not Eat While Breastfeeding

4. Is it necessary to drink 1 liter of milk a day while breastfeeding?

During this period, your body has an increased demand for calcium, and milk is one of the best sources of this element - 1 liter contains 1200 mg, which is a daily dose. Which does not mean that you need to drink a liter of milk a day.

A glass is enough if you also eat a few servings of dairy products during the day, e.g. 2-3 yoghurts or kefirs, 2 slices of cheese and a portion of semi-fat cottage cheese. You can also find calcium in whole wheat bread, groats, nuts, and dark green vegetables.

This example shows how important a varied menu is - the body will absorb the daily dose of each of the necessary elements from many different products.

5. What to do when there is not enough time to cook?

Do I have to eat a hot lunch every day? It's okay if you don't eat a warm meal sometimes for lunch. It is more important that you eat nutritious meals that provide the right amount of nutrients for you and your baby. So try to eat 4-5 meals during the day at the same times and as varied as possible.

Breakfast and dinner do not require any effort - they can be sandwiches made of whole grain bread with a hard-boiled egg or cottage cheese, lean poultry cold cuts or ham and vegetables (tomato, lettuce leaf, radishes, a handfulsprouts or a piece of cucumber or pepper). For lunch or afternoon tea, you can eat, for example, a few fruits, yogurt with a spoon of granola or even a portion of instant porridge for older children.

And dinner? Make a filling salad, such as instant couscous, with seasonal vegetables, lean meats or roasted meat, and a tablespoon of oil. It won't take you much longer to cook a vegetable soup based on a frozen meal or a serving of pasta.

6. How to compose a complete menu for a breastfeeding mother?

The main source of energy should be the so-called good carbohydrates (groats, whole wheat bread, potatoes, vegetables); at least two meals should include iron-rich foods (lean meats and cold cuts, legumes). Each meal should include vegetables and fruit - a source of vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Enrich your diet with vegetable oils, eat oily sea fish twice a week - they contain unsaturated fatty acids, especially omega-3. Their proper amount in your diet is important for the proper development of your baby, because they pass into your milk from the products you eat.

7. Do you have to give up spicy or strongly fragrant dishes?

If you miss them very much, it is worth trying to include them in your menu. When a child responds well to them, there is no reason to say no to them. If you ate them often during pregnancy, your little one has already learned about their taste and smell through the amniotic fluid. Thanks to this, he may already get used to them and he will not be bothered when their smell appears in your food.

8. Do I need to take vitamins while breastfeeding?

If your menu is varied, based on he althy, low-processed products, vitamin supplements will not be needed.

But there may be times when you have to (e.g. because of your own or your child's allergies) to eliminate some important ingredients. Then consult a pediatrician or a dietitian who will advise you on how to supplement the missing ingredients and, if necessary, write an appropriate supplement.

"M jak mama" monthly
