Medullary thyroid cancer is a rare neoplasm. Medullary thyroid cancer runs in families in some cases. The risk of cancer in first-degree relatives is 50%. What are the other causes and symptoms of medullary thyroid cancer? What is the treatment?

Medullary thyroid cancer(RRT) is one type of cancer that develops in the thyroid gland. It accounts for about 4-5 percent. all cases of thyroid cancer. It happens that it affects young people between 20 and 40 years of age - says prof. Marek Dedecjus from the Department of Oncological Endocrinology and Nuclear Medicine, Oncology Center - Institute of Maria Skłodowskiej - Curie. Medullary thyroid cancer arises from the C cells that produce calcitonin, a hormone that regulates the levels of calcium and phosphorus in the body.

It spreads locally within the lymph nodes in the neck and the surrounding muscles and trachea, and via the lymphatic and blood vessels it metastasizes to the lymph nodes of the mediastinum, liver, bones.

Medullary thyroid cancer - causes

There are two types of medullary thyroid cancer:

  • sporadic - in most cases MTC is a sporadic cancer. Sporadic MTC may occur at any age. It is most often diagnosed in the age of 50-60
  • hereditary - in other cases it is an inherited, autosomal dominant cancer. Hereditary medullary thyroid cancer can present as:

- familial medullary thyroid carcinoma (FMTC) - without associated endocrine diseases

- Part of the multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome (MEN): MEN 2A and MEN 2B, with accompanying endocrine diseases

MEN 2A team (Sipple's team)MEN 2B band
  • medullary thyroid cancer
  • pheochromocytoma
  • hyperparathyroidism
  • medullary thyroid cancer
  • marfanoid features (joint laxity, bone deformities)
  • phenotypic anomalies (tongue neuromas, neurofibromas)
  • pheochromocytoma

Cancermedullary thyroid gland - symptoms

Medullary thyroid cancer usually develops secretly, and the first symptom with which patients see a doctor is a single, painless lump in the neck. Other symptoms that suggest medullary thyroid cancer include:

Medullary carcinoma most often manifests as a thyroid nodule.

  • soreness of the thyroid gland when touched
  • difficulty swallowing
  • hoarseness
  • diarrhea (caused by excess calcitonin)
  • Cushing's syndrome (symptoms of excess adrenal cortex hormones - including slim limbs with abdominal obesity, buffalo neck, stretch marks)
  • enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes (a symptom indicating the possibility of metastasis)

Medullary thyroid cancer - diagnosis

The most important test in the diagnosis of medullary thyroid cancer is the determination of the concentration of calcitonin in the blood. In addition, the doctor may order the determination of other markers, such as: chromogranin A, neuronspecific enolase, and histaminase. A genetic test should be performed in every patient diagnosed with medullary thyroid cancer.

The thyroid ultrasound is also a necessary examination. Suspicion of metastases requires a scintigraphic examination of the thyroid gland.

Medullary thyroid cancer - treatment

- MTC treatment and prognosis are much worse than for other differentiated thyroid carcinomas. The basic method of treatment is the removal of the thyroid gland along with the developed neoplastic tumor. Unfortunately, still almost half of the patients are diagnosed with the disease in the advanced stage, when the tumor has spread to other tissues of the body. An additional difficulty is its aggressive nature. Medullary cancer is resistant to radioiodine treatment, which is effective in the case of other differentiated thyroid neoplasms - adds Prof. Marek Dedecjus.

Markers used in the diagnosis and monitoring of patients are calcitonin and carcinoembryonic antigen secreted by the tumor.

Since 2012, new targeted therapies have been available - tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) - a treatment that delays the development of medullary thyroid cancer and gives patients the chance to live longer. Although it is used by patients from other European Union countries, it is still unavailable to patients in Poland.

- Due to the lack of access to targeted treatment, the only option currently available to Polish doctors is to monitor the concentration of calcitonin - a marker that monitors disease activity. We try to involve patients in clinical trials conducted in search of new drug therapies - this is the only onean alternative that we can propose at the moment - says prof. Marek Dedecjus.

Where to go for help

- People struggling with medullary thyroid cancer are in a very difficult situation and need support in seeking treatment - the most important need for people suffering from oncology. Currently, they are deprived of a chance in the unequal fight against the disease. Polish Amazons have been involved in building awareness of thyroid cancer for years, and so far little has been said about medullary cancer - says Elżbieta Kozik, president of the Polskie Amazonki Ruch Społeczny organization, which has been running a campaign supporting patients with thyroid cancer "Butterflies under Protection" since 2014 .

Medullary thyroid cancer affects around 100 people every year

