The infectious diseases that children share so easily with their peers usually start very similarly. How do you know which one we are dealing with?
Many once commonchildhood diseasesthanks to vaccinations, it is now less frequent or has a milder course. Some, however, still torment subsequent generations of preschoolers. The disease usually gives immunity for life. But everyinfectious disease , especially if neglected, can cause complications, sometimes serious. So if your child comes home grumpy, loses his appetite , coughs, or has a fever, he should stay home the next day. It may be a common cold, but you may be dealing with one of the infectious diseases of childhood. Which one? In the early stages of an infection, even a doctor may have trouble making a diagnosis, because many of them start out similarly. What distinguishes them from a typical cold is a rash, which usually appears only 2, 3, sometimes even 5 days after the first symptoms appear. The toddler must be seen by a pediatrician who will recommend further treatment. However, the cheat sheet presented by us will help you find out what you are dealing with if your child becomes ill when it is difficult to contact the doctor (e.g. at night, on a weekend or on a holiday).
Measles - viral disease
Viral disease caused byMeasles virus . Infants from 6 to 12 months of age (before the first vaccination) and children up to 15 years of age who have not received booster doses of the vaccine are at risk of infection.» Symptoms: Initially, catarrh of the conjunctiva, respiratory tract, dry cough. Then the child gets a high fever, and after a few days, vivid red spots with small irregularly shaped lumps appear on the body. The temperature drops from the moment the rash appears, but the child continues to have a runny nose and cough. After a few days, the rash turns brown and then starts to peel off.» Treatment: places inflamed with a rash should be lubricated with a preparation with zinc oxide, which will alleviate itching, give antitussive syrup and antipyretic drugs.» Prevention: In Poland, children are vaccinated against measles twice - at the age of 13-14 months and 7 years.
Scarlet fever - infection occurs through droplets
Disease caused by bacteriaStreptococcus pyogenes(from the genus streptococcus). Children from one to 14 years of age suffer from it. Infection occurs via droplets.» Symptoms: The most visible is a red rash that appears all over the body, except for the so-called the violet triangle (pallor between the wings of the nose, cheek folds, lips and chin). Under the armpits, knees, and elbows, the rash becomes large, pink-red patches. The baby looks as if it has been stabbed with a rice brush. The rash may appear 24 hours after the onset of the fever. In addition to high temperatures, scarlet fever is accompanied by abdominal and throat pain, sometimes vomiting. The throat is crimson, the tongue is covered with a white coating, on the third day of the disease it turns dark red.» Treatment: Scarlet fever is treated with penicillin antibiotics, so a visit to the doctor is necessary. If necessary, the child should also be given medicines to relieve a sore throat and to reduce fever; should remain in bed until the antibiotic takes effect and you feel better. The rash disappears by itself after a week. 2-3 weeks after the symptoms of the disease have disappeared, the skin may peel off and dry out (especially on the hands and feet) - then it needs to be lubricated with cream.» Prevention: Impossible - no protective vaccine. Even being ill does not give permanent immunity, further illnesses are possible.
Are we at risk of a measles epidemic? [TOWIDEO]

Rubella is caused by viruses
Disease is caused by viruses. It is most common among children between the ages of 5 and 15). Rubella can be infected by droplets or through direct contact with the sick person.» Symptoms: Pale pink, blotchy rash, fusing together, feeling less well, mild fever, enlarged lymph nodes.» Treatment: The changes on the skin are not bothersome and they do not need to be lubricated with anything. They should disappear by themselves after 3-4 days.» Prevention: Since 2003, children are obligatorily vaccinated against rubella with a triple vaccine, the so-called MMR, reported on 13-15. month of life. Vaccination is also compulsory for girls from the age of 13.
The mumps can be infected by droplets
Viral disease. Children under 2 years of age are rarely ill. You can get infected with mumps through droplets.» Symptoms: One of the few childhood diseases that does not give rise to a rash. Symptoms are painful swelling of the parotid glands, pain upon swallowing, dry mouth. Swelling passes after 7-9 days. If there are no complications, after 10 daysthe disease ends. The child must stay at home until the swelling of the salivary glands is completely resolved.» Treatment: Warming compresses for the neck, antipyretic drugs, bed rest and a light, fluid diet are recommended.» Prevention: Since 2003, children have to be vaccinated with the triple vaccine, the so-called MMR, 13-15. month and 7 years of age (older children can be vaccinated against payment).
Chickenpox - getting sick gives immunity for life
Viral disease. Usually preschoolers and schoolchildren suffer from it, and infants up to the 6th month are usually resistant. Smallpox is spread by airborne droplets. It gives immunity for life, but the virus stays in the body and can cause shingles if immunity declines. Then a very itchy rash appears on the body. First, they are single red spots that turn into bubbles filled with fluid. Bubbles dry up over time to brown crusts. It is characteristic that the rash appears in several bouts: there are fresh spots, vesicles and scabs on the skin at once. After a few days, the scabs fall off, leaving behind white spots that disappear after some time.» Treatment: There is no effective cure for chickenpox. During illness, the child must be given vitamin C, antipyretics, relieving itching and keeping in bed. In severe cases, your doctor will prescribe an antiviral drug such as Acyclovir. It is important that the little one does not have contact with other children during this time, as it is a source of germs until all the bubbles are dry.» Prevention: The child can be vaccinated against smallpox, the vaccine is payable (the cost of one dose is PLN 180, the number of doses depends on the age). The vaccine is recommended from the age of 9 months.
Three-day fever - cannot be prevented
The disease is caused by a virus. Children between 6 months and 4 years of age suffer most often from the disease. You can get infected through droplets.» Symptoms: Sudden high fever that lasts for 3 days. Then it goes down and a tiny pink rash appears on the skin.» Treatment: Antipyretics, cool compresses.» Prevention: Not possible.
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