The infectious diseases that toddlers easily "share" with their peers usually start very similarly. How do you know if you are dealing with measles, chickenpox, rubella, mumps or maybe scarlet fever?
Many of the once common childhood diseases thanks tovaccinationsare now less frequent or have a milder course. Some, however, still torment subsequent generations of preschoolers. The disease usually gives immunity for life. Butinfectious diseases , especially if ignored, can cause complications, sometimes very serious. So, if your child comes home grumpy, loses his appetite, starts coughing or has a fever, he should stay home the next day. It may be a common cold, but you may be dealing with one of the infectious diseases of childhood. Which one? In the early stages of an infection, even a doctor may have trouble making a diagnosis, because many of them start out similarly. What distinguishes them from a typical cold is a rash, which usually appears only 2, 3, sometimes even 5 days after the first symptoms appear. The toddler must be seen by a pediatrician who will recommend further treatment. The cheat sheet presented by us will help you find out, especially when it is difficult to contact a doctor (e.g. at night, on a weekend or on holidays), whether you are dealing with measles,rubella , chickenpox, scarlet fever or mumps.
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