A woman wants to be a partner in sex, she wants to get joy, pleasure and satisfaction from it. However, she does not always succeed in this. Sometimes sex hurts. Painful intercourse can be caused by various ailments. Fortunately, most of them can be healed easily.
Even 10-15 ago it was believed that the causes of sexual dysfunction in women lie in their psyche. It is now known that if a woman experiences pain during intercourse, it is almost always because of an infection or inflammation.
You shouldn't ignore your ailments or keep silent about them - the only reasonable option is to visit a gynecologist or sexologist. Sometimes psychotherapy is needed in parallel with the treatment of a physical illness.
Pain during sex - the most common causes
Painaround the entrance to the vagina and soreness during intercourse usually cause:
- Vaginal mycosis -is common. It manifests itself as itching, burning, reddening of the vaginal area and thick discharge. Treatment takes 3-7 days.
- Sensitization -usually a reaction to new soap, intimate deodorant, contraceptive foam etc.
- Clitoritis- it can be caused by too much stimulation or by the accumulation of waxy secretions in the skin fold.
- Vaginitis- manifested by wart-like lesions that are formed around the entrance to the vagina.
- Genital herpes- itchy blisters appear in the genitals, followed by painful erosions. Relapses are favored by infections, stress, excessive sunbathing or body cooling.
- Chlamydiosis- a few weeks after intercourse, during which she became infected with chlamydia, the woman experiences vaginal burning and itching, abdominal pain, thick discharge or bleeding between periods. Man - pain when urinating, watery discharge from the urethra. Chlamydiosis is treated with antibiotics. Untreated, it can cause inflammation of the ovaries or epididymis, and consequently infertility.
- Thrush- in women it causes itching, swelling of the vulva, vaginal discharge, burning during intercourse, and in men it causes redness and itching of the glans. It is favored by: treatment with antibiotics, diabetes, hypothyroidism or adrenal insufficiency,anemia, pregnancy, the use of contraceptive pills, overeating with sweets, stress, hormonal disorders. And also wearing synthetic underwear that overheats the genital area, which facilitates the growth of yeast-like fungi.
The reason for the pain when a penis penetrates deep into the vagina may be:
- inflammation of the appendages that requires urgent treatment;
- constipation - a frequent problem of women with uterine distension. The bottom of the uterus makes it difficult to defecate. You should then use over-the-counter stool relaxants.
Pain during intercourse: vaginismus
It happens that the muscles surrounding the vaginal opening contract so much that the man cannot insert the penis. This is called vaginismus - a disease that arises in the psyche. It mainly affects women who have bad sexual experiences (e.g. rape, molestation) or who have been brought up in an atmosphere of condemnation of sex. Vaginismus resolves almost one hundred percent, but psychotherapy and training are necessary - it begins with learning how to deeply relax your muscles.
Pain during intercourse after childbirth
Hormonal changes during pregnancy and lactation as well as new responsibilities and lifestyle changes result in the lack of interest in sex even for several months after childbirth. It is not a sexual disorder and does not require treatment. After a while, sexual desires and feelings return to normal.
Some women believe, however, that for example their vagina got stretched. This sensation is due to the weakening of the perineal muscles, which will be strengthened by appropriate gymnastics. Discomfort and pain may be associated with scarring of the episiotomy. Then it is worth contacting the gynecologist.
Pain during intercourse: vaginal dryness
If the vagina does not get wet despite its excitement, it may be due to low levels of estrogens (which regulate, among others, vaginal mucus secretion), diabetes or Sjogren's syndrome (dryness of the conjunctiva, mouth and vagina). The disease also affects breastfeeding mothers. Various moisturizing preparations are used in the treatment, the so-called lubricants such as K-Y Jelly and Feminum (available over the counter at pharmacies). The best intimate gels contain water-soluble ingredients. Oily substances (such as petroleum jelly) often cause infections because they are deposited on the skin and mucosa. They also destroy latex, so they must not be used with a condom, vaginal ring or cap.
Sex therapy
It is a type of psychotherapy focused on solving specific problems of a given couple. It is best to visit a sexologist for two. Interviews take place in the therapist's office, and then inyou need to practice certain tasks at home.
Worth knowingTrouble with orgasm
Men experience orgasm from the beginning of sexual activity, women need to learn it. In them, the peak of sexual arousal occurs after the age of 30. Women experience orgasm in many ways. Some argue that vaginally is better. But most have clitoris because the clitoris is highly innervated and much more sensitive to stimuli than the vagina.
If sexual contact does not give you a blast of pleasure, but it brings pleasure, satisfaction, relaxation and it is enough for a woman, you can not change it. Psychotherapy should be started when a woman is nervous, tense and feels that she is missing something after intercourse.
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