The umbilical cord loops are formed when the baby wraps itself around the umbilical cord. How dangerous the umbilical cord loops are to the fetus depends primarily on their type. What are the causes of this pathology? What are the risks for the baby from umbilical cord loops?
Umbilical loopsare created before delivery, as a result of fetal movements or during labor, when the frontal part of the fetus is inserted into the birth canal, or when the child makes subsequent turns in the birth canal. Wrapping a baby with the umbilical cord can be very dangerous for the baby.
Umbilical cord loops: causes
The causes of umbilical cord loops are not fully understood. It is suspected that the role in their creation is played by:
- bearing location
- fetal weight, amount of amniotic fluid
- maternal illnesses coexisting with pregnancy
Umbilical cord loops: types
- open loop (incomplete) - runs from the navel to the nape area
- uncrossed open loop - runs from the navel to the nape area and then under the armpit
- full loop - runs from the navel to the nape area, then crosses the navel area
When are umbilical cord loops dangerous?
Loose umbilical cord loops- usually they are not dangerous and do not cause problems during pregnancy and childbirth. If the looping is not accompanied by impaired baby movements or an abnormal heart rhythm, then there is no need to worry. It happens that the child breaks free from the loop by making the movements. The coexistence of the umbilical loop with the simultaneous disturbed blood flow in the umbilical vessels, decreased motor activity of the fetus, green amniotic waters, hypotrophy or abnormal cardiotocographic recording may cause anxiety.
The most dangerous aretight loops of the umbilical cordandwrapping the umbilical cordseveral times around the fetal neck. There is then a great risk that the loops will tighten during fetal movements or passing through the birth canal, causing hypoxia, which may result in intrauterine fetal death or damage to the nervous system.
In twin monohydrate pregnancies, the umbilical cords may become looped with each other.