Have a new mole come to your collection? Or maybe the old birthmark began to grow? These types of skin changes are disturbing because it can be melanoma, a dangerous skin cancer. However, do not panic and consult a doctor. The dermatologist will look at the moles and decide if any of them should be removed.

What skin changes should make us visit a dermatologist?

Prof. Lidia Rudnicka, head of the Dermatology Clinic of the Ministry of Interior and Administration Hospital in Warsaw:Marks , which are growing rapidly. They are over 5 mm in diameter, asymmetrical in shape, uneven edges, different colors - from gray-brown to black. The most commonmelanomais dark brown or black, but it also happens in skin color. This is the most dangerous one, because we notice him the latest.

What birthmarks should be removed?

We remove birthmarks that are exposed to constant irritation as a preventive measure, e.g. on the scalp, feet and around the genitals. Your doctor may suggest removing a birthmark that appears to have developed intocancer . If there is a shadow of a suspicion that we are dealing with melanoma, we remove it quickly.

Is the procedure of removing birthmarks complicated?

It lasts about 30 minutes, it is done under local anesthesia and then you can return to your daily duties. Several marks are removed at once.

Czerniak - how to recognize it?


Most suspicious signs:

  • asymmetric
  • with a blurred, blurred edge
  • looking like a raised blot on the skin
  • with different colors

Pieprzyk - is there always a scar after its excision?

Only where the skin tightens (e.g. on the back). In other places, almost invisible "dashes" remain, especially if there are no sutures. It is worth knowing that the scar is usually about three times longer than the diameter of the birthmark.

Does melanoma occur only at the site of moles and only on the skin?

Melanoma also develops on he althy skin. It can appear anywhere where there are melanocytes, i.e. cells that produce the skin pigment, melanin, e.g. on the mucous membranes of the genitals and in the mouth. Melanoma of the eyeball can also occur, so don't forget to wear sunscreen.

Prevention: how often should we comeexplore?

He althy people under 40 who do not have disturbing moles should have their skin checked every three years. Older every year. If someone has a lot of birthmarks, they should be checked every three months.

The clothing protects against solar radiation?

Yes, but only to a certain extent. It is enough to look at them against the light to see that the rays penetrate the fabric. The garment is believed to protect like a filter 15, although specialized companies already offer sun protection.

We risk melanoma when using the solarium?

Yes, the light in the solarium also emits dangerous UV rays.

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