Umbilical cord prolapse is a very serious complication, most often caused by the incorrect adjustment of the frontal part of the fetus to the mother's bone pelvis. What are the risk factors for an umbilical cord prolapse? How is an umbilical cord prolapse?

Umbilical cord prolapseis a situation where the umbilical cord is in front of the anterior part of the fetus and extends into the inner cervix or in front of the vulva. The prolapse of the umbilical cord occurs most often during premature rupture of the fetal bladder, when the anterior part of the fetus has not yet inserted into the birth canal.

Umbilical cord prolapse: diagnosis

Umbilical cord prolapse is easy to recognize: during internal examination, you can feel the pulsating umbilical cord easily, or it is visible after opening the labia.

Umbilical cord prolapse: risk factors

Fetal umbilical cord prolapse risk factors

  • abnormal position and orientation of the fetus
  • low weight of the fetus

Risk factors of maternal umbilical cord prolapse

  • abnormal structure of the bone pelvis
  • having many children

Other risk factors of umbilical cord prolapse:

  • multiple pregnancy
  • polyhydramnios
  • sudden premature departure of amniotic fluid
  • premature birth
  • umbilical cord fronting
  • incorrect placement of the bearing (frontal or low)
  • umbilical cord too long
  • amniocentesis
  • surgical deliveries
  • amnioinfusion

Umbilical cord prolapse: immediate emperor

Umbilical cord prolapse is an indication for immediate Caesarean section, because natural childbirth is too dangerous. Why? Because the leading part, lowering in the birth canal, compresses the umbilical vessels, causing flow disorders in them, which results in fetal hypoxia and, consequently, may lead to the death of a newborn child or to a severe asphyxia. The degree of risk of such serious complications depends on many factors, including the size of the child, the type of the leading part, the size of the bone pelvis.
