It is not really known why we get cancer. Some of them are hereditary to some extent, others attack without warning, and there are cancers that we have been working on for years. Since cancer treatment is difficult and not always effective, the best solution is prevention - regular examinations.
You can't be 100% sure that you won't getcancer . But you can detect it early and start an effective fight. We suffer fromcancerbecause we live longer than our ancestors, we are surrounded by more and more chemicals, various types of toxic substances, we often eat poorly and lead an unhe althy lifestyle. Skin and lung cancers take time to materialize. If a 20-year-old loves lounging in the sun and has burned his skin multiple times, then in his 50s he may expect a skin cancer. The same is true of lung cancer.
Cancer prevention - get tested
Whenever we notice changes in the skin or in the functioning of the body. Doctors call this oncological alertness. You have to carefully observe your body: look at it and examine it by touch. If we don't do this systematically, we may be missing a time when the cancer has not yet spread and can be de alt with. Therefore, any change in the functioning or appearance of our body should turn on a red light - I need to see a doctor. Better to waste some time and hear that there is nothing to worry about than to find out that it is too late to rescue.
ImportantWhat changes should worry us
- unusual bleeding or discharge from all body orifices or nipples
- lumps, thickenings in the nipples and testicles, on the skin, lip, tongue
- changes in the shape, size or color of warts or birthmarks
- ulcers or wounds that do not heal
- prolonged digestive disorders
- hoarseness and cough that appear for no apparent reason and do not last long
Cancer is tricky diseases
Some develop slowly and are asymptomatic, making them difficult to detect. It is worth remembering that the prevention of cancer does not only consist in preventing the disease (because it is not always possible), but above allall on early detection of the smallest changes, when treatment may be more effective.
Cancer prevention: after eighteen
Young women should learn to self-examine their breasts (once a month after the end of their menstrual period) and visit a gynecologist once a year and have acytology , which helps to recognize precancerous conditions. It should also be performed by women who are about to start a sexual life. The examination is painless and performed privately costs about PLN 30-40. Young men are at risk of testicular cancer. Therefore, they should check the testicles on their own from time to time, and after noticing the slightest changes that were not there before, immediately see a doctor.
Cancer prevention: in your 30s
Women have to undergo a pap smear and routine gynecological examination once a year. An ultrasound should be performed once a year. breast cancer and mammography, which is considered the best test in the early diagnosis of breast cancer. This is especially true of those women whose mothers, grandmothers or aunts suffered from this cancer. A good mammogram should not be completely reassuring. It is worth knowing that not all neoplastic changes are visible on x-rays of the breast. Therefore, you should see a doctor with the result. The examination is not painful, although some discomfort may be felt with very sensitive breasts. Privately, the examination costs about PLN 100. Men should systematically examine their testicles on their own, at least every six months.
Cancer prevention: in your forties
Women, if they have no genetic burden, should have a mammogram and ultrasound performed once a year or every two years. breasts. This allows you to determine the type of lesion (e.g. cyst, fibrosis) that can occur in the breast. You have to go to the gynecologist once a year and ask for a cytology. Cervical cancer can be effectively prevented, so it's worth getting tested regularly. This age group is at risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer. There are no tests to diagnose these diseases in the very early stages. Only regular visits to the gynecologist can protect against them. Ovarian cancer is asymptomatic and difficult to detect. Annual ultrasound examinations are recommended for women with a hereditary burden. reproductive organs. Sometimes, in order to protect a woman from cancer, surgical removal of the ovaries and hormone replacement therapy are proposed in the menopausal period.
Cancer prevention: over 50
Women should perform mammography and ultrasound once a year. breast, gynecological examination and cytology. Every two years (more often in case of ailments) men should do a rectal examination (through the anus) in order tocheck for changes in the prostate gland. If they appear, you need to visit a urologist and make an ultrasound. prostate and determine the level of PSA, i.e. prostate antigen. Testing alone is not enough, as some cancers of this gland develop with normal PSA levels. It is also necessary to self-test the testicles.
Cancer prevention: over sixty
Women have to visit a gynecologist once a year, do cytology, mammography and ultrasound. breasts. Breast self-examination should not be neglected (once a month is enough). Men should do a rectal examination every six months, and visit a urologist once a year for PSA markers.
Cancer prevention: all ages
Skin cancer - It is becoming more and more common. Therefore, once a year, preferably in spring, we should go to the oncologist and ask him to carefully examine our skin. If the oncologist suggests removing any changes in the skin, you should report for such a procedure. There is nothing to be afraid of. It is not true that cutting out skin lesions can be harmful. Removal of each precancerous lesion gives a chance for a full recovery. The exception to this rule is advanced stages of melanoma or skin cancer, in which, although removed and not because of it, the chances of recovery are lower.
Colon cancer - Prophylaxis consists in performing (around 50 years of age) colonoscopy. The test consists of viewing the entire colon. This cancer, at an early stage, when it can be effectively treated, shows no symptoms (e.g. bleeding when passing stools is a symptom of advanced disease). It lasts several minutes, but it is unpleasant because the apparatus is inserted through the anus and air is blown in. It can even be painful when there are adhesions in the colon after surgery.
Lung cancer - The list of tobacco-dependent cancers is long. Among them are: cancer of the lip, tongue, cheek mucosa, palate, larynx, epiglottis and only the lungs. The only effective way to protect yourself from this disease is not to start smoking. And if someone smokes, they should have their lungs X-rayed once a year, and if there are any changes in the mouth, be sure to see an oncologist. Laryngeal cancer is the best treatment. It manifests itself in the form of hoarseness and a change in the timbre of the voice. The condition for cure is early diagnosis of the tumor. If symptoms persist for more than two weeks, an appointment with an ENT or oncologist is recommended.