Uterine contractions in pregnancy are symptoms typical of its proper course. Most often, there are three types of pregnancy contractions, the task of which is to prepare the uterus for childbirth. However, some types of contractions, especially in early pregnancy, can indicate a detachment of the placenta or even a miscarriage. Find out what types of pregnancy contractions are, what they mean and what they may indicate abnormal, painful contractions in your pregnancy.
Uterine contractions in pregnancyare physiological contractions, characteristic for the proper course of pregnancy, which appear after the 20th week of pregnancy. Only then should a pregnant woman feel the first, delicate contractions caused by the stretching of the uterine muscle fibers. Their task is to prepare the uterus for labor. What are thetypes of pregnancy contractionsand how to distinguish them from the wrong ones?
Uterine contractions during pregnancy - types of pregnancy contractions
- Alvarez contractions
Alvarez contractions areuterine contractionsthat start from the 20th week of pregnancy. During this time, the muscle fibers of the uterus tighten, which is why the expectant mother begins to feel the hardening of the abdomen. The process is not painful but can be uncomfortable. Thanks to Alvarez's contractions, the uterus is slowly being prepared for labor.
Characteristics of Alvarez contractions:
- are irregular
- their intensity does not change
- most often felt in the evening or after a sudden movement
- usually disappears after changing position
- Braxton-Hicks contractions, or predictive contractions
Braxton-Hicks contractions are felt after the 20th week of pregnancy. During this time, the uterine muscle tightens in preparation for real labor contractions that will push the baby out when it's due for delivery.
Characteristics of predictive contractions:
- start at the bottom of the uterus (which is just below the navel) and slowly move downward
- cause menstrual-like pain and low back pain
- are irregular
- appear every several minutes
- they usually last from 15 to 30 seconds, and sometimes even a few minutes
- towards the end of pregnancy they become more frequent and more painful (in 8-9 months they may occur every 20-30 minutes and last up to two minutes)
How to distinguish between predictive and labor contractions
Braxton-Hicks contractions can be difficult to distinguish from premature uterine contractions. However, unlike labor contractions, they don't get stronger or more frequent, they just get milder within an hour and disappear completely. In addition, predictive contractions are not accompanied by any additional symptoms, such as diarrhea, spotting, breakage of amniotic fluid, or a feeling of distress, back pain or abdominal pain.
Therefore, if before the 36th week of pregnancy your contractions occur more than every hour, and in addition you experience low back pain and you feel unwell, contact your doctor in charge of your pregnancy or go to the emergency room.
- Labor contractions
Labor contractions, called labor pains, are contractions designed to fully open the womb, expelling the fetus and the placenta. These are regressive contractions that occur at certain intervals. They are delicate at first, but as the cervix opens, they become stronger and stronger. This pain can radiate down to the tailbone.
ImportantUterine contractions in pregnancy - when to go to hospital?
The first contractions, just before birth, usually appear at intervals of about 20 minutes. If they are fully regular you should go to the hospital. As labor progresses, contractions occur more often: in the first period, initially every 10-15 minutes, at the end every 3-5 minutes (they last 45-60 seconds). In the second stage of labor, contractions occur every 2-5 minutes and last from half to 1 minute, and then 1-2 minutes at the end. The more frequent and stronger your contractions are, the greater the chance that your labor will be shorter. It all depends on how quickly the dilation of the cervix reaches a diameter of 10 cm (full dilation).
- Contractions immediately after giving birth
In a few minutes after the baby is born, regurgitated uterine contractions may occur, facilitating the expulsion of the placenta.
- Postpartum contractions
Postpartum contractions, called postpartum pains, are contractions similar in nature to those of pregnancy. Their task is to accelerate the contraction of the uterus.
ImportantUterine contractions in the first weeks of pregnancy
Some women in their early pregnancy may experience slight cramping or burning pain in their lower abdomen, pelvis, or lower back. if notit is accompanied by other symptoms, usually indicating normal changes related to the stretching and growth of the uterus. However, if uterine contractions, especially sudden ones, are accompanied by e.g. bleeding, there is cause for concern.
Abnormal, painful contractions of the uterus in pregnancy
- Premature contractionslabor, occurring between 20 and 37 weeks of pregnancy, may dilate the cervix and lead topreterm labor . These types of contractions are likely to be caused by various types of intrauterine inflammatory processes. If you observe your abdomen hardening and contracting regular and intense action that does not go away with repositioning, you may assume that these are premature labor contractions.
- The typical symptoms ofmiscarriage , i.e. a loss of pregnancy before the 22nd week of its duration, include painful uterine contractions, pain of varying intensity in the lower abdomen and sacral area of the spine, as well as bleeding from the pathways and the departure of amniotic fluid.
- Premature detachment of the placenta is manifested by sudden diffuse lower abdominal pain (often associated with nausea and vomiting), constant uterine contractions, bleeding, and even vaginal haemorrhage (often with clots). Premature detachment occurs when the placenta detaches partially or completely from the uterine wall after the 20th week of pregnancy and before the expected delivery date.
In any case, you should go to the emergency room or the doctor in charge of your pregnancy as soon as possible!