Pleurisy can be a complication of pneumonia, tuberculosis, or chest surgery. If left untreated, pleurisy can lead to right ventricular hypertrophy (called pulmonary heart) or respiratory failure, and can lead to death. What are the causes and symptoms of pleurisy? What is the treatment?
Pleuritisis a disease in which fluid accumulates in the pleural cavity, which makes it difficult to expand the lung and disrupts the normal mobility of the chest, resulting in respiratory failure. circulatory system.
There are four types of pleurisy:
- dry (also called fibrinous, may regress or become exudative);
- exudative (when the amount of exudative fluid in the pleural cavity is significant);
- purulent exudative (if the fluid becomes infected);
- exudative hemorrhagic.
Pleural cavity: what is it?
The pleural cavity is a narrow gap between the pulmonary pleura (the membrane that covers the lungs) and the parietal pleura (the membrane that lines the inner wall of the chest). It is filled with a small amount of serous (pleural) fluid, which moistens the pleural plaques rubbing against each other as you breathe. The pleural cavity is closed from the top by the chest walls (with ribs), and from the base by the diaphragm.
Pleurisy: causes
Pleurisy may be primary - when the inflammation in an isolated manner covers only the pleura (without involvement of the pulmonary parenchyma). However, pleurisy is most often a complication of diseases in the surrounding tissues, such as:
- pneumonia,
- tuberculosis,
- pulmonary embolism,
- lung cancer.
Pleurisy can also be caused by heart failure, liver failure, and kidney failure, as well as endocrine disorders, pancreatitis, and other gastrointestinal diseases. Chest trauma with a rib fracture may also contribute to its development.
ImportantPleuritis - complications
Pleurisy with exudate can lead to fibrosis of the chest ( fibrothorax ) and further to failurerespiratory. The muscle of the right ventricle (known as the pulmonary heart) can also overgrow. The consequence of inflammation can also be a pleural empyema - an infection that can spread through the bloodstream and lead to sepsis.
Pleurisy: diagnosis
If pleurisy is suspected, blood tests, a stethoscope and a chest X-ray are performed. The doctor may also refer the patient to ultrasound and computed tomography. The final diagnosis is made after the pleural puncture is performed and the collected fluid is examined.
Pleurisy: treatment
Treatment of pleurisy depends on what is causing the disease. Then the disease that contributed to the development of inflammation is treated. Moreover, in the case of accumulation of a large amount of fluid in the pleural cavity, puncture and drainage are used.
In addition, the patient should lie on his he althy side with the roller under the chest. Breathing exercises may also be helpful.
Pleurisy: symptoms
Symptoms of pleurisy come on suddenly. At first, there is a sharp, stabbingchest painthat is localized to a specific part of the chest. A characteristic feature of the disease is that the pain increases at the top of the inhale (preventing proper, deep and free breathing), as well as with any tremors in the chest area, e.g. when coughing, sneezing, jumping, twisting or bending. However, it disappears when the breath is held, and also when the patient assumes a position lying on the sick side.
The accompanying symptoms are usuallydry coughand low-grade fever or fever. As the fluid in the cavity builds up, the pain subsides, butshortness of breathappears, breathing becomes shallow and rapid. Occasionally the torso is tilted towards the affected side and the chest traumatizes (breathing movements on the affected side are suppressed).
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