The American influenza strain AH3N2 has contributed to the deaths of several people in the United States, including children. The virus may appear in Poland within a few weeks - warns GIS. What are the symptoms of AH3N2 infection? How to avoid infection?
A dangerous strain of the AH3N2 flu has appeared in the United States, which has already caused the death of a dozen people, including children. Previously, the presence of the AH3N2 virus was reported in Australia, where it also contributed to the death of several dozen people. The head of the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate, Marek Posobkiewicz, warns that the virus may reach Poland in the near future, which is related to the high mobility of people. With such a large number of passengers traveling to and from the United States and Australia, the probability of bringing the virus to Poland is a matter of time.
American influenza strain AH3N2 - how do you get infected?
The American flu strain AH3N2 can be infected just like any other flu virus, i.e. by droplets. Children and the elderly are the most vulnerable to AH3N2 infection.
American influenza strain AH3N2 - symptoms
The symptoms of infection with the American flu strain AH3N2 are similar to those of the seasonal flu. Suddenly there are symptoms such as:
- fever - the temperature quickly reaches over 39 degrees C
- severe headache (usually in the frontal and ocular area)
- muscle and joint pain
- cough
American influenza strain AH3N2 - why is it dangerous?
Sanepid reassures that the AH3N2 virus is not more dangerous than other mutations. Only complications are dangerous. However, infection with the AH3N2 virus is easy for two reasons - the already mentioned human mobility and the lack of effective protection. Currently (flu season 2022/2018) there is a vaccine for the H3N2 virus, which may not protect against the AH3N2 virus. Therefore, you can catch this virus even if you have been vaccinated before. This is what happened to an Australian resident - despite the fact that she got vaccinated before the season, she eventually fell ill and died.
What is the AH3N2 virus? Look! [TOWIDEO]
American influenza strain AH3N2 - treatment
Treatment of AH3N2 flu is symptomatic. In some cases, it may cause serious complications, e.g.pneumonia or inflammation of the heart muscle.
American influenza strain AH3N2 - prevention
Due to the fact that the flu vaccine may turn out to be ineffective against the AH3N2 influenza virus, you should strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene - wash your hands frequently and avoid unnecessary crowds, try not to touch the handrails, door handles etc. in public places.