Drosera is one of the plants whose healing properties have been appreciated centuries ago and are now appreciated: Drosera extract is an excellent remedy for a dry, tiring cough and other respiratory ailments. What healing properties does drosera have and how is it used?

Drosera is the scientific name of sundew, a carnivorous plant known to all nature lovers. The family of sundews has nearly 200 species, some of which also occur in Poland in swampy, wetlands, but also relatively sunny areas, while the rest inhabit mainly North and South America.
This plant is completely protected in our country. When walking, it is easy to overlook: it is quite small (it does not exceed 20 cm in height), it has delicate, red, round leaves gathered in a decorative rosette and inconspicuous white flowers with red stamens. It feeds on insects: it has specific "hairs" that produce a sweet, very sticky and thick liquid - it attracts insects which, when they stick to the surface of the drosera, cannot fly away.
Drosera: healing properties
The round-leaved sundew is most often used for medicinal purposes. Its decoctions have been used for centuries in the treatment of diseases associated with severe cough: flu, colds, angina, whooping cough, pharyngitis, and even tuberculosis - years of observation have shown that this plant has antibacterial, antispasmodic and calming properties.
Contemporary research has shown that sundews contain, among others, glycosides, such as plumbagin and droserone, as well as quercetin, flavonoids, triterpenes, anthocyanins - compounds that have antibacterial properties (they are active especially against streptococci, staphylococci and mycobacteria).
Drosera also contains substances that prevent bronchospasm, as well as compounds with broncholytic (bronchodilator) and secretolic properties, i.e. thinning the residual secretions. It also has analgesic properties.
Worth knowing
Author: Boiron
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One method of cough treatment is the use of homeopathic dry cough syrup. Drosetux syrup can be given to children because there are no age restrictions. It is used as an auxiliary intreat dry and irritating cough.
Drosetux does not contain alcohol or artificial dyes, and its delicate taste makes it easier to give it to small children.
Find out moreWorth knowingPure sundew herb can be used in an amount not greater than about 3 g per day.
The tincture made of sundew leaves was once used as a remedy for monthly menstrual problems, and the infusion of the leaves treated headaches, eyeaches and stomach problems. In turn, the rinse of the sundew herb helped with toothache.
Drosera: application and usage
Due to all its properties, drosera is a valuable ally in the fight against respiratory diseases: especially those that are seasonal, which are associated with a strong, exhausting cough. Today, however, the pure form of drosera is rarely used: the compounds contained in the plant are quickly oxidized.
More effective - and safer - are preparations containing extracts of this substance, which support the secretion of mucus and cleansing the respiratory tract from secretions deposited in them. Agents containing drosera also support the regeneration of cilia located on the mucous membranes of the respiratory system.
To prepare a tincture of sundew, pour a few tablespoons of its herb over 40 percent. with alcohol in a proportion of 1: 3