Flu complications are neglected, and if left untreated, flu can even be fatal. Bronchitis or pneumonia, sinusitis, meningitis are some of the possible complications that can occur after a previous flu. Know the symptoms of complications, if you recognize them, call your doctor immediately.
Complications from influenzaaffect approximately 3 to 5 million severe cases each year. Flu is a more dangerous disease than most Poles think. We fear the news of Ebola and forget that the flu virus can kill too. Last season, due to him, hospital treatment required approx. 7 thousand. people, and 15 died. According to the data of the National Institute of Hygiene and National Institute of Hygiene, only 4 percent of Poles have been vaccinated against influenza in the last few years.
Influenza is caused by A, B and C viruses. A viruses are the most dangerous. Type B causes flu with a milder course. Type C is the cause of a minor illness similar to a cold, it is the least common. After infection, viruses locate in the epithelium lining the respiratory tract (nose, throat, trachea and bronchi) and multiply there intensively. This process takes 4-6 hours. During this time, they damage (in children almost completely) epithelial cells, paving the way for microorganisms (most often pneumococci, Haemophilus influenzae - Hib, and staphylococcus aureus). And this leads to secondary bacterial infections. Influenza virus can also enter the lungs through the bloodstream and cause inflammation, which leads to necrotic lesions and hemorrhages. It sometimes attacks the nervous system, causing inflammation of the meninges or the brain.
Flu complications: when can they occur?
The period of incubation of the disease lasts from 2 to 3 days. Treatment of flu without complications takes about 7 days, but you may feel weakness for up to several weeks. If, despite treatment, flu symptoms persist, worsen, or develop additional symptoms, consult your doctor. Perhaps there are complications that are most noticeable in the 1st and 2nd week of the disease. The most vulnerable to complications are children, seniors, the chronically ill, and people with weakened immunity.
Complications after the flu: sinusitis
Inflammatory changes in the mucosa of the paranasal sinuses are the most common complication of influenza.
Symptoms :
- pain in the area of the forehead and nose, especially in the morning and getting worsewhen tilting the head,
- feeling of pressure in the cheek area,
- stuffy nose,
- temperature rise.
If the viral infection is joined by a bacterial purulent runny nose, chronic headaches, fever attacks of unknown origin may last for months!
Treatment : Wipe your nose often - you can use saline (sea s alt) beforehand - it will help to get rid of the secretions. Great effects are achieved by inhalation of s alt or Ivonite s alt and dry warm compresses (put a heated towel to the forehead or cheeks, then clean the nose). Drink marjoram infusion (a teaspoon per glass of water) and the nose will unlock by itself. In the case of a viral infection, the symptoms will disappear after 2-3 days of treatment. If the bacteria have joined in, your doctor will prescribe an antibiotic. The treatment lasts 10-14 days.
Complications after the flu: otitis media
Symptoms : Otitis media causes the mucosa to swell, obstructing the outflow of mucus (in viral infections) or mucopurulent (viral infections quickly become bacterial), so it accumulates it is in the middle ear. There is pain, high fever, the patient's hearing is impaired, sometimes the eardrum is perforated and pus spills out. Neglected infection leads to impaired hearing, inflammation of the facial nerve and the brain.
Treatment : Treat viral infection symptomatically (painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs). Pain is relieved by warm dry compresses (warm towel, hot water bottle). If bacteria have entered the ear after viruses, you should take an antibiotic, and if there is also a runny nose - decongestant drops. After 2-3 days the symptoms disappear, but the treatment must be completed (10-14 days). Sometimes it is necessary to incision the eardrum (for the pus to leak out).
Complications after the flu: bronchitis
Symptoms :
- paroxysmal, tiring cough - first a dry cough, then a wet cough, combined with expectoration of secretions (transparent in viral inflammation, yellow or greenish when joined by bacteria),
- fever.
Treatment : With a viral infection, it is enough to lie in bed, drink plenty of water and lower the fever if it exceeds 38 ° C. It's a good idea to keep your bedroom moist - dry air exacerbates the course of the disease and can lead to pneumonia. As long as the cough is dry, the syrup that suppresses the cough reflex helps, then it needs to be replaced by an expectorant. When bacteria have become entangled (increased fever, expectoration of purulent discharge, shortness of breath), you need to take an antibiotic.
Complications after the flu: pneumonia
Symptoms :
- highfever
- chills
- headache
- muscle pain
- dry cough aggravation
- heaviness in the chest, sometimes chest pain that worsens when breathing or coughing
- stomach ache
- vomiting
- shortness of breath
- shallow breathing
- "playing in the lungs", rattling
- heart rate acceleration
The disease is life-threatening, especially for children, the elderly, people with reduced immunity. Complications of influenza in the lungs are usually influenza pneumonia, secondary pneumonia and diffuse pulmonary fibrosis.
Treatment : Pneumonia caused by influenza viruses, usually type A and B, is treated symptomatically (cough syrup, antipyretics). However, since viruses can pave the way for bacteria, mainly dangerous pneumococci, antibiotics are sometimes used to protect against a viral infection. Cups help if you put them in the initial stage of the disease (by mobilizing the immune system, you can inhibit the development of infection and speed up recovery). You need to drink a lot to avoid dehydration. The developing inflammation disrupts the gas exchange processes and can lead to very dangerous hypoxia in the body. To improve lung ventilation and heart function, and to prevent a build-up of inflammatory fluid in the lungs, doctors recommend blowing through a tube into a cup of water. If the disease is severe, hospital treatment is needed. The treatment lasts up to several days, but the weakening may last several weeks.
Complications after the flu: inflammation of the heart muscle
Symptoms :
- weakness
- low fever
- shallow breathing, shortness of breath
- rapid heart rate, palpitations and disturbance of the heart rhythm, sometimes associated with fainting, fainting, even loss of consciousness
- sharp, piercing pains located deep in the chest, typical of coronary pains.
Sometimes post-influenza myocarditis is asymptomatic, and only the long-term effects of the disease are recognized. Most often, the infection covers the entire heart muscle along with the pericardium, i.e. the surrounding membranes (post-influenza pericarditis). It often develops electrifyingly, even leading to death. Due to this complication, not only seniors die, but also young people between the ages of 20 and 40!
Treatment : Post-influenza cardiac complications require treatment in a hospital. They are adapted to the advancement of the disease and general he alth. The patient should rest and avoid stress. In more severe cases, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are administered,steroids and immunosuppressants. If a bacterial infection has joined - an antibiotic. Preparations with potassium and magnesium, drugs recommended in the treatment of arrhythmias, help with cardiac arrhythmias. In case of heart failure - medications that expand blood vessels and improve the work of the heart. Some patients require cardiovascular support with the use of special equipment, sometimes a heart transplant is a rescue.
Complications after the flu: meningitis and other neurological complications
Symptoms : Various types of inflammation of the peripheral nerves, spinal cord, meninges, and brain are rare. A high fever, severe headache, nausea and a stiff neck (you cannot raise your head while lying on your back) may indicate that the flu virus has entered the brain. Disease is confirmed by examining the cerebrospinal fluid.
Treatment : Serious neurological complications require hospital treatment.
ImportantHow do I prevent complications from the flu?
Flu is not a cold! It belongs to those diseases that cannot be treated on their own, but call a doctor as soon as possible. It is better not to leave the house, because having a cold flu increases the risk of complications. So if the doctor gives you time off and tells you to lie in bed, you have to go to bed. The body needs rest and time to fight the disease. Hide in bed and sweat properly - by increasing body temperature, you inhibit the multiplication of viruses. Home remedies will also help: fruit teas, milk with butter and honey, hot chicken broth - they warm up and mobilize the immune system, prevent dehydration and soothe ailments.
Each of us, and especially if we are at high risk, should get vaccinated! The vaccine greatly reduces the risk of catching the flu, and if you get sick, it soothes the symptoms and protects you from complications.
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