Inflammation of the sinuses, bronchi or throat are the most common complications of a cold. Usually a cold is short-lived, but if you still have a temperature after 3 days, the infection has turned into a more serious illness. The most common complications of a cold include inflammation of the sinuses, middle ear, bronchitis, pharynx and laryngitis.
Complications after a cold- sinusitis, otitis media, bronchitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis - are quite common. Why are there complications after a cold?
Each infection weakens the body, so it is less effective in defending itself against attack by other microorganisms. And they are just around the corner, because the respiratory tract is constantly inhabited by bacteria (including pneumococci, hemophilic bacilli). So if thickening mucus remains in the nose or throat, it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. They begin to multiply quickly. And since the upper respiratory tract is connected to various organs, another infection may develop in them - most often bacterial.
Sinusitis - a runny nose that does not go away
Cold viruses, causingsinusitisand nasal mucosa inflammation, cause swelling and increased mucus secretion. Along with it, viruses are removed, and after 3-4 days the runny nose begins to resolve on its own. Sometimes, however, the swelling is so severe that it closes the sinus opening. A negative pressure is created in them, which favors the penetration of microorganisms, and the secretion accumulating in the sinuses is a real paradise for them. There is pain in the area of the forehead and nose, which is especially irritating in the morning and increases when the head is tilted, the nose is blocked, the temperature rises. If it was the viruses that caused the next infection, it will start to wear off by itself after 2-3 days and you will feel better. But if you're less fortunate, the bacteria have settled in your sinuses and only an antibiotic can destroy them. Treatment takes 10-14 days, but if the infection becomes chronic, treatment will be longer. In addition to the antibiotic, the doctor recommends measures to liquefy the secretion in the sinuses and facilitate its removal. These include decongestants and mucolytics (e.g. in the form of nasal drops or oral pseudoephedrine preparations) and anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. ibuprofen) to aid treatment, relieve pain and fever. If such treatment does not bring the expected results, it may be necessary to perform a puncture,to remove secretions from the sinuses and give medication directly to them. This helps prevent the infection from spreading further.
- Home treatments
They are an important element of therapy because they facilitate and accelerate the cleaning of the sinuses. Inhalations give great results. Pour into a bowl of hot water, add a handful of s alt or a few drops of menthol or chamomile oil, cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam. After a few minutes, try blowing your nose gently. Repeat the inhalation 3-4 times a day. Warm compresses are also very helpful. Fill a small bag with s alt and heat it in the oven (it must not be too hot so as not to burn the skin). Place it on the forehead or cheeks - warm the sick sinus, then carefully clean the nose.
Bronchitis - coughing won't let you sleep
A symptom suggesting that the infection has reached the bronchi is a cough - initially dry and tiring, then wet, combined with expectoration. Usually there is also a fever. Dyspnoea caused by bronchial constriction as a result of mucosal edema may also be troublesome. As long as only viruses are responsible for the disease, its course is quite mild, and recovery takes about 10 days (but the cough associated with excessive bronchial sensitivity lasts up to several weeks). All you need to do is rest, eat well, drink a lot and lower your fever if necessary. It is good to take the syrup - as long as the cough is dry and makes it difficult to rest, it should be a syrup that inhibits the cough reflex; then it needs to be changed to an expectorant syrup, which helps to cleanse the bronchi of the secretions remaining in them. Sometimes, however, a weakened body cannot cope with the infection and the so-called bacterial superinfection, a symptom of which is a very high fever, a cough with purulent (yellow or greenish) discharge and general weakness. In such a situation, it becomes necessary to administer an antibiotic.
- Home treatments
Milk with honey, garlic, tea with raspberries or lemon - they are worth remembering when treating a bronchial infection. You can also ask someone to put bubbles - this procedure stimulates the immune system to fight the disease. However, remember to warm yourself in bed for at least one day. Patting your back (from the bottom to the nape of your neck, with your hand folded in a boat) will also help you - it is best to take an expectorant syrup 15 minutes earlier, then patting will help remove bronchial secretions.
ProblemWhere did this cough come from? It is not just infection that causes chronic bronchitis. Increasingly, it is allergy and asthma, obstructive pulmonary disease and volatile mucositistoxins such as car exhaust fumes, industrial fumes and gases.
Pharyngitis - it could be angina
One of the symptoms of a cold is always pharyngitis, and it does not require special treatment. However, viruses can pave the way for bacteria (persistent in the throat) that cause an acute infection of the pharyngeal mucosa and tonsils - angina begins. The temperature suddenly rises (even up to 40 ° C), the sore throat is severe and radiates to the ears. A headache, chills, and often nausea. The lymph nodes in the neck and under the mandible are clearly enlarged and painful under pressure. Contrary to appearances, angina is a disease that is not limited to the throat, but covers the entire system and may have serious consequences (rheumatic fever, heart and kidney problems). So you need to give an antibiotic quickly. In addition, your doctor will also usually recommend anti-inflammatory and pain relieving medications to lower your fever. It is necessary to spend several days in bed so that the physical exertion does not strain the heart.
- Home treatments
When you have a fever, you sweat and lose a lot of water, so try to drink a lot. These should be warm drinks (e.g. tea with lemon, raspberries, honey) so as not to irritate the throat. Rinse your throat at least 2-3 times a day, e.g. with chamomile or sage.
Important- The sinuses make the skull structure light, resistant to injuries and protect the brain well. In addition, they produce a sonic resonance that modifies and amplifies vocal sounds, similarly resonating the interior of a violin to the strings.
- Cap on the head! Sinusitis is caused by a defect in the structure of the nose, such as a distortion of the nasal septum. Allergy sufferers are also at greater risk with hay fever. That is why people particularly at risk of sinusitis should carefully treat colds, ensure that the air in the apartment is moistened, and wear a hat when going out on a cold and windy day.
Laryngitis - it's best to keep quiet
A dry cough, hoarseness and a scratchy throat indicate that the viruses have spread through the larynx; and the increased amount of secretion that is difficult to cough up indicates that it has probably come even further down into the trachea. Treatment of the infection takes about a week and during this time it is important to save your voice - you can only speak in a whisper. You must not smoke or use any sharp spices that could irritate the larynx. You have to make sure that the air in the apartment is moist - ventilate, put wet towels on the radiators. As far as medications are concerned, anti-inflammatory (over-the-counter), cough suppressant (night) and thinning syrup are enoughdischarge (during the day). An antibiotic will be needed if the infection becomes a bacterial one.
- Home treatments
To relieve laryngeal pain, smear camphor on your neck and wrap it in a warm scarf, do inhalations, e.g. with chamomile or sage infusion. However, do not rinse your throat, as it is ineffective with this infection.
Children get sick differently. Laryngitis in children has a much more serious course, which results from its specific structure in children. The loose connective tissue of a young child's larynx is very prone to swelling and spasms, so the infection manifests itself as sudden shortness of breath and requires urgent medical attention.
Otitis - a problem mainly for children
If the microorganisms from the nose and throat reach the middle ear through the Eustachian tube, they will find excellent conditions for development there. Within a dozen or so hours, they can cause inflammation - exudative and later purulent discharge accumulates in the ear and the Eustachian tube becomes swollen, which prevents pus from escaping from the ear. The result is severe pain, fever, and hearing impairment. When a lot of secretions build up, the eardrum may rupture spontaneously and pus may leak out of the ear. This brings immediate relief, but carries the risk of reinfection, so contact the ENT specialist. If neglected, an infection can cause permanent hearing loss or impairment, inflammation of the facial nerve, mastoiditis, and even spread to the meninges. Otitis media is treated with an antibiotic. After 2-3 days the symptoms disappear, but the treatment must be completed, usually around 10 days. If there is no improvement or there is fluid in the ear, paracentesis may be necessary, which is an incision in the eardrum to allow fluid to escape from the ear. While otitis can happen at any age, it is most common in young children. The most susceptible are toddlers with tonsil hypertrophy and with various allergies. Surviving the disease leaves a tendency to relapse - afterwards, you must always protect your ears against wind and water.
- Home treatments
Warm but dry ear compresses (e.g. a towel warmed on a radiator) bring significant relief and may help remove purulent discharge. However, you must not put anything in the ear (e.g. a cotton swab with camphor).
Doctor Piotr Gryglas explains what it is possible to ignore a cold
Source:ń Dobry TVN
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