Frequent mood changes are most often observed in women. Usually the so-called the mood swing is associated with premenstrual syndrome, which is the result of a hormonal imbalance at the end of the cycle. Mood swings are also a natural symptom in adolescence and menopause. However, sometimes the alternating feeling of extreme emotions can be a sign of diseases that require the intervention of a psychologist or even a psychiatrist. Find out what are the causes of mood swings and a symptom of which disease can be a frequent change of mood.

Frequent change of moodis most often observed in women. Puberty, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause are moments in a woman's life when extreme emotions seem inevitable. All because of the "hormone storm". However, sometimes the so-calledmood swingcan represent a mental illness that affects both a woman and a man.

Frequent change of mood - causes. Brain changes

  • chemical imbalance in the brain

When the production of "happiness" hormones such as serotonin and dopamine is disrupted, a mood swing occurs. You can then alternate between experiencing feelings such as depression, anxiety, happiness, stress, and fear. To make sure your hormone levels are normal, see an endocrinologist.

  • dementia

Dementia, or senile dementia, is a progressive brain disease characterized by a decline in all higher cognitive functions. It manifests itself, inter alia, reduced ability to think and rapid changes in mood, with low levels of emotions that influence the behavior of sick people. The amount of feelings expressed also diminishes. People suffering from senile dementia should take appropriate medication and be supported by the environment ( although this can be difficult due to the nature of the disease).

  • brain tumor

A brain tumor (usually in the frontal lobe) is a rare cause of a change in mood. In such cases, an attempt is made to excise the tumor.

  • head injuries

Head injuries can cause personality problems, disturbance in attention, decreased concentration, and contribute to mood swings.

Frequent change of mood - hormonal causes

  • adolescence

Adolescents experience emotional and psychological changes that disrupt the normal way of life. It is worth knowing that boys have a harder time of puberty because the amount of testosterone they produce can increase up to eighteen times in a few months, which results in hormonal shock. In adolescent girls, the level of estrogens - the hormones that determine the development of second and third order female sexual characteristics - only quadruples over a period of several years. However, just like boys, they become more nervous, oversensitive and their mood is very changeable.

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  • premenstrual syndrome

Strong emotions usually influence women's behavior towards the end of the cycle. This is called premenstrual syndrome, which is the result of a hormonal imbalance. Mood changes are accompanied by poor physical condition, therefore apathy and irritability appear. These types of PMS symptoms cannot be eliminated, you can only try to control your emotions.

  • pregnancy

Pregnancy causes hormonal fluctuations in the female body ( alternating increasing and decreasing estrogen levels). In addition, some pregnant women may have decreased physical self-esteem due to changes in the body and the inability to perform some of the pre-pregnancy duties. In such a situation, a "mood swing" is something completely normal, and the lack of this type of reaction can be a disturbing symptom.

  • menopause

Women also experience mood swings during the menopause. It is caused by hormonal changes - estrogen levels drop during the menopause. It is a hormone that influences the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating mood. Therefore, women in the period of menopause may experience alternating sadness and depression, joy or euphoric states.

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Frequent mood swings - medications and stress

  • side effects of taking medication

Certain medications can cause temporary mood swings (e.g. hormone replacement therapy, hyperactivity medications, certain epilepsy medications). If this happens, see your doctor to change your medication.

  • stress

In people who are constantly experiencing stress, they can occurmood swings along with the feeling that no one understands them. Sometimes stress can lead to mental problems and extreme behavior.

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Frequent mood changes and mental illness

Some mental disorders can also cause mood swings. In this case, the help of a psychiatrist is necessary.

  • ADHD

In patients suffering from ADHD, hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and rapid changes in mood are observed. This is because hyperactive people first act as they feel and only then think about the consequences of their actions. As a result, they cannot control their changing emotions, which influence their behavior, and limit their reactions so that they are not bothersome for them and the immediate environment.

  • depression

The term depression is commonly used to describe a temporary deterioration in mood, chandra and the so-called pits. In fact, depression is a disease that causes pathological changes in mood. There are several types of depression. The mildest form of the disease is dysthymia, i.e. chronic neurotic depression, a depressive personality disorder.

  • cyclophrenia, or bipolar disorder (bipolar disorder)

The most serious type of depression is bipolar (or manic) depression, or cyclophrenia. In patients with cyclophrenia, pathological changes in mood and even a tendency to dangerous behavior are observed. Patients usually are not able to adjust their mood to the situation (e.g. they react sadly to joyful events).

  • borderline personality(BPS)

Behavior of people suffering from BPS is influenced by very strong, extreme emotions, e.g. the feeling of love alternates with hatred. For this reason, they have difficulty establishing close relationships.

  • Periodic Explosive Disorder(IED)

People with IEDs for no objective cause literally burst into anger that they cannot control, and then their mental state returns to normal. People with IEDs are a great threat because they can hurt another person in a strong fit of emotions.

  • alcoholism

Alcohol affects the central nervous system, causing changes in mood, thinking and behavior. Initially and for a short period of time, it causes relaxation, a state of euphoria and excitement (this is due to the inhibition of control mechanisms), and in the secondphase of its operation, cause a feeling of weariness, slowness and drowsiness.

About the authorMonika Majewska A journalist specializing in he alth issues, especially in the areas of medicine, he alth protection and he althy eating. Author of news, guides, interviews with experts and reports. Participant of the largest Polish National Medical Conference "Polish woman in Europe", organized by the "Journalists for He alth" Association, as well as specialist workshops and seminars for journalists organized by the Association.

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