Herbs will help strengthen the body before the season of autumn and winter infections or after an illness. It is worth using them especially if your diet is poor in vitamins, you do not have time or desire to exercise, you are stressed and you often spend nights. Which herbs for strengthening are the most valuable and how to use them to bring the expected effect?
Strengthening herbs, as the name suggests, support the body's defenses, helping it prevent infection - or fight it faster if it happens despite prophylaxis.
They do not work miracles, which means they will not protect us from every fall / winter infection, especially if we do not care too much about immunity on a daily basis, remembering it only when we become an easy target for viruses and bacteria.
But when used regularly, they can significantly strengthen us, especially if we choose those whose effects have been confirmed by modern medicine.
It is worth remembering that each of these plants has slightly different properties and acts on the body in a different way. However, each one will strengthen it and help reduce the risk of fall / winter infection. Meet the most effective herbs for strengthening the body.
Echinacea purpurea
The polysaccharides, flavonoids, polyphenolic acids, alkylamides and polyacetylates contained in the herb and echinacea root have a strong immunostimulatory effect. It has been proven that they stimulate the activity of lymphocytes and increase the body's natural immunity, thus reducing the susceptibility to viral and bacterial infections.
Echinacea infusion and preparations made from it protect against typical autumn infections, such as colds, flu, pharyngitis or bronchitis, as well as against fungal infections of the mouth, because this herb also has antifungal properties. A decoction of this herb will also help with fatigue and weakness during convalescence.
To prepare it, just pour a tablespoon of crushed echinacea roots with a glass of water, boil it and keep it on low heat for 10-15 minutes, then leave it for a quarter of an hour and strain - drink this decoction for half a glass three times a day.
Homemade Echinacea tincture, on the other hand, is a great way to shorten the infection time. 10 grams of dried andground roots or herbs pour 1/2 liter of pure vodka, close the vessel tightly. Set aside in a warm place and shake daily. After two weeks, decant the tincture and squeeze the sediment through thick gauze. Take 2 ml of the tincture every 2-3 hours to shorten the time of infection.
It is worth remembering that the treatment of Echinacea, especially with the help of ready-made preparations, should be carried out for a maximum of 10 days - its long-term use may reduce immunity.

Wild Rose
Its ripe fruit is a very valuable source of vitamin C, necessary for the proper course of phagocytosis (i.e. neutralization of pathogenic microorganisms by white blood cells).
Its effectiveness increases in combination with bioflavonoids - and they are also found in large amounts in this plant. There are also significant amounts of other ingredients in rosehips, including B vitamins, vitamin E, carotenoids, mineral s alts and organic acids to improve condition and support immunity.
Rosehip infusion should be taken prophylactically and during convalescence. Pour a tablespoon of crushed fruit with a glass of boiling water and leave it covered for a quarter of an hour, then strain. Drink a glass of warm infusion 2-3 times a day.

Ginseng root
Hides a very valuable substance: up to 12 percent damarane-derived triterpene saponins referred to as ginsenosides. They make ginseng a versatile medicinal use and a very positive effect on our immune system.
These substances stimulate immune cells (lymphocytes, macrophages), triggering their immediate response to pathogenic microorganisms entering the body. Ginseng also contains numerous vitamins, minerals, amino acids, polysaccharides, peptides, flavonoids and essential oil.
It has a very strong effect and therefore it is safest to use ready-made preparations with a standardized amount of root extract. Before that, it is worth consulting a doctor, as some diseases (e.g. hypertension or heart problems) preclude taking it on your own.

Black without
Elderberry flowers and fruits are used for medicinal purposes, with the highest concentration of biologically active compounds. Flowers contain a lot of flavonoids, organic acids, tannins, triterpenes, and fruits additionally contain vitamins, especially vitamin C and provitamin A.
Black without a prophylactic effect, but also perfectly strengthens the body during an infection,accelerating recovery. Elderberry flower decoction and fruit juice have a strong diaphoretic effect, help fight fever, and have expectorant properties, so it is worth using them, for example, during bronchitis and other throat diseases.
They also strengthen the mucous membranes of the throat and respiratory tract, which reduces the spread of microorganisms. They also have antiviral properties. To prepare a strengthening decoction of elderberry flowers, pour a tablespoon of dried flowers with a glass of cold water, bring to a boil and simmer for five minutes, then set aside for a quarter of an hour, strain and drink 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day.

Rowan fruit
They have versatile properties - including strengthening the body. They can be used against bacterial infections, as well as preventively against colds and flu, they are also recommended during convalescence.
In rowan fruits there are organic acids and carotenoids, as well as tannins, carbohydrates (including sorbitol), a lot of vitamin C and provitamin A. Fruit decoction can be prepared at home - just pour a spoon of crushed fruit with a glass of lukewarm water, Bring to the boil and heat for 5 minutes, covered, then set aside for a quarter of an hour and strain. You can drink half a cup 2-3 times a day.

This decorative shrub, which in Poland grows only in pots, has been used in natural medicine for centuries in countries around the Mediterranean Sea. Cistus contains a lot of polyphenols and flavonoids that strengthen the body and support the functioning of the immune system.
In case of infection, drinking tea from the purge can perfectly complement the treatment recommended by the doctor, improve your well-being and accelerate your recovery. You can buy it ready-made in a herbal store or prepare it from the leaves of a plant grown on your own windowsill. A tablespoon of fresh (crushed) or dried leaves should be brewed like regular tea, set aside, covered for 8-10 minutes, then strained and drunk two or three times a day.