Concussion (commonly known as concussion) is a common consequence of head trauma. It can happen after falls or collisions. Find out about the symptoms, treatment, and possible aftermath of a concussion.
Concussion(colloquial nameconcussion ) is a short-term disturbance of brain function without significant changes in its structure resulting from trauma head. There is no damage to the nervous system during concussion. All symptoms disappear on their own and leave no trace.
A concussion is characterized by a short-term loss of consciousness and memory impairment regarding the pre-injury situation, the injury itself, or what happened immediately after the injury.
Concussion - Symptoms
Symptoms of a concussion: a concussion may be suspected if someone loses consciousness for a short time (from 15 minutes to an hour) as a result of the injury. It can also be testified by:
- headache,
- forgetfulness of events that occurred just before the injury and / or events that occurred immediately after the injury,
- short-term disorders of the heart and breathing,
- staring at one point,
- absent facial expression,
- imbalance,
- confusion,
- irritation,
- slurred and illogical speech,
- delayed reactions, both motor and verbal - the person moves and responds late,
- sometimes nausea and vomiting.
What to do if you suspect a concussion?
First of all, we check the vital parameters of the person who suffered a head injury: we check the pulse, check whether he is breathing and whether he is conscious. If the circulation and respiratory functions are preserved and the injured is unconscious, place him in a safe position:
- With a person lying on their back, bend the arm closer to us at right angles and place it palm up.
- Bend the injured person's farther leg and grab the knee, and catch the farther hand interlacing their fingers through the fingers of the person we are helping.
- Then, with a gentle, smooth movement, pull the arm and leg, moving the injured to the side.
- Place your hand next to the cheek of the injured person, rest the knee of the bent leg on the ground. Twist the head gently onside.
After putting the injured in this position, we call an ambulance. If the casu alty recovers quickly, calm him down, tell him what happened, and make sure that help is coming. It must not be allowed to move until medical attention arrives. If he has a bleeding wound on his head, cover it, preferably with a sterile dressing. We stay with the injured person until professional help arrives.
Concussion - treatment
A person suspected of having a concussion should remain under medical care for several days. She needs a head X-ray, a CT scan of the head, or an MRI to check for brain damage. Even in the absence of damage, the injured person should be observed, because complications, e.g. brain hematoma, are possible as a result of trauma and concussion. The patient should rest in a calm environment, not straining his eyesight.
ImportantConcussion skiing
Concussion is often the result of a skiing accident. It happens most often to children up to 18 years of age and people over 50 who practice this sport. The youngest are exposed to concussions, usually due to a lack of imagination, bravado and insufficient skills. Elderly people often do not adapt their skiing style to the decline in fitness, reaction speed and orientation every year. However, with the growing crowd on the slopes and the presence of risky skiers, all skiers and snowboarders should think about wearing a protective helmet while riding. This will help protect you from concussion and other more serious skull injuries.
Complications after concussion
The symptoms of a concussion disappear on their own. But headaches, dizziness, and impaired concentration can continue to bother you for months after the injury. A very rare but possible complication of concussion, occurring approximately 4 weeks after the injury, may be a hemorrhage in the subarachnoid space. It manifests itself with a very strong headache, paralysis may also occur. In such a situation, you should immediately see a doctor.