Whistling sound (wheezing) is the sound made by air flowing through narrowed airways. It may be heard as you inhale or as you exhale the air. It occurs in both children and adults, as well as the elderly. Wheezing at night, after exercise, or even at rest, can be a symptom of all sorts of he alth conditions. It happens that it also occurs with a cold. What are the causes of wheezing and what to do if it occurs?
The wheezing (wheezing)can also be mixed, meaning it will be heard both when you breathe in and when you breathe out. Whistling breaths can vary in severity, ranging from hearing auscultation to a loud whistling sound that anyone can hear.
Baby wheezing
Whistling is a symptom that occurs most often in young children. The younger the child, the greater the predisposition to narrowing the lumen of the bronchi due to its anatomical structure.
The airways of a small child are short and narrow, the skeleton of the larynx, trachea and bronchi is thinner, more flaccid and collapses easily, and the rich blood supply and a large number of mucous glands favor the production of a large amount of secretions. In addition, the child cannot cough effectively.
Immaturity of the immune system favors narrowing of the airways and the formation of wheezing.
Whistling - types
- Inspiratory wheezeoccurs when the upper airways are narrowed at the level of the pharynx, larynx or upper trachea.
- Wheezingoccurs when the lower parts of the airways are narrowed, such as the lower part of the trachea, bronchi and bronchioles.
Whistling - causes
Whistling is not a symptom of a single disease. It can accompany many diseases - from common respiratory infections to chronic diseases such as asthma.
Infections are by far the most common cause of wheezing in children. Most respiratory infections that lead to wheezing are caused by viruses. The most common is viral laryngitis, inflammationtonsillitis, bronchitis or bronchiolitis. Bacterial infections that lead to wheezing are much less common.
This may be the cause of wheezing:
- Asthma- recurrent wheezing can vary in severity. In some patients, they are heard more clearly with physical exertion or a change in ambient temperature.
- Foreign body in the respiratory tract- happens in children when a small toy or food enters the respiratory tract. Adults are more likely to choke on food. In such cases wheezing occurs suddenly. It is worth remembering that it can be life-threatening.
- Developmental defects- wheezing is usually caused by congenital laxity of the larynx, trachea or bronchi, cleft palate, fistula between the esophagus and the trachea, external pressure (e.g. by an abnormal vessel, heart defects). In these cases, wheezing is present from birth and is of a constant intensity.
- Allergic reactions- can occur after medications, food, bee or wasp stings. Wheezing occurs quickly because the airways become significantly constricted in a short time. This situation can be life threatening.
- Tumors in the respiratory tract- can be benign or malignant. The wheezing increases as the tumor grows.
- Immunodeficiency- This is also a common cause of wheezing, as an immunocompromised person is more susceptible to any type of infection.
Chronic diseases - wheezing can be associated with serious diseases, such as:
- cystic fibrosis
- bronchiectasis
- primary ciliary dyskinesia (fixed ciliary syndrome)
- gastroesophageal reflux
- swallowing disorders
- interstitial lung diseases
- respiratory tract burns
- neuromuscular disorders
- disturbed functions of the vocal cords
In these diseases, wheezing is not the main symptom, but accompanies other, sometimes severe, symptoms of the underlying disease.
Whistling - what to do?
If the cause of your child's sudden onset of wheezing is unknown, see a doctor.
When wheezing is accompanied by shortness of breath or wheezing occurs after foreign body aspiration, insect bites or food ingestion, medical intervention is necessary. You should call an ambulance immediately.
If wheezing accompanies a doctor-confirmed infection and no other disturbing symptoms arisesymptoms (mainly dyspnoea), treatment can be carried out at home.
A person who has wheezing from an infection should stay in a well-moistened room, drink plenty of water, and take medications prescribed by a doctor.
When wheezing worsens in a chronically ill person, consultation with a doctor is necessary. Perhaps you will need to change the treatment used so far.
In emergencies, the most important thing is to open the airways. In the event of an exacerbation of asthma, bronchodilators are given promptly. When the cause of the wheezing is an allergic reaction, the person suffers from adrenaline.
When a foreign body aspires to the airway, an urgent bronchoscopy is performed to remove the object from the airway.
If wheezing does not require urgent medical attention, an investigation should be performed to determine the cause of the wheezing.
The doctor usually collects the interview in detail, auscultates the patient, and then orders appropriate tests. He may recommend a blood test - complete blood count, gasometry, biochemical tests. An important element in making a diagnosis are imaging tests, including chest X-ray, computed tomography, and above all, spirometry, which assesses respiratory efficiency.
Read also:
- Breathing disorders may be a symptom of an illness. Causes of respiratory disorders
- Steroid-resistant asthma - causes and treatment
- Cardiac asthma - causes, symptoms, treatment
- Asthmatic state - symptoms, treatment, first aid

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